Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Can a rat get out of the toilet

The appearance of a rat in the toilet is possible. The rodent is constantly looking for ways to get into housing, closer to heat and power sources. In old houses, pests gnawed a hole in the wooden floors. Modern houses made of concrete and steel piles are too tough for them. Animals have to look for new loopholes to get into the apartment.

How do rats get into the toilet

Rodents like to live in warm places where it is safe and enough food. In homes, this is the basement. When the living conditions of the rat family worsen, they seek a new home.

Rat migration is caused by the following factors:

  1. Deratization or extermination of rodents by specialized services. Poisons for rats make animals leave their place in large numbers. Pests run away from chemicals and enter the apartment through the toilet.
  2. Overpopulation. Animals fight over territory and food. Males fight for the favor of the female. The rats that were expelled from the pack begin to look for a new place to live.
  3. The onset of cold weather. Gray rats or pasyuki don't like living in the cold. With the onset of the first cold weather, they begin to seek a warm shelter and move closer to the person.

Animals prefer to move on land. When it comes to survival, the rat begins to explore the water.

On a note!

The animal found in the bathroom is a scout. He came by pipeline to find out how safe and comfortable this apartment is. It is necessary to destroy the invader, otherwise he will bring a flock with him.

The animal has tenacious paws and sharp claws. The rodent easily runs on walls and trees. The surface of sewer pipes is also not smooth. It is rough, has bumps for which it is easy to cling to tiny claws.

The pipe itself is wide enough that allows adults to move freely on it. The animal will not squeeze through other pipes. He, too, will not be able to get out of the gas column. But the toilet has a fairly wide opening. Therefore, the appearance of a rat in the toilet is not a fairy tale.

People whose pipes have not been repaired for a long time, and the service has not been looked into the basement for a long time, run the risk of meeting an unpleasant guest at the most inopportune moment.

What to do

Rat in the toilet
Rat in the toilet

If you saw rats in the toilet, you need to stay calm. Animals that are cornered and tired of prolonged swimming can behave aggressively. You can’t scream, wave your arms and try to fight the invaders on the spot with what comes to hand. The action plan should look like this:

  1. Close the toilet lid quickly and accurately. Try to make it so that the animal does not notice you.
  2. Place any heavy object on top. Sewer rat is a dangerous adversary. She is able to jump high and has strong paws. Therefore, the toilet lid must be pressed down.
  3. Pour bleach into the toilet or pour gasoline. The substance will cause the flight of the pest or lead to its death. This method cannot be called humane, but it allows you to get rid of a rodent with a 100% guarantee.
  4. Take a photo of the rat in the toilet. When the apartment is in relative safety, you will need to contact the service. Not everyone believes in the word. In this case, the photo taken is useful.

If the rat has already climbed out of the toilet and managed to escape, it is necessary to spread the poison in the apartment.

On a note!

Animals may be immune to certain chemicals. Before the purchase rat poison It is worth consulting with specialists.

Sticky traps must be placed in the toilet. They will come in handy if new rats climb out of the sewer. The animal will stick to glue for rats and will not be able to walk.

Where to go

If a pest was found in the toilet, then its relatives live in the house. Time will pass and another curious face will appear in the toilet.

On a note!

If the rat gives out its presence the moment you go out of need, it will attack and inflict painful bites.

After detecting the enemy, you must call the plumber. A specialist who came to the call will check the sewer pipes for the presence of rat passages. It is worth contacting someone who has already encountered similar problems. He will tell you how to control pests in the toilet.

Special services should be notified of the appearance of a rat in sewer pipes:

  • Housing office, which is obliged to conduct deratization;
  • Rospotrebnadzor if the previous instance did not respond;
  • SES, whose specialists will give the coordinates of a specialized company.

It is better to act together with other residents of the house. It may turn out that a similar problem has affected several apartments. Then the services will respond faster.

Do it yourself

Rat extermination
Rat extermination

Do not rely on the mercy of state offices. The fight should be included on their own. After all, not always called experts can fully help.

The most effective way to get rid of rats in the sewers in the home way, to prepare the bait:

  1. Take flour and gypsum in a ratio of 2: 1. Add odorous sunflower oil to the mixture.
  2. Pour the bait into a shallow plate and place a bowl of water next to it.
  3. Having tasted a treat, the rat will want to quench his thirst. The mixture in the animal’s stomach will freeze and lead to his death.

Modern technologies can help in the fight. Manufacturers of ultrasonic repellers claim that their product causes the flight of rats and mice. The waves emitted by the device are safe for humans, and small pests are prevented from living and reproducing normally. After application ultrasonic rat repellers rodents take to flight and no longer return to a dangerous place.

The answer to the question whether the rat can climb out of the toilet is positive. More often than others, residents of the first floors face a problem. But there were times when rodents crawled out of the toilet and on the fifth floor. To avoid these problems, you need to have knowledge, how to get rats out of the basement with folk remedies. If you are affected by a problem, act immediately: contact the Housing Office, call the plumber and put the chemicals in secluded places.

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