Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Ognevka wax moth reviews and contraindications

Tincture of wax moth larvae is a traditional medicine that is used to treat a large number of diseases and strengthen immunity. If you read the reviews on the forums about this tool, the list of ailments that the tincture of wax moth cope with is simply unlimited: tuberculosis, sexual impotence, gastritis, ulcers, intervertebral hernias, migraines, sinusitis, bronchitis, polycystic. Really a panacea for all diseases found or this is another quackery, let's understand.

What is wax moth

Ognevka wax moth, moth, moth melanium, bee moth, cough, all these names refer to the same insect. Wax moth - butterfly melonella from the family of wax moths, lives everywhere, with the exception of regions with a harsh climate, in the hives of wild and domestic bees. The length of the adult butterfly varies between 2-4 cm, the front wings have a dark brown color, the hind wings are lighter in color. The mouthpiece of an adult moth doesn't have a proboscistherefore, it cannot consume any food, and vital activity is supported by accumulated substances. In adulthood, females live no more than 12 days, but males 26.

Moth fire
Moth fire

The butterfly lays eggs, which after 7 days turn into octopus moth larvae with a yellowish head and miniature dimensions of 1 mm. As it grows, the length of the body of the caterpillar reaches 2 cm. The entire period of the larva feeds on the vital products of bees: wax, pollen, royal jelly. According to beekeepers, one larva of melonella is capable of destroying several hundred bee cells, and with a large infection of the hives, the bee colonies weaken or die.

Composition and properties of tincture of wax moth

Tincture of wax moth is prepared from butterfly larvae. Adults are not used for the preparation of the drug. Distributors tinctures of moth larvae believe that the beneficial properties of caterpillars are due to the high content of biological substances that they accumulate, eating bee products, including wax. The composition of the wax moth extract includes the following components:

  • about 20 amino acids, some of which are irreplaceable, that is, the human body is not capable of producing them on its own;
  • enzyme cerase - a component for the breakdown of wax has a destructive effect on the membrane of tuberculosis bacteria;
  • active substances that inhibit viruses;
  • trace elements that stimulate cell growth.
Tincture of Fire
Tincture of Fire

Initially, the drug was intended for complex treatment of consumption. Subsequently, the tincture began to be promoted as an alternative drug for the treatment of tuberculosis without medical treatment and as a therapeutic agent for curing such ailments as:

  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • weakened immunity;
  • coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis;
  • female infertility;
  • male sexual impotence;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • nervous system disease;
  • anemia, leukemia;
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers;
  • recovery period after surgical treatment.

Based on the extract of wax moth larvae, the drug Okoved is available for the treatment of diseases and the prevention of eye diseases, and for restoration of vision. Tincture of wax moth is recommended not only for sick people, but also healthy, leading an active lifestyle. The tool improves performance, enhances endurance, helps muscle tissues recover quickly after physical exertion. The creators of the tincture did not forget about people who are engaged in mental work. Regular use of the product improves memory, concentration, perseverance. Given the indications for use, an extract from the moth larvae is necessary for almost everyone.


The history of the creation of exotic tinctures

According to legends, tincture of wax moth larvae was used many centuries ago in Japan, China, Russia, and Ancient Greece. The first to start exploring wax moth was Ilya Mechnikov. His research was continued by the Soviet homeopath S.A. Mukhin, who supposedly owns the discovery of the enzyme cerase, confirmation of the anti-tuberculosis action of the larvae. The doctor died in 1981 and his baton was picked up by Spiridonov, Kondrashov, Rachkov.

The name of the homeopathist pops up only on the pages of the sites of beekeepers who actively advertise tincture with phenomenal properties. The most reliable Wikipedia source does not contain any information about the physician S. A. Mukhin himself or about his achievements. With a high degree of probability, the whole story with the studies of the tincture of moths of moths is a legend invented to promote the product.

The general public became aware of the tincture at the beginning of this century after the publication of an article by Karneev in the journal “Beekeeping”.

The opinion of doctors about tincture of larvae

All reviews of doctors about the extract of wax moth are one. Official medicine does not see the prerequisites for the treatment of any disease with this tool due to the lack of a scientifically proven base. In addition, such an enzyme, cerase, to the action of which folk healers refer, is not listed in the classification of enzymes and its chemical formula is not known in scientific circles.

Such a wide range of effects of the drug is perplexing. And the destructive effect on viruses, bacteria, and the strengthening effect on body cells, and the effect on blood flow, etc. Wax moth extract cannot contain as many biological substances as manufacturers claim. A high content of trace elements and vitamins can boast of any pharmacy drug, which will have a significantly lower price and the presence of a quality certificate.

Positive effect of admission moth larva extract on the body is explained solely by the placebo effect. When the patient sincerely believes in the miracles of the drug, the brain begins to produce the appropriate substances and the body starts the mechanism of self-healing.

If the use of tincture of wax moth does not contradict the treatment protocol, the doctor may authorize the use of folk remedies, but he is not entitled to recommend it, and even more so to prescribe it.

Dosage, contraindications and price of funds

Tincture of wax moth
Tincture of wax moth

Tincture of wax moth larvae is not produced at any pharmacological enterprise. The only producers are beekeepers. You can buy from them both the finished product and the larvae themselves. The product is a pharmacy bottle with a dark liquid and floating whitish caterpillars. The solution may be 10%, 20%, 30%. To prepare 10% tincture, 10 g of larvae are taken, which are filled with 100 mg of alcohol 40%, then the potion is infused in a dark place for 2-3 months. In recent years, tincture has begun to be prepared not only from larvae, but also from the excrement of the moths, referring to the fact that they are more saturated in composition than the larvae.

