Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Ammonia from the bear

Bears live underground, come to the surface in the dark, crawl around the garden, fly through the garden. Signs of the presence of pests on the site are the lack of seedlings, the death of seedlings, the drying of root crops. For the expulsion of pests, professional, folk remedies are used, including ammonia alcohol. Fighting a bear with ammonia is an old, proven method.

Ammonia features

Ammonia from the bear in the garden is used to expel pests, prevention. It acts on pests in several directions.

  • An unpleasant pungent odor repels insects, does not allow settling, expels from own shelters, i.e. works by type repeller. But there is one drawback - the smell quickly disappears in the fresh air. Protection from the bear is valid while the aroma is present. Repeat the processing procedure every week.
  • Ammonia, aka ammonia, is a strong nitrogenous fertilizer. It has a beneficial effect on the growth, development of plants, increases useful soil indicators. But the increased nitrogen content negatively affects the health of the bear. In the thickness of the soil it is difficult for them to breathe. After some time, the pests move to more favorable places for themselves.

Ammonia from the bear acts, as evidenced by real reviews of gardeners.

Application features

Ammonia from the bear
Ammonia from the bear

How to use ammonia, it is easy to guess - in a pure, diluted form. There are proven recipes with ammonia against the bear in the garden.

  • Prepare a solution. The dose is strictly observed. Since a high amount of nitrogen in the soil negatively affects garden crops. 3 tbsp. tablespoons, or 10 ml per 10 liters of water. Pour the solution with earth near the plant, avoiding contact with the green part. Water the aisles, if you have to fight on the beds with carrots, beets.
  • Condensed ammonia helps in concentrated form. In the beds with cabbage or in other parts of the garden, rags soaked in the preparation are laid out. It is recommended that they be crammed into holes or placed in places where pests can build them.

On a note!

To keep the smell longer, they resort to a little trick - put a lavishly moistened rag in a plastic bag, tie it up. Make small holes.

In addition to the use of ammonia, there are many more funds from the bear in the gardenthat will interest all the owners of the garden plots.


Ammonia from the bear
Ammonia from the bear

Bears wound up in the country. Fought by folk methods. Chemistry was not used. The soil with a solution of ammonia was treated every week for a month. Additionally, bottle traps were made. Caught old, chased away new ones. The use of ammonia longer than this time is not recommended, since vegetation can be affected. As the yellow leaves noted, it is necessary to stop.

Daria, Voronezh

Before planting seedlings, I prepare the soil. I make holes, water them with a solution of ammonia. I plant plants, I dig them in with a dugout. Benefits for both land and seedlings. Medvedki such beds bypass. It can be applied on any hole. A neighbor is planting cabbage.

Antonina, Saratov

Planted seedlings, after a while began to die.I pull out a seedling, it is separated from the root system. I began to explore the area - I noticed small tracks of tracks, holes, indentations. I came up with the thought - the bears. I began to prepare the product from ammonia. With a solution you need to water the ground near each plant. Seedlings survived, the bears disappeared.

Alina, Moscow

It’s quite difficult to get rid of the bear in the area, but if you do it systematically, do not forget about prevention, you can prevent the settlement of pests, protect crops.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Veronica

    The smell of ammonia affects many insects, but for a very short time. I think protection from the bear is not in the smell, but in the ability to saturate the soil with nitrogen.

    1. Anna

      Agree. Even a cloth will not help. Indoors, the smell lasts a maximum of 20 minutes if the bottle is poured. It is difficult to keep it in a certain place in the fresh air. But what works is for sure. Mom did it.

  2. Svetlana

    The method is good because it does not harm the plants, on the contrary, in favor. When evening watering plants, you can simply add 10 ml of ammonia. Processing does not burden, but it saves well.

  3. Inna

    I liked the review, where Antonina talks about how to plant tomato seedlings. Next year I’ll try it too. And cabbage too. Our soil is sandy and has not been fertilized for a long time. Bears appeared.

    1. Helena

      Yes. I also took note of this method. I also think you can try with a rag in the bag.

  4. Daria

    I soak sawdust in a solution with liquid ammonia, then I dig it under the plants shallowly. I cover it slightly with earth. Good for the soil, the bears do not climb.

  5. Sofia

    I also had to use this method with ammonia. I just read a lot that in the soil with high nitrogen, the bears do not live. I don’t know how ammonia works, but the method helps.

    1. Irina

      And then I wonder if cow manure does not enrich the soil with nitrogen, or what? In the garden with plentiful fertilizer, the bears are bred, first of all.

  6. Denis

    What difference does it make? The main thing is helping. I tried it in the country. You just need to know how to prevent plants from ammonia from drying out.

  7. Veronica

    This method did not help me much. I still had to poison. Perhaps it works for prevention or if there are few pests in the garden.

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