Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Destruction of rats and mice by specialized services

The destruction of rodents in a private house is fraught with a number of difficulties. Animals are quick adaptation to chemical components, quick wits. Cleverly bypass the traps prepared for them, traps. However, it is necessary to fight rats and mice, because these rodents carry dangerous diseases, some of them can even cause death. In addition, rodents, depending on the object in which they settled, are capable of causing serious material damage. They spoil furniture, food, wiring.

If it is not possible to exterminate pests at home, there is a reason to contact specialized services that exist in almost every city. The advantages of calling specialists are many. How is the processing of premises from rats and mice, consider the example of the work of Moscow companies.

On a note!

A set of measures to destroy harmful rodents is called deratization. It can be preventive, aimed at preventing the appearance of pests, as well as fighter.

How is the deratization

The destruction of rats and mice
The destruction of rats and mice

In medical, children's institutions, catering facilities, and trade, disinfection from rats and mice is a mandatory procedure and is carried out on a mandatory basis quarterly, annually, depending on the epidemiological status and significance of the facility. The destruction of rats under the contract is carried out by the selected sanitary service, which conducts the direct event to control rodents and controls the process.

Private individuals order deratization on their own initiative when they do not want to fight harmful animals on their own. Treatment from rats can be carried out in apartments, houses, basements, in attics, in garages, outbuildings. After contacting a specialized service, an employee of the company usually arrives and estimates the extent and degree of contamination of the premises. Depending on the results of the audit, the client may be offered rat rat ratization in the following ways:

  • The mechanical method involves installing traps, rat traps. Often used in small areas, mainly for rat control in private homes, apartments, cellars. Modern rat exterminators are far ahead of the primitive homemade rat trapsmade by handicraft in terms of efficiency and safety. The mechanical method is preferred by those people who are opposed to the use of poisons. An important advantage of this method is the low cost of the service.
  • Poisoning rodents with raticides is an affordable method and the most effective when it is necessary to destroy a large population as soon as possible. For this purpose, long-acting baits are used that can poison rats for a long time. According to experts, the effectiveness of the chemical method is 100%. Disinsectors will poison rodents' favorite food, add rat poison into the water and along the routes of their movement.If there is a need to process the holes, they will carry out the aeration of the nests.
  • The combined method involves a combination of chemicals and rat trapping. The algorithm is selected taking into account the area of ​​the room and the population of pests.
  • Gasification - an option that is applicable in the field or at large facilities; rats in houses are not destroyed by gas. Another name for the method is fumigation. The essence of the procedure is to fill the hermetically sealed room with carbon monoxide or phosphorous hydrogen. All rodents in the processed object die. Gas does not cause harm to existing products, but it is capable of etching pests. Protection against rats in the building is short-term, since after weathering the smell there is no guarantee that new individuals will not come. Therefore, aeration should be combined with preventive measures that will prevent subsequent colonization of rats.

Processing from rodents can be carried out in two stages. This approach allows you to get a guaranteed result. The duration of the procedure ranges from half an hour to 3 hours and is determined by the area, contamination of the room. In a number of companies, employees clean up dead animals and dispose of them.

On a note!

During the destruction of rodents, simultaneous disinfection and pest control operations are possible. There are frequent cases when, after the deratization of the cellars of the inhabitants, fleas began to attack. Left without their owners, insects are forced to look for new sources of nutrition. Rat fleas not only bite painfully, but also are carriers of dangerous diseases.

The benefits of professional disinfestation


Almost everyone can poison rats. Only the result may not always live up to expectations, even if the most effective rat remedies. Rodents are by no means stupid and they will not succeed in catching them in primitive traps or on poorly prepared baits. It is not enough to calculate the dose of the poison and the effectiveness of the procedure will be reduced to zero:

  • if there is too little poisonous component, rodents can adapt to it and subsequently with pleasure, without harm to themselves, absorb bait with this chemical substance;
  • excess poison will negatively affect the taste characteristics of the bait and its aroma, which in turn will lead to the fact that the rat will not eat it.

Experienced disruptors do not face such problems. In addition, the extermination of rodents is not limited to the preparation of baits. It is necessary to know the physiology of the rat, its habits, the ability to find their nests, to distinguish residential from abandoned and many more nuances that the ignorant person does not even suspect.

Advantages of contacting a specialized rat extermination service:

  • No need to test poison for ratsthat do not always have the desired effect, to build structures for trapping rodents - all these concerns are automatically transferred to specialists.
  • Guaranteed rat kill.
  • The use of highly effective poisons, which are not available for the average buyer in hardware stores. The drugs used are safe for people and pets.
  • Reasonable cost of services. Often, calling a specialist is cheaper than buying rodenticides.

How much does deratization cost

The destruction of rats and mice in Moscow is carried out by a number of companies, firms. On average, the owner of a one-room apartment will have to pay 1,600 rubles. For the installation of long-acting baits about 2500 rubles. Ordering a comprehensive service, which additionally includes fog treatment with a deterrent effect, costs about 4,500 rubles.

Accordingly, the deratization of an apartment of a larger area will cost more. Prices for individuals and legal entities are different.

Who is involved in the destruction of rats in Moscow

Professional disinfestation
Professional disinfestation

Harassing rats in Moscow is as demanded as in other cities. Rats absolutely no matter where to eat and breed, whether it be the capital, province or farm. Almost all sanitary services, including the state SES and private companies, carry out the deratization.

Overview of specialized services:

  • Moscow City Sanitary Service. Founded in 2005, works around the clock. Often spoil their customers with stocks. Installation of hunting lodges will cost 1800 rubles, processing by a fog generator 2500 rubles.
  • Rat and insect extermination service urban disinfection center. They provide a guarantee for the work performed, work with private individuals and legal entities under the contract.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological station 4 seasons. There is a 3 year warranty on pest control. The cost of services is higher than that of previous companies.
  • Mosklop - inspection of the facility is free. When ordering treatments for several apartments, discounts are provided.
  • City Disinfection Station - the cost of services on the official website is kept secret from prying eyes. All detailed pricing information is available exclusively by telephone.

This is not the whole list of sanitary services in Moscow. When choosing a company for disinfestation, you should pay attention to the provision of a guarantee, do not hesitate to ask about the drugs used, and also specify the cost of additional services: travel outside the Moscow Ring Road, the arrival of a specialist for inspection.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Oleg

    Concluded a pest control agreement with one of these companies. I was satisfied with the work of the guys.

  2. Marina

    I think that such a service is necessary only for legal entities. A simple layman of a city apartment does not need to get rid of rats. Where do they come from?

  3. Karina

    We got rats in the basement. At first, all the residents waved away, saying that they did not bother anyone. Until the rodents began to roam around the porches and scare the children. Quickly everything came together and ordered deratization.

    1. Vyacheslav

      So it was necessary to apply to the Housing Office and state sanitation, then everything would have worked out for free.

  4. Violetta

    When I saw a rat in the cellar, I immediately called the sanitary service. I am afraid of rodents to death.

    1. Michael

      If you do not experience material difficulties, then they did the right thing. Specialists should be engaged in each business. And we are pensioners, we drive the rats the old fashioned way: traps and rats.

  5. Victoria

    I work in a grocery store, we have a contract and the guys come every quarter. They set up some houses for the hunters, change them.

  6. Natalya

    My neighbors and I ordered a disinfestation in the basement. There are no more lives from rats. And now, after the persecution, it has become good. And the products can be stored and walk safely.

  7. Vladislav

    Not so low rates for baiting rats.

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