Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Colorado Remedy for Colorado potato beetle

Colorado from Colorado potato beetle is a modern systemic insecticide with a wide spectrum of action. In a few hours it kills adults, larvae of different ages. The residual effect with external spraying lasts 28 days. Requires strict observance of the instructions. It is not allowed to process crops without personal protective equipment. The tool is released by the famous German company Bayer.

Description of the drug

Remedy for Colorado potato beetle It is produced in the form of a concentrate, from which a solution is prepared before use. There is a specific smell. Colorado in ampoules goes on sale, each contains 1-2 ml. This dose is enough to prepare 10 liters of concentrated solution from the Colorado potato beetle.

Insecticidal substance belongs to the second class of danger. When used correctly, it does not harm a person.


One of the main conditions for proper use is the availability of personal protective equipment. When Colorado gets on the skin, an allergic reaction develops, penetration into the respiratory tract, the mouth threatens poisoning of varying degrees of intensity. The first signs are dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heart palpitations.


The active ingredient is a broad-spectrum insecticide - imidacloprid. It is used to control many garden, garden, and domestic pests. From Colorado potato beetle potatoes are treated by spraying. The toxic substance accumulates in the green part of the culture, residual decomposition is carried out in 28 days.

Using Colorado From Colorado Beetle
Using Colorado From Colorado Beetle

Venom enters the body of the insect by the contact-intestinal route. Larvae instantly die when poison enters the chitinous cover.

On a note!

Imidacloprid does not act on eggs, but kills larvae immediately after birth.

Colorado disrupts the nervous system. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, paralyzes, causes death. The rate of death depends on the concentration of the toxic substance, the maximum effect is observed during the first 5 hours after spraying the potatoes. You can notice the result in half an hour.

Terms of use

Colorado from the Colorado potato beetle - instructions for use, provides for the independent preparation of a solution. To destroy the Colorado potato beetle, it is necessary to dissolve 2 ml of the product in 500 ml of cool water. Stir well. Add 9.5 L of water. The finished product must be poured into a household spray bottle or a spray bottle.

On a note!

Colorado poison is used from many garden pests. To destroy moths, cabbage butterflies, aphids, a less concentrated solution is required. 10 g of water consumes 1 g of the product.

Processing Features:

  1. Spraying should be carried out in dry, calm weather. Heavy rain will be washed off by poison if it begins within 2 hours after spraying. It is advisable to review the weather forecast before the procedure.
  2. Experts recommend spraying potatoes early in the morning or in the evening. Otherwise, water droplets on the leaves of the culture under the influence of the sun lead to burns, destruction of the leaf plate.
  3. It is necessary to direct the spray gun in the direction of the wind so that drops of poison do not fall on a person.
  4. Experts advise spraying before flowering, only 1 time per season. In a difficult situation, re-spraying is allowed, but no later than 20 days before the start of the harvest.
  5. The plant should be processed carefully, on large bushes you need to spray from the back of the leaf, because it is where the eggs are.

It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use, in which case a high rate of toxic substances remains. It is allowed to use the finished solution for 3 days, if the product was stored away from sunlight.

Colorado Remedy for Colorado potato beetle
Colorado Remedy for Colorado potato beetle


Reviews about the action of Colorado are different. Not everyone is happy with the result; protective properties are not always preserved for 28 days.

A garden appeared last year. Planted potatoes on one half. In early June, an invasion of Colorado beetles was discovered. They had never dealt with poison before, the store was advised by Colorado of the famous Bayer company, assuring high efficiency. Conducted processing according to the instructions. Bred 10 ampoules per bucket of water. A week later they came to see the result. There were no larvae, but adult beetles still crawled in places. A week later, no one was seen. And here in a month again bugs. The tool is inexpensive, not very toxic. But this is both a plus and a minus.

Irina, Moscow

Colorado pests are weak. For the season you have to spray at least 2 times. It helps well from caterpillars, aphids. Advantage at an affordable price. We process potatoes before flowering, again in a month. You can poison the larvae in half an hour, to kill adults, it will take at least a day.

Igor, Voronezh

You can buy the product in specialized stores, on websites on the Internet. Sold individually or in packaging. The price of one ampoule is 8 rubles. A minimum of 10 pieces is required for one treatment. Store the product in a dark place. Use within three years from the date of manufacture.

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