Usually, the tincture is accompanied by instructions for use, which is compiled by the manufacturer, so the recommendations may vary. In some contraindications for use are completely absent and the drug is recommended even for pregnant women, small children. Others have age restrictions. The only thing that unites all healers is the minimum three-month course of treatment and the dosage of the drug: 1 drop for one lived year. On some seller’s sites, the disease and body weight are taken into account to compose a dose.

The price of one 50 ml vial made in Altai starts at 300 rubles. For a three-month restorative course, at least 3 bottles are needed. Manufacturers recommend drinking tincture for 6 months for a sustainable result, which requires the purchase of at least 6 bottles.

Application Reviews

Most of the reviews on the use of wax moth tinctures are left by visitors to manufacturers' websites, less often reports of a phenomenal elixir are found on forums dedicated to the fight against tuberculosis.

Olga, 45 years old: “My adult son was given a disappointing diagnosis - tuberculosis, the stage of decay. He was treated in a hospital for three months, then outpatient treatment was prescribed. I found an article on the Internet about the healing properties of tincture of wax moth, ordered from Altai beekeepers. The son has been taking her for five months, says that her condition has improved. We will hope for further positive dynamics. ”

Anna, 35 years old “Tired of constantly getting sick and decided to work on strengthening immunity. Established nutrition - began to eat more vegetables and fruits to enrich the body with vitamins, and also acquired tincture of bee mothto increase resistance to viruses. It’s rainy autumn, and to my surprise, I’ve never caught a cold. ”

Sergey, 40 years old: “My son is 15 years old. For the past 7 years he has been constantly sick. Every cold goes into obstructive bronchitis. In the inpatient unit, all staff know him by name and face. The local pediatrician fears that bronchitis may turn into asthma and while the child is in his teens, he still has a chance to overcome the disease. Therefore, we devoted all our efforts to prevention. Having started searching for an effective remedy for the treatment of bronchitis, I came across a message on the forum of a person with the same problems as my son. He told how he managed to defeat the disease with the help of tincture of wax moth. 7 bottles were ordered right away to be enough for the course. The son was not shown the contents of the bottle and the caterpillars were removed. It has been 3 months since the start of taking tinctures. This is not to say that the son was completely cured, but he became less sick. After a 2-week break, we will continue the treatment course. ”

Sofia Lvovna, 43 years old: “My brother has an apiary. After reading reviews of the magnificent properties of the wax moth, she asked him to collect larvae in a jar when he had the opportunity. I prepared the tincture myself, there is nothing complicated about it. So far, the course of treatment is only one month. It seems to me that I began to sleep better and feel more cheerful. "

Andrei Alekseevich, a student at Lugansk Medical Institute: “Ignorance of people is truly surprising. The twenty-first century in the yard, and they believe in the healing powers of the mandrake root, tinctures of the rhino skin, and now also in the wax moth extract. It is not so scary when people use traditional medicine in parallel with the recommendations of the attending physician. It is terrifying when people refuse medical treatment in favor of potions. Recently, a five-year-old girl was brought to the department, who was suffocating. Barely managed to save her. And all because her mother, after the baby was diagnosed with bronchitis, ignored the appointment of a pediatrician and decided not to poison the girl with chemistry, but to cure her with a wax moth tincture. It only caused an ambulance when the child had difficulty breathing.Before making such decisions, especially when it comes to children, measure the risks and potential health risks from using folk remedies. ”

Christina: “To take such a disgusting potion, there must be good reason. I am very squeamish and I don’t know what should make me drink potion of floating caterpillars, filled with unknown. Who knows, maybe they mistakenly filled them with technical alcohol, and after taking the drug, I certainly will no longer need any medicine. ”

Anton Petrovich, 59 years old: “I’ve been holding soy apiary for 15 years. About 5 years ago, a muffled cough appeared. I did not find tuberculosis, nor did I find any obvious causes of coughing. I had to trust traditional medicine. A sorceress from a neighboring village advised me to prepare a tincture of wax moth larvae. This "good" periodically starts in the hives, so I did not experience a lack of components for preparing the medicine. I drank tincture in three-month courses with monthly breaks. After a year-long course, the cough almost disappeared. Now the wife is going to treat migraine with tincture. ”

Albina 35 years old: “My friend is 31 years old and she did not manage to get pregnant. What she no longer did, which doctors and healers did not go to, was all in vain. Regarding his wife as useless, the husband left her. The poor thing generally lost the meaning of life - neither a child nor a husband. While suffering greatly lost weight, became exhausted, barely moving her legs. Her mother, a regular reader of healthy lifestyle, insisted that her friend start drinking a tincture of wax moth. Gradually, a friend began to recover, forgave her husband's betrayal and met a wonderful man. Six months later, she became pregnant, then gave birth to a healthy little boy. For everything that happens to her, she thanks the tincture of the moth, and sometimes she affectionately calls her "little bee" her son.

Maria 48 years old: “Her husband’s report that he was diagnosed with tuberculosis shocked us. There were several foci in the picture, and the doctors set up the spouse to have to resort to surgical intervention. The husband was treated in a tuberculosis dispensary and drank pills in handfuls. I believe that all treatment methods should be used for treatment. Therefore, she became a regular in forums and publics where people shared their ways of fighting tuberculosis. Irish moss, dill seed, spruce cone jam - which I just did not carry to my husband in the hospital. Once, while waiting for the opening hours, I talked with a woman who, like me, came to my husband. She said that after taking a tincture of wax moth, her husband had a positive trend. On her recommendation, I ordered tincture. After 3 months of use, the husband began to gain weight, tomography showed noticeable improvements, and after 3 months the husband was transferred from the hospital to outpatient treatment. I can’t say with accuracy what exactly helped my beloved: pills, tincture of wax moth or the belief that he can overcome the disease - the main thing that helped. ”

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