Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What smells repel cockroaches

Cockroaches do not like the smell that clogs the receptors. It should be a persistent aroma that causes discomfort in insects. Cockroaches have a well-developed sense of smell, with the help of smell they orient themselves in space, look for a couple, food, and move away from danger. Certain aromas can be used to expel the Prussians from an apartment, a house, and prevent their occurrence.


The persistent smell of a vegetable is not tolerated by insects living in the wild, indoors.

  1. Fresh cloves are laid out in cabinets, behind furniture, a refrigerator, a stove.
  2. With active actions, furniture is rubbed on the back side, legs of tables, chairs.
  3. The solution is poured into slots, inaccessible places.
Cockroach Garlic

Cockroaches are afraid of garlic, so they run away from the persistent aroma.

The advantages of the control method are accessibility, security. Disadvantages: the smell is unpleasant for a person, the effect ends quickly, as soon as the aroma weakens, the likelihood of addiction is high. The smell of cockroaches is sharp, so insects will feel discomfort for a maximum of a week.

Nitrocellulose smoke

Cellulose nitrate is a chemical compound of nitric esters. It is widely used for the manufacture of smokeless gunpowder, explosives, film-forming bases in varnishes, paints, enamels, etc. People's experts say that smoke from nitrocellulose copes with cockroaches perfectly and survives them from the premises in several procedures.

Nitrocellulose smoke to repel cockroaches
Nitrocellulose smoke

On a note!

Application of the method is advisable in non-residential, basement. Smoke from nitrocellulose is released quickly, but the substance burns out in a matter of minutes. For final extermination prusakov several procedures are required with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Paint, varnish

The persistent smell of paint persists for a long time, it is felt by cockroaches even when a person no longer hears it. When all methods of struggle have been tried, it was not possible to achieve the desired result, they begin to repair the apartment. They are engaged in wallpapering, paint floors, varnish the walls. After a few days, the Prussians will vacate the premises, they will not appear there for a maximum of six months.

Cockroach paint and varnish
Paint and varnish

On a note!

If you use additional protection methods - poison gels, traps, you can prevent infection of the premises in the future. Cockroaches in the apartment do not appear while there is a specific aroma.

Tobacco smoke

The Prussians cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco; they stay away from it. The method was widely used in the last century, when for cockroach control all means were good. Tobacco smoke clogs the receptors, so the insects hide, and with the constant presence of offensive odor for them, they leave the room. To expel parasites you need to singe a dry twig of tobacco or smoke shag.

Tobacco smoke from cockroaches
Tobacco smoke

On a note!

The effectiveness of the method is doubtful, since owners of dysfunctional apartments smoke very often in the room, the number of "settlers" does not decrease, but increases. Cockroaches do not like the smell, but he does not kill them and does not force them to leave the conquered territory.


Cockroaches scare away the smell of plants containing a large amount of essential oils.To combat the Prussians, fresh, dry flowers are used. Protection lasts as long as a persistent aroma is present. The likelihood of addiction is high, so the bouquet composition needs to be changed periodically. Grass repels insects for a maximum of a week, then the protection needs to be updated.

Cockroach herbs

What kind of grass are cockroaches afraid of:

  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • Bay leaf;
  • anise;
  • eucalyptus;
  • honeysuckle;
  • red elderberry.

Plants that repel cockroaches have been known since ancient times when their use was the only effective method of control. The application of the method from modern Prussians is ineffective.


Some indoor plants prevent the appearance of insects in the apartment. Home cockroaches are afraid geraniums in the kitchen, lemon balm, pharmacy chamomile. The method can hardly be called highly effective, but in combination with others means of struggle helps prevent contamination of the room.


Cockroaches are scared away by a smell that persists for a long time and interferes with normal life and the search for food. Unlike plants, the aroma of essential oil is present longer, much more saturated, the application is more convenient and extensive. Aromatic substance add to water for mopping, wiping furniture, soak cotton wool, lay in crowded placesuse aroma lamp.

Cockroach Essential Oils
Essential oils

To smell the cockroaches longer, drip on the lamp of the night lamp, leave it on all night, burn the candle soaked with ethers every night. Cockroaches are afraid of smell:

  • eucalyptus oil;
  • tea tree;
  • lavender;
  • anise;
  • geraniums;
  • lemon balm;
  • peppermint.


Products with hates that are hateful for Prussians are available in every home. The Prussians cannot stand the smell of concentrated table vinegar, ammonia, bleach. To control insects, chlorine-containing products are used - White. Add to the floor cleaning water or leave in an open container overnight when the activity of cockroaches increases. Ammonia impregnated with fleece, laid out in places of greatest congestion of the Prussians. Vinegar solution wipe furniture, floors, skirting boards, pour into the cracks.

Chemicals against insects

On a note!

Smells that repel cockroaches contain flammable substances - gasoline, kerosene, engine oil. It is advisable to use the funds in non-residential premises. Impregnated with a rag, left in the room.

Fragrances do not scare off cockroaches forever. They help to expel insects, but do not provide a lasting result. After a successful operation, you need to think about a major overhaul, removing cracks in the wall, floor, repair taps, pipelines, and keep the house clean.

( 4 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Svetlana

    No smell of cockroaches will scare away. These parasites are attracted to everything. It may frighten for a while, but after a few hours the Prussians adapt. Odor control is a laborious, annoying and futile process.

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