Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Spider cross: photo and consequences after a bite

In our area, one of the most prominent representatives of arachnids is the cross. About 30 species live in Russia. They differ in color, a little size. A characteristic feature is the presence on the abdomen of a pattern in the form of a cross. Whether a spider a crusader or a crusader is dangerous for a person remains to be seen.

Description of appearance

Meet cross You can in the forest, garden, on the field, in the yard among the outbuildings. The spider loves a quiet place, protected from sunlight. In the afternoon, sits motionless on the web or hides in a secluded place.

The size of the females is not more than 1 cm, the males are always smaller. The body is painted in brown, gray tones of different shades.

On a note!

On the abdomen there is a pattern in the form of a cross of white, yellow, orange spots, stripes. For this reason, the spider got its name.

The legs are long, powerful, attached to the cephalothorax. Number of pawslike everyone species of spiders, - 8. The abdomen is convex, oval in shape. Ahead are strong chelicera, pedipalps. The chelicera predator kills the victim, inflicts bites, injects poison. Pedipalps are moving tentacles. With them, the spider grinds, grinds, grinds food, and keeps prey.

Crosses belong to the family orbiting. Build nets, wait for the victim, sitting on the web or hang in the immediate vicinity. Often you can meet a spider in the center of his creation in the pose of the letter "X". Braids with threads the plants, grass, branches of trees, shrubs, leaves.

Lifestyle, behavior

Predators live one by one, gather in pairs for a very short time - during the mating season. Males creep up to the web of the female, carefully move the threads. A hungry spider can easily eat a gentleman before he begins to care. If the chosen one remains in the center of the web, sits motionless, you can approach her.

Spider cross

On a note!

After mating, the female forms a cocoon, lays up to 500 eggs in it. Fastens near his shelter, guards. After the birth of the spiders creep in different directions. The mating period occurs in late July, by the beginning of autumn, a younger generation appears. They hibernate in forest litter, under the bark, hollows of trees.

The crosses feed on insects. Butterflies get into their nets, flies, grasshoppers, crickets, wasps, bees, fruit flies, mosquitoes. The spider pierces the chitinous cover, injects poison, saliva. The toxic substance causes muscle paralysis, immobilizes the victim. Mica turns the insides into a liquid mass, which the predator then drinks.

Poisonous or not

For insects, the dose of poison is lethal. With repeated bite by a spider of a small rodent, death can also occur. The dose of a toxic substance for large animals, a person does not pose a danger to life, but a local reaction appears at the site of the bite, general health worsens in some people.

The crosses are not aggressive, they do not attack people. They try to quietly hide in a secluded place. The bite happens by chance. A spider can crawl under clothes, hide in things that have been in nature. Often at night he climbs into shoes. Applies a bite only in case of self-defense. If you do not touch the cross, no one will be hurt.

Bite symptoms

You can not notice a small spider, but the bite is felt right away. There is severe pain.Further, the clinical picture develops differently, depending on the amount of poison ingested, the strength of the victim’s immunity, and a tendency to an allergic reaction.

Common symptoms:

  • pain;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • swelling;
  • two spots with gore, located in close proximity.

A photo of the consequences after the bite of the crusader is presented below.

With insufficient treatment of the wound after the attack of a spider, suppuration appears as a result of a secondary infection. The sore spot swells, hurts, the scale of inflammation increases. A complicated spider bite in the photo below.

On a note!

In people prone to allergies, with weakened immunity, small children overall health worsens. This is due to the ingress of poison into the general bloodstream, an inadequate response of the immune system.

Allergy to a spider bite
Allergy to a spider bite


  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rises;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • palpitations.

The condition is normalized on its own or special treatment is required. A bite of a spider spider passes within a week with the right approach.


There are no breathing problems from the poison, but if this happens, you should immediately call an ambulance. The toxic substance causes muscle spasm, the cardiac, respiratory system suffers. With a minimum dose of poison, strong immunity, such a reaction does not develop.

What to do if bitten by a cross

Spider attack is practically no different from wasp or bee sting, hornet. Initially, you need to rinse the wound, remove the remnants of the poison, disinfect to prevent infection.

First aid after spider bite:

  1. Rinse the wound under running water.
  2. Lather with soap, leave for 5 minutes, rinse.
  3. Wipe the place of the bite with alcohol or tincture based on it.

If you have to act in the wild, use the tools at hand:

  • vodka;
  • juice of lemon, orange;
  • juice of celandine, plantain, dandelion;
  • saliva.

On a note!

To remove the swelling, apply ice cubes, a cold compress. You can eliminate itching, burning, and disinfect the damaged area with baking soda paste, vinegar solution, shaving foam, and toothpaste.

In the future, to accelerate the therapeutic effect, use a cream, ointment with an antihistamine effect based on medicinal herbs, special substances. The wound is treated 2-4 times a day until the skin condition improves. The condition normalizes in 3 days.


  • balm Asterisk;
  • Psilo-balm;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • calendula ointment;
  • Menovazine;
  • Advantan.

If an infection gets into the wound, ulcers appear, are treated with local antibiotics - Levomekol, Tetracycline ointment, Elokom S.

To eliminate the common symptoms of allergies, they use an antihistamine inside - drops of Fenistil, Claritin, Diazolin tablets, El-Cet, Eden, Suprastin. Treatment lasts 3 days without consulting a specialist. If the condition does not normalize, you should consult a doctor.

The cross is rarely biting, but every lover of nature should know about the possible consequences. A quick first aid will help to avoid difficult consequences.

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