Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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Shaggy caterpillars (fluffy)

The hairy caterpillar is characterized by the presence of numerous villi of different lengths throughout the body or in its individual sections. Butterfly larvae with exotic appearance are more common in countries with a warm climate, in the tropical zone. They have a diverse color, differ in lifestyle, nutrition. At the end of their development, pupate, a butterfly appears, which in color can differ significantly from the larva.


Shaggy caterpillars eat in most cases, plant foods - fruit juices, plants, nectar. However, among them there are predators eating their own kind - weakened, sick larvae, butterflies, other small insects, aphids.

  • Polyphages are absolutely illegible in food; they eat almost all vegetation. They are mostly nocturnal.
  • Oligophagous eat plants of a certain species, genus. So the caterpillar of the swallowtail butterfly eats exclusively on the umbrella.
  • Monophages live and eat one plant. With severe infection of a particular shrub, other plant species adjacent to it remain in complete safety.
  • Xylophages do not eat anything but wood. This group of caterpillars is always distinguished by a large number of individuals in one brood.

The transitional form is shaggy creatures, eating fungi, fungi, lichens. Keratophages, which feed on elements of animal origin - horn cover, hair, skin, hair, belong to a separate group.

Shaggy tracks
Shaggy tracks

The hairy caterpillar butterfly is an ancient inhabitant of our planet, whose roots go back to the time of the existence of dinosaurs. In the world there is a huge variety of larvae, characterized by an unusual appearance, the presence of hairs on the body of different lengths. A photo of a furry caterpillar is presented below.

On a note!

A fluffy caterpillar can look quite attractive, but you should not touch it for the sake of curiosity. In most cases hair contains special poisonwhich, upon contact with the skin, causes serious irritation of the skin, worsening of general well-being - headache, chills, nausea, dizziness, etc.

The appearance of hairy cubs of butterflies

Shaggy tracks
Shaggy tracks

Photos and names of fluffy caterpillars are presented below. Surprising variety of butterflies and their larvae, colors, appearance.

  • Yoke. Outwardly resembles a miniature, harmless, furry or hairy animal. However, under the attractive coat of wool are hidden thorns with a fairly strong poison. Within 5 minutes after touching a strange creature, a throbbing pain appears in the armpit. This is followed by general malaise, signs of intoxication of varying severity. The place of touch from the hairy young of the butterfly is covered with red spots, a rash.
  • Silkworm marching. Black furry caterpillar lives high on a pine tree. Hairy creatures settle in numerous colonies in a large silk nest. Butterflies lay eggs in large numbers. They feed on the juice of needles, move together in a colony, following one after another. The whole body is covered with hairs, poison is contained inside. Touching a person ends with irritation of the skin, signs of intoxication may be present.
  • Hairy caterpillar hiding in a bag. The name of the black furry caterpillar characterizes its lifestyle.During the day, the larvae hid en masse in a special silk bag, which they themselves form. At night they move in groups in search of food. Reminiscent of the appearance and lifestyle of larvae of silkworms, but for humans more dangerous. A large furry caterpillar contains an anticoagulant poison, which prevents blood from clotting and can cause internal bleeding. The butterfly is absolutely safe.
  • Dipper godchild. A black and orange hairy larva is dangerous due to the consumption of a large amount of the juice of a poisonous plant - the godson. In North America, butterflies and their offspring are used to destroy a harmful plant on the site. The hairy caterpillar is dangerous for cattle and horses. From her presence on the body, the animal may die. The person brings a temporary deterioration in health.
  • Moth Witch. Brown, shaggy, unusual shape. More like a flower with petals. It lives in orchards, eats the juices of plants, vegetables. For a person, it is not particularly dangerous, but after touching it, a rash, redness, and itching are observed.
  • The excitement. The shaggy black-red caterpillar has a red head. The body is black, on the sides are red stripes with spikes. The red color of the head warns of the dangers of a small creature. The pest lives on trees, eats bark. With a large number of larvae, the plant risks dying. You shouldn’t remove the caterpillar with your hands from the tree, the larva unpleasantly stings, causes an allergic reaction to the skin, general malaise.
  • Sadly. Red caterpillar with a light green pattern. Outwardly resembles a dog in bright clothes. Muzzle, tail, back. The light green pattern on the body looks like a saddle. This is where the name comes from. An attractive hairy creature is dangerous to human health. On fleshy horns on both sides of the body are spikes with poison.

Shaggy caterpillar passes several stages of development, molts from 2 to 6 times during growing up. At different stages of development, it can differ significantly in appearance - from naked to shaggy, from hairy to smooth.

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