Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to get rid of the smell of a dead rat under the floor

Rats are able to crawl into the narrowest slots. In a person’s house, nests are often built under the floor. The use of poison is dangerous by the occurrence of a not very pleasant situation. A rodent perishes in a nest, and a cadaverous smell from under the floor envelops the entire room. If the mouse’s body dries quickly and the stench is present for about a month, the situation with the rat’s corpse is more complicated. How to get rid of the smell, if the rat died under the floor, there are several ways.

Signs of a dead rat under the floor

The unpleasant smell in the room makes a person open windows, use air fresheners, and look for the cause of the stench. It is easy to distinguish how a dead rat stinks. The body begins to stink so much that nothing helps.

Every day the stench intensifies, it is impossible to be in the room. The smell of decay cuts the nose, causes nausea, the urge to vomit. The room smells of rot, a corpse, mice. You can feel it on the 3rd day after the death of the rodent. As the body decomposes, the stench intensifies, envelops the entire room. The smell of a dead rat is impossible not to notice. The main difficulty is finding the place of the corpse.

On a note!

A rat can die under the floor of a multi-story building or in the basement. The smell extends to the entire entrance, across all apartments. Finding a corpse is much more difficult than under the floor of a private house. In such cases, they often resort to the help of specialists.

Dead rat
Dead rat

Decomposition duration

How much the rat decomposes is interesting to everyone. Since no one is able to endure a terrifying smell for a long time. The situation is complicated by the fact that the corpse of a rat decomposes from 6 to 10 weeks. The process depends on temperature conditions. The hotter the room, the faster it will all end.

On a note!

Mummifying substances are added to modern rat poison for such cases. The body is not subject to decay, it dries slowly. The situation is capable of developing in a different way. If the rat eats an insufficient dose rat poison to start the mummification process. In this case, the remains rot up to 2 months, the decomposition process is long.

What to do if a rat died under the floor, an individual decision. You can try to solve the problem yourself or entrust all this to specialists.

Body search

How to find a dead rat under the floor is not an easy question. The smell quickly spreads throughout the room, it is difficult to determine where the stench comes from. It’s worth setting yourself up so that you have to tear down the floorboards, because you won’t be able to get the rat’s corpse in another way.

  • in the room where the rat was lucky enough to die under the floor, the smell will be felt more strongly;
  • remove carpets, paths from the floor, tear off linoleum;
  • it is best to tear off the board in the center of the room if it was not possible to determine the place of death of the rodent by smell;
  • you will need a stick, a metal rod, a mop - something to check the space under the floor;
  • move the stick in different directions. An obstacle to movement is the dead body of a rat.

You need to prepare a plastic bag in advance, where you should put the discovered corpse. The search operation should be carried out in a respirator, rubber gloves.It must be remembered that rat is a carrier of dangerous infections even being dead. Immediately configure yourself that the sight will not be pleasant. The faint of heart is better off not participating.

Search for the rat under the floor
Search for the rat under the floor

The corpse of a rat must be buried deep in the ground. If not possible, throw in a landfill, trash. Recycle rubber gloves there. Wash hands well with soap.

On a note!

The earth under the decaying body absorbs the stench, it will radiate it for a long time. To neutralize the smell, you need to shovel the earth with a shovel, throw it in the trash.

The next step is to get rid of the smell of a dead rat. You can buy special products, take popular advice.

Liquidation of consequences

The corpse was thrown away, the smell remained. This situation happens if the stench was present in the room for a long time. Soaked in materials - paper, fabric, wood. You will have to carry out a whole range of activities to put the house in order.

  • open windows, doors, make a draft in the room so that the smelly aroma disappears faster;
  • put in place the torn board;
  • send for washing curtains, bedspreads, napkins - all fabric products;
  • apply a cleaning agent to the carpets, vacuum thoroughly;
  • sprinkle a thick layer of soda on the floor, it draws the smell out of the wood well - leave it for 1-2 hours, vacuum it;
  • add chlorine or a detergent with its content to the water, wash the floor - White is perfect;
  • A special compound is prepared for processing furniture. In 0.95 l of hydrogen peroxide add 1 teaspoon of liquid soap, 50 g of soda. Mix thoroughly, pour into a spray bottle or a bottle with a spray. They process the hard surface of furniture. After 60 minutes, clean the composition with a damp cloth.

At the final stage, you must use an air freshener.

Get rid of the smell of a dead rat
Get rid of the smell of a dead rat

Alternative methods of neutralizing the unpleasant odor of a rat

Rats under the floor die often, people have come up with many ways to kill the smell or eliminate completely after removing the body.

  • Fire. Light a splinter, walk with it throughout the room, especially in the room where the rat was under the floor. Instead of a splinter, you can use incense sticks.
  • Vinegar. Moisten a cloth with plenty, leave for 10-12 hours. Ventilate the room well.
  • Potassium permanganate. Prepare a solution, process the floor, furniture, walls.
  • Lavender. If the house stinks badly, the smell of lavender can interrupt the smell. You can use the plant, air freshener, essential oils.

Unpleasant odor preparations

Odor neutralizers cope with persistent stink. Eliminate the smell of urine, feces after animals. Used to eliminate the smell of a dead rat.

The composition of the preparations lacks aggressive components that can damage furniture. It can be used on various surfaces, including the soft part of the sofa, armchairs. Unlike conventional cleaning products, detergents provide a quick, complete elimination of stench.

The product without pungent odors, does not cause an allergic reaction, does not emit toxins during evaporation. It is very convenient to use, because it is sold ready-made, with a sprayer.

The most common brands:

  • Biolife Safe @ Clean, Germany;
  • OdorGone, USA, with the scent of lavender;
  • Fridge Balls, South Korea, odorless.

You can use any air freshener or a tool designed to neutralize the discharge of pets.

Professional help

When your own efforts were unsuccessful, or there is no desire to do all of this, you should turn to specialists. What services can find a dead rat in a particular region, you can ask via the Internet by entering a phrase in a search engine.

If the rat died at the entrance, or pests are found in the basement, it is necessary to provide information on the housing office, housing cooperative. The payment for the maintenance of the common property of MKT includes a fee for deratization. Housing and utilities are required to carry out the work.Contact Rospotrebnadzor if other authorities do not respond. Inform the state authority - SES.

The issues of dead rats in a private house, apartment are engaged in special pest control firms. They conclude a disinfestation agreement with specialists, and make a payment. Private specialized rodent control services respond much more quickly to a request than bureaucratic government agencies.

To get rid of a dead rat, an unpleasant smell in the house, you need to conduct a search job yourself or conclude an agreement with private pest control companies. You can neutralize the smell of folk remedies, professional drugs.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

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