Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Homemade Cockroach Traps

Can trap

A do-it-yourself trap for cockroaches is done in a few minutes from improvised means. The bait is prepared from food. Often add boric acid, poison. Traps are used in conjunction with other control methods to reduce the number of insects in the room. It is not worth hoping for complete extermination of pests by traps, but the use as an auxiliary component significantly accelerates the elimination of the Prussians.

Homemade traps - the principle of action

There are several options for traps, each of them catches insects, but has soy advantages, disadvantages.

From the can

A clean 1 liter can is required. Wrap it with paper in the form of a skirt or put a “ladder” - a ruler, wand, twig. Inside, the jar is treated with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly so that the wall is slippery. Lay a fragrant bait that will attract cockroaches. They are placed in the room where the largest concentration of pests is observed.

Do-it-yourself cockroach trap
Can trap

The principle of operation is extremely simple. The cockroach crawls on a smell, climbs up the "stairs", falls down. Slippery walls do not allow you to get back. Over the night, several dozen insects fall into the trap. With severe infection, traps from cans are installed several in different places.

From a plastic bottle

You will need a bottle with a capacity of at least 1.5 liters. Cut off the neck. Unscrew the cover. They put the bait inside. It is not necessary to coat the inner walls with vegetable oil. Turn the top of the bottle upside down, insert it into the bottom, fix it with tape, brackets. Wrap with paper or substitute the "ladder".

Cockroach plastic bottle trap
Bottle trap

Cockroaches crawl into the smell of bait, freely climb through the neck inward, but are unable to get out, remain inside. The principle of operation is similar to the previous trap. They do it much more often, because you don’t really want to get the jar dirty with cockroaches, and the bottles are thrown away. Caught victims are destroyed by an insecticidal spray or poured with boiling water.

On a note!

Cockroaches are attracted by the smell of beer, kvass. If you use a bottle from these drinks, you do not need to invent a bait. You can just leave a little beer, kvass at the bottom.


The easiest option. As the main component, double-sided tape or non-drying adhesive is used. They are placed along the baseboards, on the floor, behind the furniture. Glue is applied to a sheet of cardboard, a box with small sides, baits are laid out in the center. Adhesive tape in old apartments is glued directly to skirting boards.

Cockroaches crawl into the scent of “treats," try to get to it, stick. A cardboard box is thrown away as it is filled. It is recommended to make a new trap for each night with a strong infection of the apartment.


The most costly, time-consuming option. Only those who understand electrical circuits come to him. In most cases, they are simply bought. Attract insects with edible, fragrant bait. When cockroaches hit the surface of the structure, the insect receives an electric shock, dies.

Rarely used at home. An electric trap is dangerous for small children, pets, if it is improperly connected as a result of self-production, it risks a shock to people. Purchased designs are expensive, therefore, are not in special demand.

Cockroach Lures

It can be conditionally divided into 2 groups - attracting, poisoning. Special gel products are on sale - traps. They contain an insecticidal substance, flavor, food additives. Cockroaches crawl by smell, eat "treats", drag pieces to the nest of larvae, get dirty in the poison themselves, pass the dose of poison to others. A few days later begins the mass death of pests. Similarly, bait prepared independently.

  • To trap. Food products with a persistent aroma are used: boiled potatoes, eggs, porridge, cookies, borsch, soup, salad with mayonnaise, beer, kvass. The bait acts while the smell is present. Change every 2 days. Otherwise, they will lie useless. To increase the effectiveness of bait for cockroaches, you need to remove all the food so that the insects have no choice.
  • Poisonous. As a basis, use the food products described above. The toxic substance is boric acid. Sold in powder form in pharmacies. 10 g sachets. It has a bitter taste, so it’s not worth pouring a lot into the bait. Boric acid is mixed into products, balls are formed, laid out in places of the greatest accumulation of cockroaches, along the trajectory of their movement.
Cockroach bait

The best bait for cockroaches is made from boiled potatoes, yolk, vegetable oil. The mixture does not dry for a long time, retains taste, smell for 2 days. Cockroaches are most fond of fresh, soft foods, so boric acid can be mixed in the pulp of bread, pastries. Olivier salad will help to lure pests. Better acting stale, starting to sour. Yesterday’s borscht, cookies with milk, soup will do.

On a note!

Cockroach bait plays a very important role. If treating insects does not like, they will ignore the trap, bypass. If the food remains untouched, you should experiment, offer a different diet to the pests.

Homemade Trap Efficiency

You can catch a cockroach using any design described above. In this sense, they are all effective. If we consider the method of struggle along with other available ones, the traps are not particularly effective, they are used as an auxiliary method of struggle.

The most effective bait traps that contain poison. They poison insects that ate treats or came into contact with poison. Females bring food to the nest, feed the larvae, poison them on their own. The disadvantage of this method is that insects do not always respond properly to refreshments. They can bypass, ignore the bait.

Pros of homemade cockroach traps:

  • simplicity;
  • availability;
  • thriftiness.


  • low efficiency;
  • the need for frequent bait preparation;
  • do not kill, only catch.

You can make a trap in 15 minutes, but you must not forget that disinsection is a full-fledged method of controlling cockroaches. Without preliminary persecution of insects, the fight against Prusaka traps will last a long time.


The opinions of users are unequivocal - the efficiency is low.

Home-made traps were made in the hostel. It was there that we had to live with cockroaches. They just watched the process, even competed with the guys who caught the most. It is impossible to finally remove cockroaches by traps.

Igor, Moscow

Made from cans, bottles for the sake of sports interest. With severe infection, the premises help to reduce the number. It does not make sense to set traps if several Prusaks crawl. You can try poisonous baits with boric acid.This method is valid. Only the rest of the food needs to be removed.

Andrey, Saratov

Self-made cockroach traps should be used as an additional method of struggle. To exterminate an insect colony, a broad-spectrum insecticide is required with an instant, prolonged effect. To increase the effectiveness of the fight can store traps for cockroaches.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Kseniya

    Traps of bottles, cans, duct tape - the achievements of the last century. Now there are a lot of effective purchases No need to bother with making the structure, preparing the bait, inventing a bicycle again. It’s easier to buy a gel poison bait, place it in a good place, enjoy the results. Fast, easy, efficient!

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