Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

The best drugs for Colorado potato beetle

FROM Colorado potato beetle - a very common and difficult to remove pest, had to face every lover of garden work in his suburban area. Since it is not always possible to get rid of an insect by using folk remedies, the chemical industry annually produces a large arsenal of destructive pesticides. Preparations differ not only in the form of release and composition, but also in the method of application, as well as effectiveness. The following funds from the Colorado potato beetle are in greatest demand among gardeners.

Types of funds

Modern drugs designed to combat the striped pest are characterized not only by a quick action on insects, but also by a long protective effect that can last up to 30 days. In addition, the composition of most products is not addictive in pests. All chemicals from the Colorado potato beetle are conventionally divided into:

  • Contact drugs that begin to adversely affect insects in contact with their skin. The main advantage of such pesticides is that their composition is not absorbed by the roots and tubers of plants. They are not stable even before precipitation. However, with regular use, insects can develop immunity on them, and therefore, they should be periodically changed.
  • Systemic drugs are highly effective. In addition, they have a longer protective effect, as they are resistant to precipitation and are not addictive in insects. To protect the culture, just one treatment of the tubers is enough. The main disadvantage of such drugs is their toxicity. The insecticide imidacloprid included in their composition is able to accumulate in the stems and tubers of plants. For this reason, systemic preparations cannot be used to process early potato varieties.
  • Intestinal drugs penetrate the body of the Colorado potato beetle through the digestive tract, provoking a violation of its activity. As a result, the insect has digestive problems, leading to the death of the individual.
Fighting the Colorado potato beetle
Fighting the Colorado potato beetle

The safest biological products from the Colorado potato beetle are recognized. Such novelties are created on the basis of spore bacteria, which, when Colorado beetles enter the body, affect their digestive system, which subsequently leads to the inevitable death of leaf beetles. In addition, the composition of such preparations does not pose a threat to human health, since it does not accumulate in the roots and stems of plants. In this connection, tubers can be used as food a week after processing crops.

On a note!

Some farmers use veterinary drugs to destroy Colorado beetles, such as Bars, Ratheid, Neostomozan and even classic aerosols to destroy flying insects Dichlorvos, Combat. However, the use of such drugs in the open to combat garden pests is impractical.Dew, sun rays, rainfall quickly level their effect, and the toxic composition is detrimental to bees and other pollinating insects.

Drugs for Colorado potato beetle on potatoes can be produced in several forms: in the form of a concentrated emulsion, aerosol, powder, granules, tablets or solution. They differ in the method of use. Pesticides can:

  • to process planting tubers and seeds;
  • water the root zone of the culture during the growth period;
  • use a cure for the Colorado potato beetle to spray leaves during the growing season.

To choose which drug is better from the Colorado potato beetle, taking into account its price, a review of the most popular products will help.

Golden spark

Golden Spark versus Colorado potato beetle
Golden Spark versus Colorado potato beetle

The best remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, which is based on the insecticide imidacloprid. The powder from the Colorado potato beetle is packaged in ampoules (1 ml and 5 ml each) and 10 ml vials.

The main features of the composition is the neurotoxic effect, which contributes to the occurrence of convulsions, paralysis and death of the insect, as well as high functionality in extreme heat. Poisonous substances enter the body of the pest via the intestinal route. The effect of the toxic component is already observed for 2-3 days from the time of treatment. The protective properties of the composition are maintained for 20 days. Low cost is another advantage of the drug. The price of a golden spark powder in an ampoule (1 ml) is from 10 rubles.

To prepare a working solution, the powder is diluted in water at the rate of 1 ml per 5 l of liquid. Then it is used for spraying the ground parts of plants infected with the Colorado potato beetle. Such a volume of solution is intended for processing an area of ​​100 square meters. m


For people, the composition of the golden spark is moderately toxic, it has a strong toxic effect on bees. Therefore, the product can not be sprayed near apiaries.


Golden spark - a very good remedy for the Colorado potato beetle. We spent only one treatment and there were practically no insects. Fast and efficient. I advise.

Lyudmila, Zhytomyr

Another drug of the same manufacturer is also popular - Sparkle triple effect.


Corado Remedy for Colorado potato beetle
Corado Remedy for Colorado potato beetle

An analogue of the Golden Spark is a means of combating the Colorado potato beetle Corado. The active component in it is the already known insecticide - imidacloprid, which has a contact-intestinal and systemic effect on insects. Penetrating into the body of the pest, the poison disrupts the digestive tract and nervous system, causing paralysis and death of the potato leaf beetle. Moreover, the composition is destructive not only for adults, this remedy for the larvae of the Colorado potato beetle is also effective.

The contents of one capsule (1 g) are diluted in 5 l of water and the plantings are sprayed with the resulting composition. The residual effect of the toxic solution lasts for 14-28 days. The processing of potato beds is carried out in dry, calm weather, using personal protective equipment.

On a note!

The cost of one package containing 5 ampoules of 2 g each is up to 20 rubles.


