Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

What are wasps for in nature?

The benefits and harms of a wasp are associated with its food preferences, lifestyle. Unlike bees, insects are not loved by humans due to aggressive temper, painful bites, wrecking in a summer cottage. But the role of wasps in nature is extremely important. The wasp family is not limited to striped yellow-black individuals, which are well known to rural, urban residents. There is a huge variety oscharacterized by lifestyle, behavior, strength of poison.

Benefit or harm

A person sees and evaluates only a small part of what wasps can do. Attention in most cases is directed to the negative qualities of insects. Often man fighting waspswithout thinking about the consequences, just because they spoil the grapes, eat berries, they can potentially sting painfully.

Harm to humans

In the first place always put the danger of a bite. Since most often people are faced with public, paper wasps, it is about them. Insect pierces the skin stingsquirts poison, which instantly causes an organism reaction in the form of redness, swelling, pain. With weak immunity, the presence of individual intolerance, a normal wasp sting becomes serious health complications. Manifested allergy not only local irritation of the skin, but also a deterioration in well-being.

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • change in blood pressure;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of orientation;
  • cramps
  • laryngeal edema.


In severe cases, the reaction develops instantly, swelling of the larynx can happen in just 5 minutes. In the absence of qualified assistance, a person dies. The situation is extremely rare, but there is a place to be. A severe allergy can occur even in those people who have previously been repeatedly subjected to insect bites, they are always easily tolerated.

Harm to a person from a wasp sting
Harm to a person from a wasp sting

In different sources, there is a statement that wasps attack only in case of danger to their own life, but regard how aggression they can any human movement, rush to attack. A small insect can simply not be noticed, stepped on or pressed down. A bite will follow. Extremely dangerous situation when a person approaches hornet's nestA massive insect attack causes severe allergies.

To protect yourself from troubles in the warm season, you need not to make sudden movements at the sight of a wasp, behave carefully in nature, always carry an antihistamine with you.

Wasps in a summer cottage

Adults feed on nectar, bee honey, juices of ripe fruits, some vegetables. As well as lemonade, kvass, beer. Protein food is required to feed the larvae. Often, wasps can be found near meat, fish. In the wild, they hunt spiders, small and large insects. From here come the beneficial and harmful qualities of insects.

In the suburban area, they get rid of the nest and a large number of striped individualsto avoid bite, crop damage. Insects are especially dangerous for grapes. What wasps do with berries: just pierce them, suck the juices. But they have the peculiarity not to eat one, but to damage different ones. At the puncture site, the berry begins to deteriorate, rot.Several dozen wasps in the vineyard can cause significant damage to the crop. To control insects on grapes man uses special bags, traps, insecticides.

Dangerous is the settlement of an aspen family in the country, where there is an apiary. Predators are not averse to getting enough of honey, and the bees carry their larvae for food. A massive attack can destroy a beehive in half an hour. Beekeepers to trap predators place traps, destroy nests mechanically - pour boiling water, burn.

Wasps in the country
Wasps in the country

However, in the summer cottage, wasps bring benefits, even more than harm. They destroy a huge number of insects, which a person calls pests of crops.

On a note!

Brazilian wasp venom became a real discovery of medicine, as it is capable of killing cancer cells. In the future, it is planned to produce a unique medicine that will help defeat oncology of the genitals, bladder.

Why wasps needed

There is nothing superfluous in nature. Each insect performs its functions, which are regarded by man as a benefit or harm. Wasps are needed in nature to regulate the number of insects - small, large. Scientists argue that in the absence of a wasp family, a person would know about such numbers of insect pests, which are now unaware of.

A flexible body structure, powerful jaws, a sting with poison help skillfully cope with any prey, even the one that is several times larger in size than the predator itself. If public wasps destroy many different insects, single ones choose one species or several. Better than humans, they look for pests, their larvae underground, they are used as a living incubator for their larvae.

What is the use of wasps of different types:

  • A digging Larra preys exclusively on a bear, with which a person is constantly fighting in his area. To other representatives of the fauna is indifferent.
  • Ammophile's digging wasp - a single sandy wasp destroying the larvae of scoops, which upon mass reproduction destroy crops of crops at a rapid pace.
  • Giant Scolia Regulates the number of May rhinoceros beetles, gherkins, bronzes. Despite the frightening appearance, a bite is not dangerous for a person.
  • The tiny Spilomena troglodytes wage a desperate struggle with thrips that hit garden, garden, and decorative flower crops.
  • The benefit of public wasps - polystypes, vespins with a characteristic yellow-black color, is somewhat larger. They destroy spiders, leafworms, caterpillars of moths, bronzoviks, horseflies, weevils, grasshoppers, locusts, bedbugs, leaf beetles. In urban conditions - this is the only large-scale enemy of flies.
Wasps of different species
Wasps of different species

This is not a complete list of potential victims of the aspen family. The location of the nest in the suburban area can do more good than harm. If the hive is located away from the garden, it doesn’t particularly interfere, you can use it for your own benefit. In the fall, the nest will empty itself.

On a note!

Why wasps in nature still needed to pollinate plants, increase the yield of berries, vegetables, fruits, provide excellent flowering to decorative crops. Wasps help decompose the corpses of animals, insects, taking away protein food to their larvae. Their importance in nature is underestimated by man, therefore, it is biased. But there is a flip side to the coin.

Excessive increase in the number of aspen family is dangerous by a massive attack on the apiary, bites of people, damage to fruits, berries. Help regulate the number of insects birds, animals, the largest representatives of the same aspen family - hornets. The main regulator and enemy for insects is a person with insecticides. Thanks to rash actions, some species of wasps are listed in the Red Book as disappearing from planet Earth.

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