Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What rats and mice are afraid of

Barely audible rat squeak, torn bags and spoiled foods - such signs of the presence of rodents in the house are familiar to many people. It is unlikely that anyone will like this neighborhood. After all, new roommates are considered not only a symbol of dirt and harm, but also danger, because rats are carriers of many infections. There are many different chemicals aimed at killing pests. However, a safer method of getting rid of parasites is to scare them away with the help of folk remedies based on what rats and mice are afraid of.

It is known that the smell is able to quickly drive away pests. Therefore, many people use folk remedies for this purpose. Knowing what kind of grass mice and rats are afraid of, you can get rid of them in a very short time.


Rat-rat (black root) is one of the most famous plants, the smell of which is not tolerated by mice and rats. Blackroot from rats and mice It is used both fresh and dry. Powdered dry roots, a strong decoction of them, as well as the juice of the plant are used as a poisonous component for cooking food lures.

Rodents also will not appear in the room where the fresh or dry rat rat grass will be laid out. However, due to the large number of dangerous alkaloids, the plant is not recommended for use in apartments or residential buildings. Therefore, when working with it, the use of a respirator and rubber gloves is necessary.

On a note!

It’s not just the smell of the rat that scares the animals away. Most afraid of mice and rats are the seeds of plants that firmly cling to their fur. You can protect animals from accessing the site if you plant several black root seedlings near the house and outbuildings.

Rat plants
Rat plants


They do not like mice and the smell of peppermint. The plant is used both fresh and in the form of a solution, concentrate or essential oil. Bunches with mint are laid out near the holes of pests, as well as along the trajectory of their movement. Do not spoil the mouse or rat products if the smell of peppermint is present in the kitchen cabinets.


Tansy is a plant that is very popular in the fight not only with rodents, but also with many insects. The pungent smell of this grass, spread in the corners of the room, will reliably protect against uninvited guests.


Elderberry red, black or grassy is an excellent repellent against mice and rats. This shrub or small tree is able to scare off parasites due to the prussic acid that its roots secrete. Therefore, neither in the house nor in the barn, next to which the elderberry will grow, rodents will not start.


Another plant that repels pests is the daisy, beloved by many. Its healing and repellent properties have been known to people since ancient times. Long-tailed animals left the hut, on the floor of which scented chamomile inflorescences were scattered. Bundles of dried inflorescences helped to preserve food stored in the outbuildings.

To protect the house from gnawing mammals, a decoction of the plant was also used. For its preparation you need 3 tbsp. lpour fresh or dry raw materials to 1 liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. The resulting broth processed the kitchen furniture, as well as the favorite places of the parasites.


Ledum is a hydrocyanic acid-containing plant that is used against mice and rats. Its scaring odor is harmful to mammals. It is for this purpose that the plant is planted in personal plots, and is also tied to the doors of sheds and houses.

The smell of rosemary is also effective against flies, mosquitoes, and even clothes moths. So that the pest does not spoil the clothes, bags of grass are hung in cabinets or things are shifted with twigs of plants.


Wormwood is a herb whose astringent smell is known to everyone. With its help, people protect their homes and harvest from rodents. Bundles of wormwood are laid out in the favorite habitats of pests, not forgetting about ventilation passages and places of food storage.

On a note!

To achieve maximum effect, before laying out bunches of fresh or dry wormwood, they are scalded with boiling water.

Essential oils

Rodent Control
Rodent Control

Another pest repellent is essential oils. Their concentrated odors do not like rats and mice. It is enough to put a swab soaked in oil or a piece of tissue next to the rodent’s burrow that will smell strongly, and the mouse family will no longer start there.

Essential oils should be used with extreme caution, as their concentrated odor can cause an allergic reaction.

On a note!

Plants against pests are widely used. However, rodents scare away not only herbal aromas. The smell of kerosene, burnt rubber and even perfumery is also detrimental to parasites. However, most of them are preferable to use in non-residential premises.

