Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to deal with rats in a private house

Rats are a species of rodents that quite often settle in the immediate vicinity of humans. They are carriers of more than 70 types of dangerous infections. Rats carry diseaseinfecting each other and man. They don’t need to settle in people's homes or in surrounding areas, since here they can get easy access to food. If the rat population lives in the garbage bin, in the basement, porch, shed or crib, then the residents of the house clearly hear how they stomp, squeak and can even enter the apartment through the sewer. In some cases rats can attack humans. Given the fact that rodents breed at high speed, it becomes clear why the fight against rats at home becomes very important. However, one should not forget that dangerous animals are much smarter than mice and dealing with them is not so simple, because for centuries-old proximity with humans, rats have studied many tricks of house owners.

Signs of rodents in the room

Signs of the presence of rodents
Signs of the presence of rodents

To determine whether there are rats in the house, in most cases, is not particularly difficult. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that rodents are secretive animals, and appear in the room in search of food and water sources only if nothing happens in it. Rats, unlike mice, act rudely and thoroughly, so it is impossible not to notice their tricks. Among the typical signs indicating the stay in the house of uninvited "guests" are the following factors:

  • gnawed foods and things, on which two traces from sharp incisors are clearly visible - parallel “holes” with shallow ruts;
  • holes and holes in walls, floors, baseboards, furniture, as well as damaged electrical wiring;
  • regular creaking and rustling, heard at night, when careful rodents go on the “hunt”;
  • Availability rat litter, reminiscent of a fusiform grayish hue heaps of different sizes;
  • specific spots remaining on surfaces from contact with the hair of animals during their movement along the route;
  • paths that are clearly visible in dusty and cluttered rooms, which can lead to the lair of a rat brood;
  • dead animals indicating that their colony is not far from;
  • unpleasant smell in the house, reminiscent of ammonia.

These characteristic signs accurately indicate the presence of pests in the house. In order to get rid of them, it is necessary to choose the most reliable methods of combating rats and to start measures without delay in order to avoid negative consequences. Rodents can appear in any room, even residents of apartment buildings are not safe from the appearance of rats.


Rats use sewer systems and ventilation shafts to enter housing housed at a considerable height. Appearance rats in the toilet confirms that they can climb almost any wall surface.Concrete floors for pests are not a significant obstacle, since they successfully cope with this material.

Methods for the destruction of rodents

Rodent control
Rodent control

Finding rats in your own house, apartment, cellar or cottage, the most important thing is not to lose your temper and not to panic. It is necessary to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge and develop the right strategy that will allow you to fight rodents quickly and effectively. A person knows many different methods of disinfestation, the most effective among them are the following methods:

Each of the methods has its own advantages and is successfully used to destroy rodents in the house and other rooms.

On a note!

The term deratization in translation from French means the destruction of rats. The process itself involves the use of a whole range of measures that are aimed not only at the extermination of rodents, but also at the prevention of their spread in any premises.

Physical extermination of rodents

In private houses or apartments in which cats live, the problem of rodents rarely arises. A small animal reliably protects the house from dangerous pests, possessing the natural instinct of a hunter. The cat smell scares rats, and they leave the limits of human habitation. This technique is the simplest, most reliable and environmentally friendly.

Rat traps
Rat traps

Effective rat control can be accomplished using a variety of traps, such as homemade rat trapsand purchased devices. When installing the device, it must be remembered that, despite the fact that rodents like to wind up in contaminated places, they are very clean creatures by nature. Therefore, when moving, they choose a clean road that runs along the walls.

Rat traps it is necessary to place in these places and preferably two pieces, placing them one opposite the other. This placement of rat traps is explained by the fact that, without falling into one device, a frightened rodent can fall into the second trap. The advantage of traps is that they allow you to destroy rats without the use of potent poison.

Among the widely used devices without poison, there are such varieties of them:

  • classic mouse and rat traps equipped with a special spring-based mechanism and a device for securing an attractive bait;
  • plastic bait stations or homemade live traps;
  • electric rat traps;
  • application of special glue from rodents.

Craftsmen, using improvised means, themselves create effective traps that are in no way inferior to industrial options. The result of the fight against rats depends on the quality of the bait. Personal experience and practice of using these devices, as indicated by consumer reviews of these products, indicates that hazardous pests prefer lard, smoked sausage, minced meat with onions, canned fish.

On a note!

Fat is a universal bait for all types of rodents. If a piece of goodies is put on a match before being placed in a rat trap, then a delicious smell will attract even the most cautious and intelligent rats.

Charged traps are recommended to be installed in the house, apartment and other rooms until rodents get into them. You can use the device for preventive purposes, if a new tailed beast wanders into the house, then he will immediately try to steal the bait and be caught. Traps should be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.


A neighbor cat helped us cope with rats, who regularly visited our cottage and showed us the results of its hunt.To fix the effect, an electric rat trap was installed in the house itself, into which rodents came across a couple of times, but basically the "neighbor" fixed the problem. "

Olga, Kazan


Chemicals for rats
Chemicals for rats

An effective way to fight rats is to use pesticides, which are presented in a large assortment in specialized stores. Drugs can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Intestinal agents acting on rodents from the inside. The composition includes poison - arsenic-acid sodium.
  • Contact substances that affect the respiratory tract and burn the skin of dangerous pests.
  • Fumigation complexes, which, due to toxic components, poison rats through the respiratory system.

