Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Where to go if there are cockroaches in the stairwell

Cockroaches in the porch
Cockroaches in the porch

The list of instances where to complain about cockroaches at the entrance: Management Company, SES, Rospotrebnadzor, Prosecutor's Office. Initially, you need to write a complaint with the requirement to carry out disinsection at the entrance of the management company, with which an agreement on maintenance of an apartment building has been concluded. At the same time they turn to the SES with a request to conduct an inspection at home. They write a statement to the Prosecutor's Office, Rospotrebnadzor.

What to do if there are cockroaches in the stairwell

Insects live in old houses where maintenance is not carried out properly, most of the apartments are infected, the problem is old and practically unsolvable. In new buildings cockroaches can start in the presence of a garbage chute in the entrances or living of unfriendly neighbors. Then the insects live in the apartment, crawl along the landings, infect neighboring apartments.

What to do if available prusakov at home, depending on the source of infection. They are trying to negotiate with neighbors. Residents of an infected apartment must pest control by all the rules at home, in an infected porch. If there are insects outside the apartments, they write a statement addressed to the head of the management company, which is obliged to maintain cleanliness in the house, according to the contract. If at this stage it is not possible to solve the problem, they write statements to the SES, Rospotrebnadzor, and the prosecutor's office.

On a note!

To force an unscrupulous neighbor or service organization to carry out pest control, a SES conclusion and a court decision are required. This process takes a lot of time, requires patience and iron nerves. Often, residents of the house themselves are dumped, carry out pest control at their own expense. Private firms are calling. If some tenants refuse to fund house processing, only a court can force them. It’s not always possible to agree “amicably”, so the problem with cockroaches in a multi-story building, apartments with dysfunctional neighbors is acute.

Where to complain about cockroaches in the porch

In most cases, high-rise buildings are served by a management company (ZhEK). An agreement is concluded with the organization, in which the obligations of the residents and the organization are prescribed. If the document indicates the point where the Criminal Code is obliged to carry out deratization, pest control, the management must be notified of the problem.

If there is no such item, the burden falls on the shoulders of the residents themselves, there is nowhere to complain particularly. A similar situation, if the house is not serviced by the Housing Office at all, the community, of which the residents of the apartments are members, is responsible for the improvement and cleanliness of the entrances.

In a situation where the management company must carry out pest control, but refuses to do this, they write a complaint to the SES, Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.


Contact, if at the entrance of cockroaches, to law enforcement agencies is necessary if there is evidence of inaction of the relevant authorities. The problem will be resolved only after appropriate checks, court decision. The complaint must be collective; all residents of the house or most of them sign it.

Sample Application

The first application is sent to the management company. The sample can be found on the Internet or go to the director of the organization, write an appeal there according to the presented sample.

Contacting the House Management Company

A sample complaint about cockroaches in the house can be obtained from a lawyer if you turn to him for help. The service will cost a penny, but the document will be drafted in accordance with all the rules. One resident of the house or several can subscribe.

Collective appeal example

Head of State Housing Inspectorate

Moscow region - to the Main State

Housing Inspector of the Moscow Region Name

from FULL NAME 1, address ________________,

FULL NAME 2, address ________________,

Name 3, address ________________

The letter is stated in any form, the following information is indicated:

  • the reason for petition;
  • information about the compiler of the letter;
  • statement of the problem;
  • instances to which the author applied, results of consideration of the application;
  • indicates the availability of litigation, if any;
  • proposal, complaint, request.

At the end of the document is signed by the author of the appeal and co-authors. Date is indicated. The complaint must be registered. An answer in writing is given if the name, address of the author’s residence is indicated, in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Federal Law dated 02.05.2006 N 59-ФЗ “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals of Citizens of the Russian Federation”.

You can complain about cockroaches at the SES. This is a division of Rospotrebnadzor, which monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards by organizations, institutions, individuals, legal entities. The complaint to the SES is written in any form in the name of the head. The essence of the problem is described, and a request for verification is indicated. Be sure to leave information about the location of the house. All residents or most sign the appeal.

In case of inaction of the relevant authorities, the application is written to the prosecutor. A sample is provided below.

Application to the prosecutor

Complaints about neighbors due to unsanitary conditions

If in one of the apartments of the house there is dirt, complete unsanitary conditions, a breeding ground for cockroaches, residents of the house have the right to write a statement to the SES on the neighbors. But not every time the organization reciprocates. Sanitary and epidemiological service workers come if at least 3 apartments are infected in the house. Otherwise, an unscrupulous neighbor will have to fight on their own.

You can write a statement to law enforcement authorities, to the district police officer, substantiating your appeal with the fact that a resident of a multi-storey building violates generally accepted norms and rules, threatens the well-being of neighbors. A sample complaint about neighbors in the SES is presented in the previous sections.

Cockroach fight In apartments, residents of high-rise buildings lead at their own expense, in entrances - for the money of the Criminal Code, if this service is stipulated in the contract.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Andrew

    Complained about cockroaches in an entrance to all instances. SES was littered with waste paper. As a result, they raised money themselves, ordered the service of a private company. I can advise - only respond to the problem in a timely manner. Apart from the inhabitants of the house, no one will help. While you wait for a court decision, an inspection of the SES, the actions of the management company, all apartments will already be infected.

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