Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to process potatoes from Colorado potato beetle and wireworm before planting

Processing potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworms before planting is one of the most effective measures that allows you to get a high harvest without much effort. For spraying planting material, insecticidal agents of systemic effects are used. The same preparations It is allowed to apply for spraying the green part of plants during the growing season, but the first method is much safer for human health and the environment.

Action of drugs

How to process potatoes before planting from Colorado beetles, many gardeners, summer residents, and farmers are wondering. The market for insecticidal products is simply crowded with various means, but before choosing the best one, you need to understand a little about the action of the poison.

The processing of potato seeds from Colorado potato beetles is carried out with preparations based on a modern insecticide with a wide spectrum of action - imidacloprid. The substance belongs to the third class of danger; when used correctly, it does not harm a person or environment. Imidacloprid acts on crawling, flying insects, is harmless to earthworms. Deadly for bees, amphibians, fish.

On a note!

An advantage over ground spraying is less hazard to beneficial or harmless insects. A bee calmly pollinates flowers during active flowering, does not run the risk of dying, thereby ensuring a good yield at the end of summer.

The potato preparation before planting is finally absorbed by the vegetable in 2 hours. During the growing season, it is found in the green parts of the potato, in the upper layer of soil, where planting material was planted. Protective properties are preserved during seed treatment before planting for 50 days, while with ground spraying it lasts about 30 days.

Additionally, the composition of insecticidal concentrates from Colorado potato beetles includes components that accelerate germination, contribute to the formation of tubers. Protect the culture from diseases, fungi, aphids, and other pests. Significantly increase the immunity of the plant, which leads to increased yields.

Rules for the use of chemicals

Processing potatoes before planting
Processing potatoes before planting

There are standard rules that must be followed in order to get the desired result:

  1. Processing potato tubers from Colorado potato beetles not less than 2 hours before placement in the hole. During transportation, the treated seed is covered with a film. You need to work with the drug in rubber gloves, a respirator.
  2. Any concentrate before use requires dilution with cold water. The specified amount of concentrate is poured into 1 liter of water, thoroughly stirred for 10 minutes until completely dissolved. Add 4-9 liters of water, depending on the instructions. The finished solution is poured into a household spray bottle and a spray bottle.
  3. It is recommended to dilute the concentrate from Colorado potato beetles immediately before spraying. In this case, the properties of the toxic drug are preserved to the maximum.However, manufacturers allow the use of the finished solution for 3 days, provided that they are stored in a dark place.
  4. Planting material is scattered on the film in a small layer. Spray evenly on all sides. Or dipped in a container with poison for several seconds in turn. Put in the hole after complete drying.


The drug for the treatment of potato tubers from Colorado potato beetles is valid for 50 days, then eliminated. Potato spraying before planting is suitable if it is planned to harvest in late August. You can’t eat young potatoes in June-July due to the presence of toxic components in the tubers.

Effective remedies

Preparations for the processing of potato seeds from the Colorado potato beetle
Preparations for the processing of potato seeds from the Colorado potato beetle

Potato seed processing is not a new procedure with proven effectiveness. There are many products on the insecticidal market that guarantee reliable protection against Colorado potato beetleother pests. When choosing the right one, you should pay attention to the following brands.


The active component is imidacloprid. Additionally, the preparation includes penciruron, which enhances germination, and also affects the cells of fungi and bacteria, preventing diseases. To prepare the solution, dilute the concentrate in cold water in a ratio of 1:10. Tubers are sprayed evenly. 10 liters is enough to process 10 kg of potatoes. Pack the concentrate in bottles of different capacities. Price 1 L Prestige from Colorado beetles 1,700 rubles.


When this remedy appeared on sale, many treated it with distrust and caution. However, over time, the situation has changed, now it is quietly used to process potatoes from Colorado potato beetles. We have been doing this for 5 years. I can’t say that there are no Colorado beetles at all, but not so much as to reduce productivity. During the growing season, we do not injure anything, periodically remove it with our hands.

Elena, Moscow


A modern remedy for the Colorado potato beetle based on imidacloprid. It is produced in the form of a concentrated emulsion. Suitable for processing potato seeds, plants during the growing season. It is economically consumed, retains properties for about 50 days. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 1 ml of the concentrate in 1 liter of water, add another 4-9 liters of water after thorough mixing. The finished product is poured into a household spray. Potatoes should be planted in half an hour, not later than 2 hours. Packed in containers from 1 ml to 10 liters. The cost of an ampoule with 1 ml of concentrate is 15 rubles. A bottle with 10 ml is sold for 95 rubles.


Last year, they decided to process potatoes before planting. Bought an inexpensive tool Commander. Worked in gloves, a respirator, as expected. No side effects. Planted for two hours after spraying. In June, there were no Colorado beetles; the potato successfully blossomed. At the end of July, she noticed pests, but their number was insignificant. My conclusion is that it is safer to process seeds than a plant during the growth period.

Svetlana, Tver


Confidor for processing potato seeds from the Colorado potato beetle
Confidor for processing potato seeds from the Colorado potato beetle

Processing potato tubers is carried out by spraying. The tool acts on the basis of imidacloprid. Reviews about the effectiveness are mostly positive. Additionally protects the culture from diseases, invasions of aphids, moths, sabotage of the bear. Confidor is economically consumed, retains properties up to 50 days. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 ml of the concentrate in 10 l of water, a higher concentration is allowed with a dilution of 5 l of liquid. You can buy the drug in a specialized store, in the department of the supermarket, order online. Confidor is released by the famous Bayer company. For 0.5 liters of the original insecticide, you will have to pay 6300 rubles. A bag with 1 g of the product costs 27 rubles.


We process potatoes before planting, and not after germination, for 3 years. Always use Confidor. The garden is clean.Harvest is wonderful. There are no moths, no bugs, no aphids, no larvae. Colorado beetles will appear from neighboring gardens, so bullying can not be avoided, but it is better to do this before planting than during the growing season. Growing any kind of potato in this case is much more convenient. We are harvesting at the end of August. We plant potatoes for consumption in June separately, there we fight with pests phytopreparations.

Natalia, Voronezh

Which drug to choose for potato pest control - an individual decision. But it always requires remembering the rules of processing, the safety of one's environment.

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