Killer from the Colorado potato beetle
Killer from the Colorado potato beetle

Killer is another effective remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, which is available as a water-soluble concentrate. Supplied by the manufacturer in 1.3 ml glass ampoules. In terms of toxicity, Killer belongs to hazard class 3.

Active components in means killer cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos act. These insecticides for potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle affect insects by contact, intestinal and respiratory methods. They prevent the passage of nerve impulses, which causes the death of pests. Poison is dangerous for insects at various stages of their development. Active poisonous components remain for 2-3 weeks.

The dose for treatment with the drug is selected at the rate of 1 ampoule per 8 liters of water. This amount of solution is enough to spray a plot of 100 square meters. m. A more concentrated composition is necessary for processing planting tubers, for its preparation 10 ml of the product is diluted in 0.6-0.7 l of water, which will be enough for 30 kg of potatoes.

Spraying is carried out during the growing season, however, no later than 30 days before harvesting. The cost of packaging (6 ampoules) is in the range of 20-30 rubles.


The name of the product justifies its composition with precision. Beetles fall almost before our eyes. I advise.

Gregory, Yaroslavl


Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle
Aktara from the Colorado potato beetle

Highly effective against the Colorado potato beetle. Actar remedyhaving contact-intestinal action. Systemic pesticides of this brand are available in the form of a concentrated suspension, water-soluble granules, powder or tablets.

The thiamexotam is an active component in it - an insecticide, the effect of which becomes noticeable from the first minutes after processing the plants. The toxic composition is negative for both adults and insects in the larval stage.

To destroy a pest colony, a solution is prepared by mixing the product (1.2 g) with water (10 L). To achieve the maximum effect, a repeated procedure is necessary, since the poison does not affect the eggs of the pests.

The price of the drug varies depending on the shape and weight. A package of 1.2 g costs about 25-35 rubles.


For several years now I have been using the Aktar chemical product in my garden. I treat them with tubers before planting, and then already grown plants. There are practically no Colorado beetles. I advise everyone.

Svetlana, Minsk

Typhoon plus

Typhoon Plus vs Colorado potato beetle
Typhoon Plus vs Colorado potato beetle

The preparations from the Colorado potato beetle do not end there. The Typhoon Plus preparation, which includes diazinon and alpha cypermethrin, continues the list of insect-acaricidal drugs. To enhance the fixing properties, a trend adhesive is used, due to which toxic components are resistant to precipitation. In addition to the protective properties, Typhoon plus successfully eradicates plant diseases, thereby increasing productivity.

To prepare the working solution, the concentrate (15 ml) contained in the vial is diluted in water (20 l). The resulting composition is used for processing 3 acres of land.

The price range of Typhoon varies in the region of 20 rubles.


In order to avoid the ingress of toxic components on the mucous membranes of the eyes and oral cavity, the use of a chemical preparation requires compliance with elementary safety rules and the use of personal protective equipment.


My wife and I bought Typhoon chemicals, referring to the reviews of their neighbors in the country. And they didn’t even regret their deeds. They processed not only potatoes, but also tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers and even apple trees. Our green pets not only did not get sick, but also gave a good harvest. I recommend a very effective tool!

Victor, St. Petersburg

No less popular are Ukrainian drugs such as Zhukomor. However, biological safety differs from Colorado potato beetle for greater safety. Their living organisms contribute to the destruction of plant parasites and serve as a barrier to the growth of harmful fungi. In addition, they do not accumulate in plants and are completely safe for bees and inhabitants of water bodies. But, despite this, such 3 in 1 preparations must be used strictly in accordance with the manual, without violating the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.


Colorado potato beetle preparations
Colorado potato beetle preparations

Fitoverm It is the safest remedy against garden pests, created on the basis of aversectin (the result of the vital activity of microorganisms in the soil). The biological composition is effective against the Colorado potato beetle and wireworms; moths and felt mites also cannot tolerate it.The result of exposure to the composition can be observed already a day after treatment, the prolonged effect lasts for 3 weeks.

The drug is available in ampoules of 2 ml, 4 ml, 10 ml and 5-liter cans, from which, accordingly, the cost of goods varies.


A real pestilence for the Colorado potato beetle is Bitoxibacillin. The drug is available in liquid and powder form. Its basis is composed of pathogenic microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi. After contact with an insect, they penetrate into his body and destroy it, actively propagating from the inside.

The drug is harmless to humans and completely safe for the environment. By the minus of this tool can only be attributed to the need for regular spraying.


Always preferred safe means. When it is not possible to cope with the beetle folk remedies, I use biological products. After all, they are much safer than pesticides.

Ilya, Vologda

Other means

In addition to the above tools, many other effective drugs are presented on the market. Among them:

Each person makes his own choice of the means by which to deal with the Colorado potato beetle. The main thing, before using pesticides from the Colorado potato beetle, you must carefully familiarize yourself with their composition, instructions for use and possible consequences when combined with herbicides such as Tornadoes.

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