Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to deal with aphids on peach with folk and store tools

Peach aphids are the most common crop pest. The insect infects the tree in early May, wrecking throughout the growing season. The damage is enormous - the buds do not bloom, the fruits fall off, young shoots die off, the leaves curl, turn yellow. How to deal with aphids on a peach, experienced gardeners say.

Signs of Pests

Peach aphid is a small insect with a body length of not more than 3 mm. The most common species is a large peach, green, black bloody aphid. Pests form entire colonies, giving up to 20 generations for the entire warm season. By the end of summer, winged individuals appear - males and females that can migrate to other cultures. A photo of the pests is presented below.

To calculate the presence of pests on a peach, you need to carefully examine the tree, its stems and leaves:

  • black bloody aphid on a peach is clearly visible due to the large concentration of individuals;
  • dark dots are placed on the stems, on the back of the leaves;
  • buds are covered with a pad - aphid secretions;
  • the tops dry up, die off;
  • leaves curl down, turn yellow, spots appear;
  • small fleas of brown, green color are visible inside.

On a note!

Peach ceases to develop, weakens, becomes sick, yields decrease. A tree infected in summer does not tolerate cold winters.

Aphid on peach
Aphid on peach

Mechanical, agrotechnical methods of struggle

You can get rid of aphids on a peach mechanically if the tree is small. Shoot down aphids with a stream of water, sweep away with a broom, a brush, tear off the affected leaves.

  • In late autumn, dig around the peach ground, sprinkle with a dense layer of ash, pour hot water. Aphids lay eggs under the bark at the bottom of the tree. Hot water destroys the larvae, preventing them from developing. Ash penetrates the sap of the tree, saturates the peach with bitterness. The taste of the ash does not affect the quality of the fruit, but makes the tree unattractive to aphids.
  • Plant dill in the garden. Umbrellas are attracted by a ladybug, some species of bugs that are natural enemies of aphids. Around the tree planted bushes of peppermint, calendula. These plants repel aphids by smell.

Tie the trunk of the peach with a protective belt of polyethylene, coat with resin. The belt does not allow the ants to reach the upper branches, which spread aphids throughout all the trees of the garden.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes from pests
Folk recipes from pests

Fight folk remediescan be in any period of peach growing season:

  • The infusion of onion husks repels insects with a pungent odor, allows you to get rid of pests in 1-2 procedures. Pour onion peel with water, boil for 20 minutes. Leave to insist under a closed lid for 5 days. Strain, add laundry soap. Preparing the right amount of the drug is necessary immediately, diluting with clean water is not recommended. Spray a peach from a garden spray.
  • Chop glass garlicpour 1 liter of cold water. Insist a day. Dilute with water to the desired amount, add 100 g of laundry soap.
  • Mix equal proportions of cinnamon, mustard, red and black pepper, salt, baking soda, wood ash. Separately, dissolve 200 g of laundry soap in warm water.Combine with the rest of the ingredients, add 9 l of water. Spray a peach from a spray bottle. Repeat the procedure after a week.
  • Dissolve 200 g in 10 l of water tobacco powder. Insist 3 days. Add a soap base.

Remedies for aphids on peach, according to popular recipes, relieve pests within a week, subject to careful processing. The procedure is carried out twice.

Other popular remedies:

Professional drugs

Effective Aphids
Effective Aphids

How to process a peach from aphids to get a quick result is insecticides. Broad-spectrum drugs cause aphid paralysis, death within 3 days. They penetrate into the body by contact with the juice of the plant, as they are absorbed by the leaves. Poisonous properties last for 20 days.


You can not use insecticides during the flowering of peaches, during the period of intensive ripening of fruits.

Processing by spraying is carried out at the beginning of spring, before the first leaves bloom, or immediately after flowering. Fix the result of folk remedies.

The most effective are recognized:

Biological products are allowed to be used throughout the growing season with a frequency of 14 days. The result is noticeable a week after careful processing:

You can save a peach from aphids by implementing comprehensive measures. It is necessary to start pest control in late spring, when insects lay their eggs, continue in early spring, monitor the condition of the tree all summer.

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