Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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What to do if a spider has bitten

In addition to the local allergic reaction on the skin, a spider bite can cause a deterioration in well-being, cardiac arrest, and choking. The development of symptoms depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the dose and composition of the poison that has entered the bloodstream. If a spider has bitten, after 15 minutes your health worsens, you should seek the help of specialists.

What does a spider bite look like?

All spider representatives possess toxic glands. A toxic substance is necessary for immobilizing the victim, liquefying the insides. In some spiders, a dose of poison is enough for Drosophila, mosquitoes, others paralyze rodents, amphibians. The latter are called poisonous, it is their bites that can result in death for a person.

Spiders bite with special fangs - chelicera. They are located in front of the cephalothorax, have a different shape. In terms of strength, the power is different for all predators. Some barely bite the skin, while others pierce the "tusks" to the very bottom. Bites differ in strength of pain - there is an instant burning pain or discomfort after a while.

On a note!

Spiders do not attack people on purpose, they bite, protecting their own life. Most bites occur due to a person’s carelessness when he does not notice a predator or out of excessive curiosity, as well as when mistreating an exotic pet.

As a spider bites, external symptoms:

  • the presence of two wounds located in close proximity, or a continuous inflamed spot;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • edema;
  • vesicles on the skin, filled with fluid inside around the inflamed area;
  • suppuration may appear in a few days.

Externally, spider bites often resemble bee stings, os, hornets, and sometimes mosquitoes. It all depends on the type of attack. A photo of a spider bite in a person is located below.

Spider bite
Spider bite

The ingress of pathogens into an open wound entails severe inflammation, swelling, increased redness, suppuration, the appearance of ulcers, weeping eczema. A photo of skin lesions of a secondary infection can be seen below.

Spider Bite - Human Symptoms

The development of general symptoms depends on how the spider bites, what species it belongs to, how much poison it injects. In most cases, people get off with discomfort, pain on the skin, and some of the victims do not notice anything at all, the bite goes away by itself.

A huge role is played by the strength of immunity, the individual characteristics of the body. However, in the case of a bite of a poisonous spider, even the strongest defensive reaction may not work. The effect of a toxic substance depends on qualitative, quantitative indicators. The spider bites once, rarely makes a second attack. After the first attack, he tries to quickly hide in a secluded place.The poison enters the bloodstream, spreads throughout the body, what the consequences will be, it depends on the quality indicators, the mechanism of action of the toxic substance.

  • Neurotoxic poison affects the central nervous system, peripheral. It provokes muscle cramps, which disrupts the work of internal organs - the heart, lungs, stomach, brain, etc.
  • Hemolytic poison of a spider destroys red blood cells, leads to a change in the composition and quality of blood. A bite can cause internal bleeding.

Spiders in Russia - owners of a neurotoxic substance. The consequences depend on the composition of the poison. With a potent substance, deterioration of health is observed within 15 minutes after the incident.

  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulty breathing
  • laryngeal edema;
  • shortness of breath, lack of oxygen;
  • tremor of limbs;
  • muscle pain;
  • profuse sweating;
  • violation of coordination of movement;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • increase in blood pressure, body temperature;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • slow heart rate.
The consequences of a spider bite
Consequences of a bite

Without timely medical assistance, a person may die from suffocation or cardiac arrest.

On a note!

The consequences of a spider bite are always more pronounced in children, the elderly, persons with reduced or pathologically weak immunity. In this case, even a bite of an ordinary crosspiece can threaten a person’s life.

What spiders bite

Experts say that the spiders that live in Russia do not attack themselves, they do not rush to attack a person. They do not differ in aggressive disposition, they prefer to hide faster in a secluded place without unnecessary incidents. If the situation is such that the predator feels a threat to its own life, inflicts a bite, injects poison. Absolutely all arachnids bite, but the consequences are different.

You can meet a predator at home. In the warmer months spiders settle in residential buildings, apartments, penetrate through open windows, doors, cracks in the wall. Little spiders hide in the corners during the day, behind furniture, at night they are active - weave a web. The bite of a home spider is a rare, not dangerous phenomenon. Young children up to 1 year old suffer, who have shown excessive curiosity, were left unattended by their parents. House spiders dangerous only to people suffering arachnophobia.

Most dangerous arachnids in Russia live in the wild, but in search of food, in the process of migration, they may end up in the possession of a person, his house. Often, predators bite people in nature, after they quietly climbed into things, shoes, clothes. Subtlely apply a bite.

Dangerous spiders of our area

Due to global warming, arid summers, the migration of southern individuals to the northern regions is observed. In Russia, poisonous creatures began to be frequently encountered, the bite of which leads to death if timely medical care is not provided.


The most dangerous spider in our area. The bite of a poisonous spider provokes instant pain, a local allergic reaction, after 15 minutes the general symptoms of poisoning develop, described in the section above.

The predator is medium in size. The female reaches 2 cm, the males - 70 mm. Long black legs, 13 red spots on the abdomen. With age, the color becomes more uniform, the spots disappear. Live karakurt in arid places, build burrows underground.

Karakurt and tarantula
Karakurt and tarantula

South Russian Tarantula

The most purchased poisonous instance of our area. A bite on a person’s skin causes an instant allergy, and after 20 minutes there is a deterioration in well-being. Failure to provide timely medical attention may result in death. Most dangerous tarantulas for children.

The dimensions of the female, together with the span of the legs, reach 35 mm, the males are half smaller. Color beige, brown, white with dark stains.

On a note!

Hallmark of poisonous south tarantula is a dark head. The limbs are long, powerful, the whole body is covered with hairs.


