Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of butterflies and cabbage caterpillars

How to deal with butterfly cabbage, there are several proven methods. For the destruction of pests using folk methods of control, professional drugs. Butterflies are caught or scared away, caterpillars are destroyed. Protection of cabbage from this pest from the family whites - One of the most important issues for summer residents, gardeners, farmers.

Advantages, disadvantages of folk methods

It is recommended to fight cabbage in the country folk remedies on cabbage and other plants. For the manufacture of effective drugs, plants, decoctions of flowers, spices, substances with a pungent odor, wood ash and much more are used.

The main advantage of the methods is safety for the environment, people. Especially when it comes to early varieties of cabbage. The decay period of the insecticidal substance is from 22 to 60 days. The ingestion of poison into the body along with the vegetable threatens the accumulation of toxins. It is impossible to feel the effect of the poison right away, but with the constant tactics of treating cabbage with poison, the risk of developing stomach ulcers and cancer increases several times.

The remedy for white cabbage is prepared from "improvised" ingredients that are always present in the household, first-aid kit, and kitchen. The process is simple, does not take much time. There is no need to use personal protective equipment in the form of a respirator, a suit. It is enough to protect your hands with rubber gloves.

On a note!

A significant drawback is that the whole warm season will have to repeat the treatment of cabbage repeatedly to achieve the desired result. To save cabbage from an already appeared cabbage, spraying the vegetable is carried out 2-3 times a week, depending on the chosen remedy. If you want to save cabbage - once every 14 days is enough.

Advantages, disadvantages of chemicals

Pest Treatment
Pest Treatment

The fight against cabbage starts in early spring, as the years and mating of butterflies take place in April. In May-June appears first generation of tracks. It is not so numerous, but this amount is enough to destroy young seedlings of cabbage, to slow down the development of the head of cabbage.

In mid-summer, the next generation of cabbage caterpillars appears, butterflies flutter over the beds much more actively. And already at the end of summer, the beginning of autumn, the last generation of caterpillar caterpillars is shown from eggs, which will winter. To get rid of the butterfly cabbage, you need to constantly monitor the beds with cabbage, take timely measures.

Significantly simplifies the process of a modern effective insecticidal agent. Manufacturers claim that with proper use, the poison does not harm the person and the environment, it is finally neutralized in the soil in 60 days, on the surface of the leaves in 22 days.

On a note!

The disadvantage of the chemical method is that it is possible to treat cabbage from harmful insects only 1 time per season - in early spring when planting seedlings.In later varieties, re-processing is allowed, but no later than 25 days before harvesting.

Effective folk remedies

How to deal with caterpillars on cabbage according to folk recipes, each one individually chooses for himself. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to combine several methods at once.

Wood ash

Ash for combating cabbage
Ash for combating cabbage

One of the most effective folk remedies for many garden pests. There are several ways to get rid of caterpillars on cabbage.

  • A solution from ash of a cabbage butterfly will help from a solution of ash, laundry soap. A foaming ingredient of natural origin is added to increase the effectiveness of wood ash - it keeps particles on the surface of the sheet. Ingredients are added to water, mixed, poured into a garden spray bottle or a spray bottle. Carefully spray cabbage leaves on all sides. The procedure must be carried out early in the morning or in the evening. Repeat after 3 days, provided there is no rain.
  • Ash is added to water, cabbage is watered. Active components in this way penetrate the juice of the plant, give it bitterness. Caterpillars stop feeding, crawl to neighboring sites or die.
  • In the garden around the cabbage paths made of wood ash cowardly. This procedure is recommended to be done before the butterflies begin to flutter over the plant.

On a note!

The harm of the cabbage butterfly can be colossal - from the destruction of seedlings to the damage of ready-made, head-headed cabbages.

Strong odor plants

Butterfly Cabbage Repeller Plants
Butterfly Cabbage Repeller Plants

Fighting cabbage with folk remedies is not complete without plants. Their goal is to scare off the moths, prevent them from laying eggs, and also “spoil the appetite” of the caterpillars.

  • Around the beds or between the rows to plant calendula, marigolds, onions, garlic. Persistent odor repels butterflies, you do not have to fight with caterpillars.
  • From tobacco, garlic, wormwood, tansy, celandine, an infusion is prepared. The ingredients can be mixed with each other or taken separately. Pour water, let it brew for a day. Filter, add laundry soap. Use for spraying. The procedure is repeated every 3 days.
  • Effectively from butterflies of cabbage and caterpillars of valerian, essential oil of lavender, citrus, citronella. Aromatic substance is added to water - per 1 liter of 10 drops. Sprinkle the cabbage.

On a note!

In the midst of summer dwell cabbage butterflies on strawberriesactively eat nectar. They live about 20 days. During this time, each female manages to lay 1,500 eggs. For effective caterpillar control Necessary to pay attention to neighboring cultures, do not leave them unattended. And before planting seedlings in early spring, you need to wash trees, household outbuildings bordering the garden with plenty of water. It is there that pests winter.

Tools at hand

You can get rid of larvae and moths in the beds using baking soda, table vinegar, ammonia, salt, laundry soap, as well as spices - mustard, red, black pepper, cinnamon, cloves. Mix any ingredients, add laundry soap, spray the plants. Powder of spices make paths between rows, around the beds.

How to deal with butterfly cabbage with folk remedies is very simple. You just need to be patient, as the result may not be immediately noticeable. It is recommended to collect the caterpillars by hand, to destroy them. To catch butterflies using traps from plastic bottles, where sweet jam, honey, and sugar syrup are placed.


Chemicals for Cabbage
Chemicals for Cabbage

Poison the cabbage should be in accordance with the instructions, using personal protective equipment. Processing is carried out early in the morning, in the evening. Do not exceed the dosage, spray the plant twice a month. It is forbidden to process already formed heads of early cabbage.

Effective remedies:

  • Actara;
  • Actellik;
  • Karbofos;
  • Decis.

On a note!

The preparations have a wide spectrum of action; they destroy caterpillars by contact, during feeding. The action lasts up to 25 days. Heavy rains, drought do not affect efficiency. The average price of the drug is 100 rubles.

In addition to insecticides, biological products are used that kill caterpillars within 5-7 days. The plant should be treated once every 2 weeks. Vegetables can be consumed after thorough washing with cold water. The best drugs from this group are Fitoverm, Bitoxibacillin, Spark bio. The cost of biological products on average 200 rubles.

( 2 grades average 4.5 of 5 )

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