Many chemicals must be mixed with the bait and used in strict accordance with the instructions. The form of release of chemicals is very diverse. They can be in the form of granules, powders, briquettes, aerosols, liquids, sprays, thick masses and creams. Fighting rats in a private house or apartment can be carried out by any convenient formulations, however, children and living nearby pets should be protected from pesticides.


The effectiveness of the struggle depends on the quality poison for ratsTherefore, it is necessary to purchase all toxic substances in specialized stores or authorized points, requiring sellers to have a quality certificate.

Especially popular on the market are funds in which blood anticoagulants are used as the active substance, causing extensive internal hemorrhages in animals. These include flocumafen, brodifacum, diphenacum and other reagents. They are the main component in such popular drugs as Storm, Ratindan, Nutcracker, Efa, Rat death No. 1 and No. 2, Goliath, Krysid and other pesticides. Before using any poisons, it is recommended to feed rats with ordinary food in the same place. This will allow you to cheat careful rodents and poison them.

Effective struggle in warehouses, industrial facilities, logistics centers and other non-residential enclosed facilities is provided by highly toxic preparations containing hydrocyanic acid. Work with substances is carried out in personal protective equipment, in order to avoid poisoning.


We tried a lot of tools at the warehouse, but Storm works best. It is very simple to apply - laid out the briquettes and wait for the result. Many rats we destroyed them. Good remedy.

Eugene, Togliatti

Ultrasonic repellers.

Ultrasonic Repellers
Ultrasonic Repellers

Owners of suburban real estate are often interested in how to deal with rats in a private house without the use of aggressive and dangerous substances. Safe for humans are special ultrasonic rat repellersthat have a negative effect on the organs of hearing and the nervous system of rodents.

However, it should be borne in mind that their radius of action is limited to the area of ​​one small room. The greatest effect can be achieved in the case of a small population of rodents. Pests leave an uncomfortable room within 2 weeks, however, if the device is installed in a cellar or basement with food, the process will take a longer period of time.

People's recommendations

When the use of chemicals is impossible for certain objective reasons, you can use safe, but proven many years of experience, folk remedies. If you need to get rid of rodents in the basement, then their holes and passages are covered with broken glass and carefully concreted, and the ventilation systems are closed with a strong metal mesh. After this, the room is recommended to be treated with a solution of bleach.

Rats can not stand the smell of turpentine, kerosene, formalin, naphthalene, these liquids process cellars, technical rooms and other non-residential objects.

In order to prevent rodents from settling in an apartment or a house, you can put dry odorous herbs in the rooms, which are absolutely safe for humans. These include:

  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • sagebrush
  • tansy;
  • peppermint and forest mint;
  • rosemary;
  • black root or rat rat;
  • elder.

It is not recommended to use ledum and black root in large quantities, as they can have a negative effect on young children and pets.

Folk methods of struggle have in their arsenal and miraculous recipes that allow you to get rid of rats without poisons. Here are some of them:

  1. Flour and gypsum are mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. A container of water is placed next to the bait.
  2. Mix the crushed wine cork with bread and season with unrefined vegetable oil.
  3. To treat with wood ash the places of frequent stay of rats.
  4. The disastrous mixture is borax, rosin and powdered sugar. All components are taken in equal proportions.

There are still a large number of original recipes that are inexpensive, but quite effective. Knowing how to deal with rats, do not forget that the most reliable means is prevention, which will reliably protect the house from parasites.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Stanislav

    We got rid of the rats in the cellar with naphthalene, which was mixed with sawdust and scattered around the alleged loopholes. After a while, we did not notice signs of their presence. Thoroughly closed everything and periodically process the room.

  2. Marina

    I live in a hostel and yesterday in the kitchen I noticed a small rat or mouse near the bucket, I don’t know. Tell me what to do?

    1. Ivan

      In your situation, it is best to call professional disinfestants to complete the treatment. And so, you can try Ratindan. We used it helped.

  3. Veronica

    I live in a high-rise building and never thought that rats could appear in such houses. But this is a fact, the neighbors living on the 4th floor, the rat tried to get out through the toilet, well, that was noticed in time. After that, they called SES, now everything seems to be calm.

    1. Alexander

      I use exclusively folk methods in the country and we have no problems with rodents. Of course, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive measures, but this is much easier than fighting rats.

  4. Catherine

    We have a store in our house. More recently, they poisoned rats, and I am afraid that rodents may appear in the apartment, and I have a small child. Advise how to secure housing?

    1. Konstantin

      Buy an ultrasonic repeller, it helps in such cases.

  5. Anastasia

    Found rats in the cellar. Neighbors advised to buy a Storm. Very good tool, quickly coped with the "guests".

  6. Anonymous

    At the cottage, many rats got divorced, which they just didn’t do - all in vain. A neighbor advised me to buy Rat Death No. 1. Literally a week later there was not a single rodent. Now we spread the poison for prevention.

  7. Hope

    A cat saves us from rodents. He is a real hunter and a "thunderstorm" of all rats and mice. In our country house, thanks to the furry favorite, everything is calm.

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