Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Remedy Tanrek from aphids and whiteflies

The drug Tanrek from aphids and whiteflies is produced by the domestic company ZAO August. Systemic insecticide contact-intestinal action. Causes insects to block nerve impulses, paralysis, quick death. Most pests die during processing, mass destruction is observed within 5 days. Effective against bugs and their larvae, does not affect ticksdangerous to bees. It is applied on the following cultures:

Composition, mechanism of action

The active component of the drug is a broad-spectrum insecticide - imidacloprid. Retains properties for 30 days. Valid in soil up to 190 days.

After processing the plants are absorbed into the leaves, stems for 2 hours. It practically does not penetrate the fruits. Poisonous juice enters the body aphids, whiteflies while eating. The lethal dose for these insects is minimal, pests die in 2-3 days.

Remedy Tanrek from aphids
Remedy Tanrek from aphids

On a note!

The properties of a toxic drug are not affected by high temperature, torrential rains do not reduce the effectiveness, if the product has managed to soak in leaves.

Terms of use

Instructions for use Tanreka provides for strict compliance with all points. Otherwise, harm is caused to humans, animals, and the environment.

  1. Spraying should be carried out in dry, calm weather in the morning or in the evening. The ingress of the active component on the plant on a sunny day leads to the burning of leaves.
  2. During work, rubber gloves and a protective suit should be used. If spraying from aphids, whiteflies is carried out on tall trees, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator.
  3. It is advisable to use the finished solution immediately, it is allowed within 2 days. Over time, the tool begins to lose properties. The remnants of the unused mixture may be poured into the soil near cultivated crops.
  4. Reprocessing should be carried out after 20 days. However, harvest time must be considered. From the last spraying to eating crops should pass at least 20 days.
  5. It is recommended to use Tanrek WRC in early spring with the opening of the first leaves after harvest. In special cases - after flowering.

On a note!

For better adhesion of the active components to the leaves of the plant, a soap base is added to the solution. Safe is best suited for these purposes. laundry soap.

Solution preparation


Tanreck aphids are available in the form of a water-soluble concentrate. Sold in ampoules, vials, cans, metered bags. Cold water is used to prepare the solution.

Tanrek against aphids and whiteflies is bred in 10 liters of water. Initially, the required dose of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of liquid, then the rest is added. Pour into a garden spray bottle or a spray bottle.

On a note!

Spray crops need to be carefully, paying particular attention to the bottom of the leaves.Watering from a watering can is allowed, but the concentration of the active component should be slightly lower.

Tanrek from aphids is used in horticultural crops, indoor plants. The concentration of the active component in each case is different. The solution is prepared in 10 l of water:

  • fruit trees, shrubs - 3 ml of the drug;
  • vegetables - 5 ml;
  • indoor plants - 5 ml.

Tanrek from whiteflies is bred in the same ratio as for aphids. The consumption for a large tree is 2 liters.

After completing work, wash your hands with soap and change clothes. If the instructions are not followed, signs of poisoning may appear. In this case, you should drink activated carbon, rinse your mouth with soda solution. The treatment is symptomatic.


The effect of the drug against aphids and whiteflies
The effect of the drug against aphids and whiteflies

Reviews about Tanrek are positive. Experienced gardeners, novice gardeners and flower lovers share their impressions.

Petunia seedlings were planted on the balcony. At one point, she began to lose strength, upon examination, found small black bugs. Aphids, like a plague for petunias. Gobble up in a matter of days. Sprayed with Tanrek. The result is obvious the very next day. Within a week my seedlings came to life.

Irina, Moscow

We have a large garden with cherries, plums, apricots and currants. We always use Tanrek from aphids and whiteflies. Initially used after flowering, when parasites were once discovered. The effect did not have to wait long. After that, we do everything according to the rules - the first treatment of the garden with the drug in the early spring, the second - after the harvest.

Marina, St. Petersburg

Saved from aphids houseplants. Unbeknownst to me, by the end of summer, pests had divorced in the flower garden on the windowsill. Spraying was carried out with the windows open; she could not stand the flowers on the street. To destroy a colony of aphids, one spray was enough. To fix the effect and protect against re-infection, I treated the flowers with the drug in a month. The remainder of the solution was poured into a pot, and worked through the soil.

Anna, Kiev

Analogs Tanreka from aphids and whiteflies

Tanrek from the Colorado potato beetle is an identical means, it differs only in name, the amount of active substance is the same. List of drugs with the same active ingredient:

  • Confidor;
  • Biotlin Bau;
  • Confideline
  • Monsoon;
  • Prestige;
  • Taboo;
  • Respect.

The drug is easy to find in the market, in specialized, hardware stores, where others are sold. chemicals. Tanrek is affordable for everyone. The price depends on the seller and varies around 15-20 rubles per ampoule of 1.5 ml.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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