Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Wax Moth Larvae Extract

The real scourge of the apiary is a wax moth. This small insect lays eggs in the hives, from which the larvae hatch and harm the bees. Larvae of moth eat wax in combs, braid them with cobwebs, spread the stench, from which the bees are forced to leave their homes. Oddly enough, these same moth larvae can also bring benefits to humans: an extract of a wax moth, in the manufacture of which insect larvae are used, used for medical purposes to treat a number of diseases. Which and how exactly - consider in more detail. It should be borne in mind that official medicine does not recognize the effect of wax moth extract in the treatment of diseases, and explains the positive results with the placebo effect.

A bit of history

The ancient Egyptian priests knew about the beneficial properties of wax moths. Their healing properties were used to maintain the beauty and youth of the pharaohs.

Ancient recipes involving the use of fires were found in Asia and in Russia. It was a common treatment for consumption and infertility.

From a scientific point of view, the healing properties of the wax moth and its larvae were examined by Melnikov. He suggested that the substances produced by the caterpillars are capable of destroying the wax not only in the hives, but also in consumption provocateurs - bacteria coated with a wax film. After conducting research, Melnikov established himself in his assumption. Thanks to experiments, it became clear that with tuberculosis wax moth larvae have a positive effect on health.

Wax moth
Wax moth

Further observations made it possible to use a substance produced by wax moth larvae for the treatment of diphtheria, tuberculosis, and some heart diseases.

Today, some beekeepers, in addition to their main activity, breed moth larvae for further study.

Mechanism of action

Wax moth extract is by far the most famous folk remedy for tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory organs. Experts warn that it is necessary to take this drug with great care, since it has not yet been fully studied, and most doctors are inclined to lack effect when using wax moth extract for treatment.

Scientists are not ready to explain the mechanics of the drug. There is an assumption that the caterpillar for food processing releases a certain substance that kills the tubercle bacillus. The same enzyme allows the insect to use wax in honeycombs in a bee hive.

On a note!

To make a wax moth extract at home, it is ideal to use live larvae, since, according to beekeepers, they contain unique enzymes in high concentration. However, even today, after many years of study, not all chemists are ready to recognize the existence of this enzyme.


“I don’t know how others, but to me tincture of wax moth didn't help at all. Complied with all recommendations on dosage, time of admission, etc.The result is just zero! Leg pains not only did not go away, but also headaches appeared. As soon as I stopped taking it, my head immediately stopped hurting. ”

Natalia Innokentievna, Khabarovsk

Indications for use

Wax Moth Extract
Wax Moth Extract

The first years after the discovery of the benefits of the larvae, they were used only for the treatment of tuberculosis. Over time, the list of diseases in which the enzyme of caterpillars of the moths should help, has expanded significantly. Today, traditional healers say that relief or complete cure brings an extract of wax moth larvae, used in the following cases:

  • Koch's wand. The use of the extract leads to the resorption of tuberculosis foci, the healing of caverns. Used in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and other organs of the respiratory system;
  • Strengthens the immune system, enhances physical activity, allows you to stay awake longer;
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Relieves symptoms of heart failure, angina pectoris. Recommended as a treatment for thrombophlebitis, venous obstruction. It is indicated for myocardial infarction, hypertension;
  • Scar reduction. The enzymes that make up the extract help reduce scarring, resorption of adhesions from inflammation or surgery;
  • Used in combination with traditional means for the treatment of prostate adenoma;
  • With high physical exertion, the drug increases endurance, activates tissue growth, promotes the production of hemoglobin;
  • Improves mood and memory;
  • Improves blood counts;
  • Gynecological diseases. Indicated for the treatment of infertility;
  • Increases sperm activity, enhances sex drive. In some cases, it is indicated for sexual impotence, prostatitis;
  • With diseases of the liver and pancreas;
  • With skin diseases.


It is important to understand that no matter what famous magician and sorcerer advises to take the medicine for “all diseases”, the very first person to consult with about his intake is the attending physician. And only if your doctor has approved the use of wax moth extract - can it be taken.