Exotic, vibrant creature with a memorable appearance. Other names heiracantium, yellow. Predator sack medium size, female about 1 cm, males even smaller. Legs, abdomen of amber yellow color, cephalothorax red or orange.

On a note!

Powerful jaws, chelicera in the form of curved fangs. He calmly pokes through a person’s nail plate.

The animal is shy, does not differ in aggressive temper, if the yellow sack bit, it means that he had to protect his own life. An instant, burning pain appears, then redness swelling. After a bite in children, people with weak immunity, a tendency to allergies, weakness, malaise, and symptoms of intoxication appear. Medical assistance required.

Black fathead

A bite is dangerous with an allergic reaction of varying degrees of intensity. Refers to poisonous. Traces on the skin pass within 2 weeks. General malaise is present the first few days. With a severe allergic reaction, medical attention is required. A bite of a red spider does not lead to death.

Males have a bright color - legs, cephalothorax black, velvet, abdomen red with four black spots. Females are larger - 1 cm, the whole body is black.

Dangerous Spiders
Dangerous Spiders

Black widow, false black widow

It is the most poisonous creature on earth. Black widows belong to the karakurt family.


The venom is 15 times stronger than the rattlesnake bite. Life-threatening symptoms develop within 15 minutes. A special substance is required to neutralize the poison. If a child is bitten by a spider, death can occur in half an hour.

The false black widow is somewhat different in appearance, her poison is not so strong. It provokes an allergy.

The appearance is memorable - black long legs, cephalothorax, abdomen with a glossy sheen. On the lower part there is a characteristic pattern in the form of an hourglass of red color; for false black widows it is pink, white-brown.

To poisonous spiders also carry wolves, crosses, hermits. They bite strongly, but not fatally. In most cases, the consequences are limited to an allergic reaction.

What to do if a spider has bitten

It all depends on what type of spider has bitten. If this is a small non-toxic creature, first aid is enough. If the spider strongly bites, an allergic reaction begins on the skin, local antihistamines are used. In case of an attack of an unknown instance, a general deterioration in well-being, you should immediately contact specialists.

  • The bite of a home spider is treated with antibacterial, antiseptic drugs. The pain disappears during the day, the skin recovers completely in a week.
  • Bite green spider no danger. Symptoms are limited to local allergies.
  • If a white spider has bitten, you need to rinse the wound, treat it with an antiseptic. If you have allergies, use an antihistamine ointment.

If spiders live at home as a pet, if handled carelessly, they may bite. Further actions depend on how toxic the pet is.

First aid for a spider bite

The initial task is to wash off the remnants of the poison, prevent the spread of blood, reduce the symptoms of an allergic reaction. First aid choices depend on where the event occurred. If the spider has bitten at home or in the immediate vicinity, you can use a home medicine cabinet, in the wild use improvised materials.

First aid for a bite
First aid for a bite
  1. Need to rinse the bite. Use running water, mineral, spring. At home, you need to use laundry soap.
  2. Disinfect the wound after a bite. Use folk remedies, alcohol tincture, hydrogen peroxide, a solution of menovazine, ammonia, etc.
  3. If the bite is sore, the swelling appears, a cold object, compress, ice cubes wrapped in gauze are applied.

To prevent the spread of poison through the blood after a bite of a poisonous predator, a tourniquet is applied over the wound or a bandage is made from bandage, improvised materials.


You can’t squeeze out poison, since this procedure promotes the spread of toxic substances through the blood, and the risk of secondary infection and cell death around the affected area are increased.

Folk remedies for a bite

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, accelerate the healing of the epidermis, use:

  • A solution of vinegar. In a glass of water, 1 teaspoon of the product. Process the bite site.
  • Baking soda paste. Diluted with water to a state of slurry.
  • Juice of lemon, orange, cucumber, onion, parsley, potato, as well as dandelion, plantain, celandine.
  • Toothpaste, shaving foam. Apply to the site of the bite for 5 minutes, wash off.
  • Leaves or aloe vera juice.

They are used for minor manifestations of allergies or as an adjuvant.

Treatment of a spider bite in a person with medicines

To stop the pathological process, neutralize the action of the poison, use local, systemic antihistamines.

Allergy pills
Allergy pills

Pills, drops for allergies:

  • Suprastin;
  • Claritin;
  • El Tset;
  • Eden;
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil;
  • Zodak
  • Loratadine;
  • Diphenhydramine.

With a sharp deterioration in well-being with difficulty breathing, arrhythmia, and high blood pressure, treating a bite yourself is prohibited. For the antidote, doctors administer a special serum or a combination of several drugs with different effects.

Preparations for treating the skin with a bite:

  • Fenistil-Gel;
  • Psilo-Balm;
  • Advantan;
  • Betamethasone;
  • Elokom;
  • Dermoveit.

You can use any cream, ointment with anti-allergic, antihistamine action. With a slight manifestation of allergies, they use Zvezdochka balm, Calendula ointment, Menovazin, Bepanten cream. They process a bite 1-4 times a day.


If spiders attacked, abscesses appear after a bite, you need to see a dermatologist, an allergist. Treatment will be prescribed by a specialist. In the presence of ulcers, ulcers, the therapy is carried out with local antibiotics or combined means - Elokom S, Tetracycline ointment, Levomekol, etc. If the spider has bitten in the neck, you must immediately go to the hospital, without waiting for the appearance of alarming symptoms. The reaction of the body is unpredictable.

According to the International Classification of Diseases - ICD 10, bites of poisonous spiders, their consequences, treatment are discussed in section T63.3. To the deadly poisonous spiders of our area include 2 species - karakurt, tarantula.

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