Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Rodent control

In their natural habitat, rodents live in fields, forest edges. Closer to a person they make their way with the onset of cold weather, in the event of adverse living conditions in the same place. Pests settle in gardens, kitchen gardens, cellars, sheds, in outbuildings, houses. Rodent control is carried out in different ways, methods. An effective set of “tools” varies depending on the location of tailed animals.

Methods of killing rats, mice

The fight against rodents has been conducted since time immemorial. For the extermination of pests using old proven tools, new drugs, modern inventions.

  • Get rid of rats in the house or in an apartment, you can use folk methods that involve the use of plants that smell strongly of substances, poison for rats, production of baits, traps, traps. Actions are aimed at the destruction of small animals or expulsion. Folk methods of control include mechanical means of struggle, chemical.
  • Professional methods of extermination of rats, mice are the use of special traps, traps, toxic drugs.
  • Biological methods of fighting rodents are to use the natural enemies of rats, mice - cats, dogs, hedgehogs, and other animals.
  • Separately, a modern method of expelling pests using an ultrasonic repeller is isolated.
Rat extermination
Rat extermination

Rodent control methods are selected individually. Each person allocates for himself the best way to destroy rats, mice, the most effective means. You can get rid of pests by your own efforts or seek help from specialized rodent control services.

Mechanical methods

Physical impact on rodents is envisaged using professional, home-made traps, traps.

  1. On sale are modernized designs with advanced features. They allow you to catch several individuals at once, they are exposed to electric shocks, they are instantly killed or kept intact.

    On a note!

    Traps rats and mice with bait. Use pieces of food, meat, lard, fish, bread, grain, flour. Strongly smelling foods are suitable, which attract rodents with a seductive aroma.

  2. The most popular modern trap based on glue for mice. Sold in tubes with a capacity of 135 g. It is applied to cardboard, plywood, a piece of plastic, oilcloth. Placed in a convenient place, fixed on the floor. The special composition does not allow glue for rats and mice harden under the influence of light, high temperature. Within 2 weeks, the trap will catch small mice, large rats. Glue firmly clings to the coat, fixes the animal, makes it impossible to move. The tool can be bought for 150-250 rubles. The most popular drugs are Trap, Clean house, Forsyth, Pied Piper, Kotofey.
Rat traps
Rat traps

A homemade trap for mice, rats can be built from improvised means:

  • Put a container of water, lay the straw on top.Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, spread the grain on the surface. Build a ladder from a stick, twig, board.
  • 3-5 spoons of vegetable oil are poured into the bottle, shaken for even distribution over the walls. Throw grain, another treat for rodents. Place the bottle, slightly lifting the neck. In such homemade mousetrap mouse will easily please.
  • Turn over the bucket, substitute the wand, place the bait in the center. The animal will touch the structure when moving, the stick will fall, the pest will be inside a makeshift trap.

On a note!

If it was possible to find a nest of rodents, block the exit. Gypsum is poured into the hole, concreted, covered with earth, shoved with a rag.

Chemical methods

In the fight against rodents, all means are good! Use substances with a strong pungent odor to repel, poisonous drugs to destroy.

Rat poison
Rat poison

There are several groups of rat poison. Some drugs provoke severe poisoning, terrible intoxication, sudden death. Others act slowly, affecting the functioning of the circulatory system. Within 1-2 weeks, rodents die from internal bleeding.

There are toxic drugs of the old, new generation. Initially, poison for rats, mice had an extremely strong effect. The minimum dose was enough to kill the rodent. Later, the release of such rat poisons was banned. New drugs were replaced, no less effective, but safer for humans.


Do not use poison based on lead, thallium, arsenic, and other substances hazardous to humans for controlling rodents.

New generation products contain zoocoumarins. Substances affect blood coagulation. The liver ceases to produce special substances that resist anticoagulants, internal bleeding begins.

Mummifying substances are added to modern poisonous preparations for rodents. The body of the mouse does not decompose, dries slowly, without creating an unpleasant cadaveric smell. Poison for rats and mice is released in the form of powder, granules, in tablets, pressed briquettes. Mix in food or use in pure form. Some products contain food additives, flavorings.

Pest Repellent

Ultrasonic Repellers
Ultrasonic Repellers

Rodent control measures are aimed at the destruction, expulsion of pests. To get a quick result, it is recommended to combine them. To scare away rats, mice can be a pungent smell of plants, smelling strongly substances, special devices.

  • Rodents do not tolerate the smell of garlic, elderberry, walnut, wormwood, mint, tansy, chamomile, black root. In residential premises, you can use essential oil instead of plants. Mint has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, chamomile calms well. And rodents from this smell go crazy, fleeing.
  • If the fight against rodents is to be in the garden, in the garden, outbuildings, cellar, you can use kerosene, gasoline, mothballs, ammonia, solvent. Wet cotton wool, a rag, block the entrance to the hole. Placed in places where rodents were seen. To keep the smell longer, the processed material is placed in a plastic bag, a small hole is made in it.
  • Professional ultrasonic repellers are available for sale. The devices are powered by electricity, on batteries. They make a sound of a certain frequency. The human ear does not feel it, rodents react sharply. The effect appears after 2-3 weeks of continuous exposure ultrasonic rodent repeller. Rats, mice flee. If there is no way out of the rodent room, the animals simply lose their mind.

On a note!

Rats, mice react sharply to the smell of wool. You can scorch an old wool scarf, a ball of thread or a dead body of a rodent.

Folk ways

Proceeds from rodents
Proceeds from rodents

For many years of struggle with rodents, mankind has come up with a lot of different ways. The most effective recipes are passed on to a new generation. Old proven methods are applied along with modern innovative inventions.

  • Mix gypsum and flour in equal proportions; put a bowl of water close to it. Gypsum when it enters the stomach of a rodent hardens quickly. Together with him all the insides.
  • Match heads dissolve in water. Moisten cottage cheese, feta cheese, slices of bread. Matches contain sulfur, phosphorus. Components are able to poison the animal.
  • Grind wine corks, fry in lard. In the stomach, the cork swells, leads to severe deformation of the internal organs, and causes death.
  • Scatter the ashes. It irritates the skin, mucous membranes, when ingested, provokes pain, digestive upset. Ash helps fight rodents, does not harm the environment.
  • Sodium bicarbonate is mixed in equal parts with flour, sugar. Add water. Leave to swell. From the "test" roll out the layer, cut into small pieces. They are laid out as bait.
  • Quicklime mixed with malt. Pour into a container, leave overnight.

Get a fox terrier dog, a domestic cat with hunting skills. In the barn you can shelter a hedgehog. Settle geese and turkeys together with chickens. Geese are able to stand up for themselves, protect others from rats, a turkey makes a loud noise from which rodents scatter.

Toxic substances must be used in a safe manner. If the number of rodents does not decrease over time, it is worth calling specialists. When rodents appear in the garage, you need to arrange the traps, process the details under the hood with a special rat spray for car. In Moscow, sold in specialized stores. For each case there is its own effective remedy for rodents.

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