Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get ants out of a car

Since ancient times, ants were considered beneficial insects. They not only fertilize and loosen the soil, but also destroy the larvae of harmful insects: bed bugs, fleas, flies and spiders. However, an excessive number of them in the garden or vegetable garden poses a serious threat to the crop. The appearance of insects in the house or apartment creates great discomfort to property owners. Often, vehicle owners also suffer from pests. You can learn how to get rid of ants in a car from this article.

How to remove insects

Ants in the car
Ants in the car

The question of what to do if, nevertheless, ants are wound up in the car, excites many drivers. It is necessary to take a number of urgent measures that will help get rid of ants in a fairly short period of time.

  1. While all the inhabitants anthill not migrated to the car, it is necessary to drive the car to a safer place.
  2. Carry out a thorough inspection of the car interior to find ant paths, as well as places of mass accumulation of pests. It is advisable to look under the hood of the car.
  3. A thorough cleaning of the cabin will help to remove the ants from the car: it is necessary to destroy all residual dirt, food and water from the casing. This can be done better with a vacuum cleaner. The most ideal option is dry cleaning.
  4. Scare away ants Out of the car, the smell of ammonia is capable. It is enough to moisten a cloth napkin with it and leave it on a rubber mat with the windows and doors tightly closed for a day. The same amount of time will be needed to ventilate the cabin.
  5. Effective against ants and vinegar solution. Its smell is also not tolerated by ants. It is necessary to mix vinegar with water in equal amounts, process the places of movement and accumulation of insects in the car.
  6. Turpentine has similar properties. It is used in a similar way.
  7. They are afraid of ants and the smell of tobacco smoke. However, using this method of control, it should be borne in mind that getting rid of the cigarette smell in the car interior will not succeed quickly.
  8. You can remove ants from the machine with the help of chemicals. A good and quick result is the use of aerosols such as Dichlorvos, Raptor or raid. However, one should not forget that this method of control can pose a serious danger to human health. Therefore, it is used in extreme cases and with an excessively large number of insects.

How to prevent pests

Ant Prevention
Ant Prevention

To prevent ants from starting in the car, it is enough to follow simple rules:

  • You can not leave the car in the area sown with grass, as well as close to it. In the absence of such an opportunity, you should pay attention to the presence of anthills in the parking lot.
  • Leftovers of food (especially crumbs of sweet desserts) or drops of spilled drink can attract insects into the car interior. Therefore, they must be disposed of without fail.
  • Regular wet cleaning of the interior of the car.

Following these recommendations, you do not have to deal with ants in the cabin of your own car.

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