What else are pests afraid of?

The question of what smell scares away rats and mice is puzzled by those who, for one reason or another, cannot use chemicals.

  1. Chlorine The smell of this substance is really avoided by mice and rats. However, one should take into account the fact that when using this product in a living room, one will have to inhale its aromas to the inhabitants of the housing themselves.
  2. Vinegar. It has similar bleaching properties. Inhalation of its vapor is also unsafe for humans.
  3. Naphthalene is the strongest carcinogen, in connection with which experts do not recommend its use in residential premises.

Does the light act on rats

The question is, afraid of the light of the mouse, many are concerned. Many people believe that leaving the lighting at night, the animals will not bother them. However, this statement is not entirely true. The light really scares some individuals: they squint and tend to hide as soon as possible. But there are also representatives who quickly adapt to bright lighting, after which it does not serve as an obstacle to them at all.

Pest control
Pest control

Are rodents afraid of water?

Neither mice nor rats are afraid of water, as they are able to adhere perfectly to it. Gnawing creatures swim no worse than their water counterparts, however, at every opportunity, they tend to quickly get out on land. The exception is water rats and other species of rodents that settle along the shores of water bodies.

Therefore, deciding to get rid of rodents with the help of water traps, it is necessary that their inner walls are smooth and slippery. Once in such a water trap, the animal will not be able to get out of it.

Who are the pests afraid of?

Not all rodents are afraid of cats and cats. The exception in this case are large pasyuki or gray rats. Many of them are able to move freely in broad daylight, not paying much attention to a mustachioed pet sitting next to it. However, there are brave cats that are not afraid to attack uninvited guests. The dog easily attacks a large rat.

On a note!

The cat will render invaluable service in catching small parasites.Rodents are very afraid of even the cat smell that is present in the apartment. Having cleared the house of pests, many baleen predators go hunting in neighboring areas. With no less power, mice and rats are afraid of birds.

Rats against mice are also a common occurrence in nature. Where large rodents have settled in, small ones will never start. After all, a hungry rat is a serious danger to a small mouse. Also, rodents are afraid of people, but in some cases rats can attack humans.

Do mammals respond to sound?

Oddly enough, but rats and mice are very scared of loud sounds. Animals will not live in a house where music plays loudly, a drill or other power tool works.

Ultrasonic devices are another way to repel caudate pests. High cost is their main drawback. The pests produced by the ultrasound device are not able to withstand, so they hurry to leave the room as soon as possible. The human ear, however, these sound waves are not perceived, therefore, completely safe for health.

To get the desired result, it is important to choose the right ultrasonic rodent repeller. Its power should correspond to the area of ​​the room. Otherwise, get rid of rodents will not succeed. An equally important nuance is the ability to change the frequency of the signal, since the same sound can be addictive in parasites.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Olesya

    Mint in our house is present almost constantly, but for some reason the mice are not afraid of it. Or adapted rodents, or the mint is not the same.

    1. Olga

      Peppermint is needed.

    2. Vera

      And in autumn we sprinkle wood ash around the perimeter of the plot. It serves as a fertilizer, and a great deterrent for rodents.

    3. Egor

      Make repairs, cover all through holes and there will be no rodents.

  2. Helena

    A cat hunter is better than any traps.

  3. Andrew

    The best pest control is an ultrasonic repeller. The device turned on, forgot about mice.

    1. Nina

      All this is nonsense, the repeller did nothing to help us. Only excess waste.

      1. Andrew

        You need to be able to choose the right device, given the radius of impact.

  4. Catherine

    Ledum will help preserve crop reserves in the cellar until spring. It is enough to put it in several places.

    1. Olga

      And we use red elderberry all the time. Cheap and efficient.

  5. Oleg

    Mousetraps have helped at all times.

    1. Olesya

      Yes, you can clean the mousetraps from rodents every day, but they still climb and climb.

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