Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Interesting facts about mice

Mice are a separate family of four hundred species. Collections of animals are rats and hamsters. Rodents love to settle next to humans and are perceived as annoying pests. But the behavior and life of animals is curious. It is worth reading interesting facts about mice and the opinion about animals will change.

The most interesting and amazing facts

Mice help scientists make discoveries that save lives. But more recently, it was possible to uncover the rodent genome. It is 80 percent human. And not only this, the mammal looks like a human being. In animals and in humans, joints have the same number of parts and are arranged in a similar way.


The structure of the skeleton from the human is very different. So, the pest is deprived of a clavicle. Thanks to this interesting feature, he manages to penetrate the narrowest gaps.

Today, mice are a popular pet. They are affectionate, calm and do not require special care. Some owners note the fact that their pets respond to their own nickname. But few people know that the baby was tamed back in ancient Egypt. In China, these animals were also bred. And still the inhabitants of this country are sure that the fact of the absence of rodents in the home is a bad sign.


The following mouse information is also very interesting:

  1. Pests are among the most studied animals on the planet.
  2. The bat is the only flying mammal.
  3. Sneakers distinguish between red and yellow color spectra. And blind animals catch the change of day and night.
  4. In nature, rodents prefer to lead a nocturnal lifestyle. Decorative types of mice adapt to the rhythm of a person and sleep at night.
  5. Mice don't like to eat cheese, and the smell of this product can scare them away. The mouse diet consists of cereals.
  6. The animals are able to live without water for a long time. But they need to eat enough carbohydrates.
  7. An interesting fact is that the “mouse” from the ancient Indo-European language translates as “thief”.

Not only interesting and unusual facts are known about rodents. There are many superstitions and signs associated with these mammals among humans.

Signs and superstitions

Facts about mice should be supplemented with various interesting signs that many still believe in.

House mouse
House mouse

The most famous sign is the assertion that rodents are the first to leave the ship. The sailors noticed that before the storm they were anxious and trying to leave the ship. This is because mice hear better than humans. Round ears pick up changes in the sound of the waves, the strength of the wind and feel the approaching thunder.

But there are other interesting superstitions related to restless babies:

  1. The mouse in the apartment promises a speedy move.
  2. If field voles arranged in the house supplies of edible, the owners are waiting for wealth.
  3. Mouse squeak and fuss under the floor brings misfortune.
  4. Man whom bitten by mousewill get sick soon.
  5. If the rodent ruined the clothes, then its owner will face setbacks in business matters.

Many signs have a rationale. It’s just that our ancestors did not have enough knowledge to explain various facts, so they came up with signs. But some superstitions no longer work. So, from modern ships, small thugs do not run away.

There are many more amazing facts about these rodents. Here are the most interesting.

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