Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

What causes cockroaches in the apartment

Almost everyone faced the unexpected appearance of cockroaches in their own kitchen. Many people are perplexed where they came from if they were not there before. How cockroaches appear in the apartment, and what conditions are favorable for their invasion, such information will help to understand these reasons, so that the fight against them is more effective.

Causes of parasites

The reasons why cockroaches appear in the apartment, and the ways they move:

  • come from a neighboring apartment through gaps and ventilation;
  • brought into the house along with products from the store - one of the options for accidentally getting an insect along with packages;
  • with things brought from the trip after staying at the hotel, or received by mail.


It is thanks to the possibility of crossing the seas and oceans in transport, cockroaches have spread around the world. In the 21st century, you can already find unusual cockroaches in the house - not only red prusakovbut also black american varieties parasites and even more rare eastern exotic guests (who in the southern Asian countries live right on the street).

Cockroaches from the neighbors

The most common way that cockroaches get into an apartment is when they arrive from their neighbors. Insects can easily move through the smallest cracks in the plinths, floor, walls of the house, through ventilation shafts, a garbage chute and even go through the open door.

Cockroaches from the neighbors
Cockroaches from the neighbors

The reasons for the resettlement of insects when they get into the apartment from the neighbors:

  • the growth of the local population, which lacks space for life, water and food, which stimulates the search for new territories, then cockroaches are already started in other apartments in order to improve their life conditions;
  • the neighbors spent pest controlas a result of which the surviving individuals migrate to other rooms and houses suitable for living, that is, they run across and cockroaches come to all nearby living quarters.

Creating an enabling environment

If house cockroaches already live in the house, this means that favorable conditions have been created for them: the availability of food and water, a comfortable temperature within + 10- + 30 degrees. They begin to actively settle in neighboring apartments, are able to completely occupy all apartments in the entrance in a short time.

Getting into the house with food and things

Another possible way is to get parasites into the house accidentally in a bag of groceries from a supermarket or another store. A Prusaka female may accidentally end up in a shopping bag, then settle in an apartment, put off the eggs and will breed offspring. A few weeks later, young red cockroaches are already starting to walk around the kitchen, which are beginning to breed and multiply with incredible speed.

Similarly, a parasite can enter a house with new clothes, furniture, purchased in a store. However, most often they prefer to move around in foods.

Cockroaches entering the house with purchases
Shopping hit

Another way for cockroaches to enter a house is to bring them from a trip after staying in hotels or other residential places.Not every hotel in a resort or hostel has ideal sanitation facilities. And the presence of unpleasant pests in them is quite common.

Favorable conditions for cockroaches

When relocating, insects usually launch their scout, which scouts for food and water in the apartment, as well as conditions for further reproduction. It is this scout who then leads the entire colony to settle in the chosen place.

For the further development of the insect population, certain conditions are necessary that will contribute to their well-being and mass reproduction. Most often, cockroaches appear in those areas of the house where the owners poorly monitor the order and cleanliness, leave food or even bread crumbs for the night in the kitchen.

Favorable conditions for cockroaches
Conditions for cockroaches

The main reasons for the appearance and mass resettlement of cockroaches in the apartment are unsanitary conditions in the rooms and in the kitchen:

  • the ability to always find food debris in the form of crumbs, leftovers in the bin, spoiled foods and vegetables that can feed a cockroach colony;
  • the presence of a constant source of water due to poorly closed taps, residual moisture in the bathtub and washbasin, in the soil under indoor flowers, condensation on the walls, windows;
  • favorable temperature and humidity in the rooms - parasites like heat and high humidity, which is the key to their comfortable living and promotes reproduction;
  • the presence of a large number sheltered habitatsmoreover, they can also choose living quarters as housing - for example, they live in papers and eat glue from book bindings in a cupboard.

On a note!

To avoid the arrival of unsolicited “red-haired guests”, experts advise paying more attention to cleaning the kitchen and keeping it in perfect order: it is better to take out the garbage daily, mop the floors regularly, wipe the baseboards and tiles.

Signs of the appearance of insects in the apartment

You can find out that the Prussians appeared in the house, not only if you see them, but also by indirect signs:

  • the presence of particles of the remains of the shell after molting;
  • placers of insect excrement similar to small black dots;
  • spoiled things and products.
Signs of the presence of cockroaches

It is easiest to see the Prussians crawling around the room at night, if you suddenly turn on the lights in the kitchen - the most popular habitat of parasites.

If you find cockroaches in your own apartment, you should immediately think and analyze where they come from and in what ways they came. To avoid their penetration in the future, you need to try to block their access in the form of installation ventilation meshclosing cracks in the floor, walls or near baseboards. The main task is to prevent the arrival of parasites and their active reproduction (several months will pass - and they are already teeming in a terrible amount in the kitchen). This can be done if you keep the kitchen and home clean and tidy.

( 2 grades average 5 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    In our apartment, cockroaches appeared directly from the neighbors when they invited the service to conduct pest control. After that, at our place not only a specific smell appeared, but also uninvited guests. They climbed through the ventilation and hood, and used the slots near the baseboards, and the front door. I saw them even in the stairwell. Now for six months we can’t get rid of them in any way.

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