“Before I decided to take the tincture of the ognevka, I had a strong expansion of the veins on my leg, I was preparing for the operation. He drank tincture for two months, after which 2 knots disappeared, pain disappeared. The doctors were silent about the operation "

Igor, Kaliningrad

Wax moth extract is used as a prophylactic and medicine for many diseases. This drug is not toxic, is not included in the pharmacological risk group, it can be used together with other drugs. You can store it for up to 5 years, a minimum of contraindications.


Who should not take tincture
Who should not take tincture

Although wax moth extract is safe and non-toxic, in certain situations it can not be taken in order to avoid allergic reactions:

  • With individual intolerance to beekeeping products;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Should not be taken by a child under 14 years old.


Moth extract is made from dried and ground raw materials combined with alcohol, oil or other liquids. If alcohol is poured into unprepared raw materials, a tincture is obtained. However, when selling the product “with hands”, whole caterpillars are visible - sellers boldly call this mixture “extract”.

Instructions for use

The use of wax moth extract for the treatment of various diseases depends on the purpose for which it is used. Consider both options.

Domestic use. Shake the contents of the vial thoroughly before use, drink 30 minutes before meals. The tool is universal, but the dosage depends on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, on its weight, height, age. It should be borne in mind that a course of less than 90 days will not give the desired result. The interval between courses should be from two to four weeks. Be sure to get the consultation (and permission to use) of the attending physician.

Outdoor application. Used to treat inflammation and analgesia. Alcohol tincture, therefore, perfectly disinfects and heals.

External use is effective for neuritis, osteochondrosis, herpes, arthrosis, bruises, postoperative scars, stretch marks, irritations.


“Tuberculosis was cured with the help of“ official medicine ”, but bronchial asthma remained. It seemed - forever. Once a friend advised me to try treatment with tincture of wax moth. After half a year I stopped choking even in the summer. ”

Alexey I., Moscow

Making tinctures at home

Preparation of wax moth tincture
Preparation of wax moth tincture

Having studied the use and contraindication to the therapeutic mixture, many want to make a wax moth tincture on their own. Consider the step-by-step instructions for preparing a moth tincture. It is important to understand that this will be the tincture, the extract should be poisoned at the pharmacy.

  1. Very young caterpillars are required, since “adult” larvae shortly before pupation lose their ability to secrete a unique enzyme.
  2. Pour live larvae into glass dishes (preferably from a dark material).
  3. Pour with alcohol 1:10.
  4. Tightly close the jar, insist 10 days in a dark place.
  5. Strain.
  6. Store in a dark place for up to three years.


“I bought a tincture from one beekeeper. It was unbroken. I did not think that I could use such an abomination. At first I poured it straight from the can - it was difficult psychologically, but it tasted like ordinary alcohol. Then she filtered - in general, there were no problems with the reception. But after the first course I breathe easier, I almost forgot about hypertension. ”

Zinaida, Novosibirsk

Method of use

There are no uniform rules for taking the extract / tincture of fireworm larvae, since there have been no serious studies of this drug. However, each manufacturer and “manufacturer” applies tips on how to take this extract of wax moth to a bottle or jar with a medicinal composition.

Most often, for oral use, I recommend adding 15-20 drops of an alcohol solution to half a glass of water and taking two to three times a day half an hour before meals.


Only a doctor can recommend taking the drug and prescribe a dosage. Do not use the product for internal use without consulting a competent specialist.

Release forms and manufacturers

You can buy extract for treatment in a pharmacy, in online stores or directly from beekeepers. The cost of 100 ml of extract varies around 800 rubles. This is the price of an extract with 20% starting material. If there are 10% of larvae, then the price will be half as much. However, such a tool is less common.

It is impossible to find a wax moth extract sold by a "famous" manufacturer. You can buy a drug from a certain company "Melonella", packaged in elegant bottles, but no certificates of conformity, GOSTs or other documents can be found.

To minimize the risk of fraud when acquiring funds, you should forget about the meaning of the word "extract". You will have to take a tincture, focusing on its appearance. It is necessary to evaluate “by eye” the percentage ratio of caterpillars and alcohol, their appearance. If you are offered a "filtered" product, you should not take it - it is likely to buy pure alcohol, which cannot help with these diseases.

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