Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Orbiting Spiders

Orbiting spiders (lat. Araneidae) have 3 thousand species, combined in 170 genera. Different from others species of spiders size, color. The largest representatives live in tropical countries, weave a web in a radius of up to 2 m. Local residents use a "cloth", folded in several layers, to catch fish. In our area, orbiting moths can be found everywhere. They love forests, gardens, and a sunny meadow.

Photo and description of appearance

Color, sizes are different - from 5 mm to 28 cm. Small, medium-sized specimens live on the territory of Russia. The typical body structure is a convex abdomen, cephalothorax. The limbs are long, powerful, connected to the cephalothorax. Only 4 pairs. Color gray, brown, black with various spots, patterns, stripes or without them. A photo of spider orbiting can be seen below.

On a note!

From the front of the cephalothorax there are pedipalps that look like another pair of limbs. Movable tentacles help to hold the victim, grind, chop food. Chelicerae end with sharp fangs, contain poisonous glands. They predator pierces the prey chitinous cover, the skin.

Orbiting Spiders
Orbiting Spiders

On the head the spider has 8 eyes. The most important - 1 pair, placed in the center. They capture visual images, silhouettes, and shadows at a distance of 25 cm. Lateral - auxiliary eyes, provide horizons on all sides, warn of the approach of enemies, potential prey. Orbiting spiders respond well to movement, web vibrations, and smells. The organs of smell, touch are the paws.


Spiders lead a nocturnal lifestyle; during the day they hide in a secluded place near their own web. For catching prey weave nets. Engaged in this night, the formation of the canvas takes about 2 hours.

Outwardly, the web resembles a lace fabric. Initially, the predator stretches strong threads, forms a triangle. Many cells of different diameters depart from them. The ability to weave hunting nets is transmitted genetically. A little spider after birth is able to repeat everything that his mother does, but in smaller sizes.


The spider spends most of its life sitting on the web in the very center, or hangs down in anticipation of a hearty meal. You can notice the predator during the day on a web sparkling under the sun's rays in the pose of the letter “X”. Weaves networks almost everywhere - on plants, grass, trees, driftwood, in abandoned buildings, outbuildings.


The main diet consists of insects, as well as small relatives:

Orbiting Spiders
Orbiting Spiders

The spider learns about the presence of the victim by the vibrations of the web. Approaching prey, biting, injecting poison, saliva. It is wrapped in cobwebs, creeps to the side, watches what is happening for several minutes. A toxic substance causes muscle paralysis, saliva turns the insides into a liquid mass. The spider tries to eat everything at a time, leaves only a chitinous shell.


Without food, the spider is able to stay for about a year. Under normal conditions, a large amount of food is eaten 1 time in 7-10 days. Stalking Networks constantly updates, crawling to another place. Throws a damaged web after 12 victims.


Ornaments are gathered in pairs only during the mating season.The male carefully approaches the web of the female, fingering with his paws, creating certain vibrations. If the lady is predisposed to acquaintance, she crawls out to the middle of the canvas, sits motionless. A hungry spider eats a gentleman before he begins to care. The same fate awaits him if the chosen one is suddenly hungry after fertilization.

The female forms a cocoon, lays several hundred eggs there. Attaches near your own shelter. Carefully guards. After 2-3 weeks, the younger generation appears. Almost immediately, they spread in different directions. They hibernate under foliage, in crevices, hollows, and abandoned nests.

Poisonous or not

Orbiting moths do not differ in aggressive disposition; they prefer to quietly hide rather than rush to attack. They can bite while defending their own life. On the spot spider bite slight redness, swelling, pain appears. Passes in a few days. Orbiting spiders do not represent a serious danger to humans.

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