Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Ultrasonic Tick Repellers

Ultrasonic tick repeller is positioned as a modern effective tool. The device differs in shape, size, radius of action. Repeller complements or replaces habitual repellentsinsecticidal tick preparations. The market presents models of domestic, imported.

How ticks ultrasound works

The device is a simple design. Outwardly resembles a keychain. Battery operated. Turned on by button. Some have several modes for scaring away mosquitoes, flea, ticks. It works silently, is not felt by people, animals, does not affect the general state of health, does not cause side effects.

The principle of the repeller is based on the regeneration of ultrasound, which creates certain vibrations in the air that ticks feel. In their activities, blood-sucking parasites are guided by the organs of smell, touch. The approach of the victim is determined by the smell emitted by the heat, but the place where it is better to bite is selected thanks to the sense of touch.

On a note!

On the legs there are small hairs that feel the vibration of the blood well. Where these fluctuations are stronger, there and tick creeps. It penetrates the thin skin of the armpits, groin, neck, less often the back, abdomen. The ultrasonic repeller creates its own vibrations, which prevent the bloodsucker from orienting itself, thereby preventing bite. The tick may appear on the body, but will not stick.

The best tick repellers

Small appliances are convenient to use, safe, quite effective. Devices for adults, children, animals are made. The principle of operation is no different, the difference in shape, materials of manufacture, size. Among all the available brands, the following models occupy leading sales positions.


Initially, the products were manufactured in Italy, now production in China has been established. It is sold in several versions - for adults, children, animals.

Ultrasonic Tickless Tick Repellers
Ultrasonic Tickless Tick Repellers
  • Tickless for adults is a small red device. The ultrasonic repeller is easy to put in your pocket. It does not give out its presence in any way, does not interfere, repels ticks within a radius of 3 m.
  • Sititek Tickless Baby is recommended for children over 3 years old. The reason for the age limit is not the danger of the ultrasonic repeller, but the ability of the kids to pull everything in their mouths. It is allowed to hang the device on a stroller while walking. The range of 1.5 m. This is the only ultrasonic tick repeller for children in our country that deserves attention. Available in different colors, especially for girls, boys.
  • TickLess Pet is an ultrasonic dog tick mite repeller. Suspended to a collar. The small dimensions of the device do not interfere with the animal, but reliably protect the pet from ticks within a radius of 1 m.

On a note!

The average price of an ultrasonic tickless tick repeller is 2800 rubles. Warranty from manufacturers - 12 months. During active use, you need to change the batteries.

Ultrasonic tick repeller Antiklesh M

Universal device of domestic production. The size of the device is not larger than a flash drive. The strap comes with the aid of which an ultrasonic repeller is attached to the arm, pram, dog collar.

Ultrasonic tick repeller Antiklesh M
Ultrasonic tick repeller Antiklesh M

On a note!

From competitors, the device is versatile. There are several modes for scaring away ticks, bugs, fleas. The range reaches 4 m. The weight of the device is only 110 g. The housing is shockproof, waterproof.

The cost of an ultrasonic tick repeller 2300 rubles. Actively implemented through the Internet. The warranty period from the manufacturer is 12 months. During use, battery replacement is required.


Italian products. Ultrasonic tick repeller comes in the form of a key fob. Is used for dog protection, cats, attached to the collar. It is sold in different colors, shockproof, waterproof, but before bathing the device is better to remove.

Ultrasonic tick repeller ZeroBugs
Ultrasonic tick repeller ZeroBugs

Ultrasound from ticks spreads within a radius of 1.5 m. The cost of the device is 1700 rubles. To start work, you need to press the button. During operation, the batteries are changed, the shelf life is 1 year. Actively implemented through the Internet.

The effectiveness of modern parting

Ultrasonic repeller is presented as an innovative safe device with high efficiency. Evaluate the principle of action, the result has already managed to buyers. Most users came to the conclusion that the product is useless, the price is too high, the influence of ultrasound does not have the desired effect.

On a note!

Mites are more responsive to odors, so the main protective agent is still a repellent with a specific aroma, insecticidal substance content. Ultrasound vibrations on ticks act, but not enough to scare away a hungry creature.

Reviews of the ultrasonic tick repeller are presented below.

I see no reason to buy an expensive device that will act as additional protection. Treat the dog with drops, put on collaruse repellent spray required. Overpriced, dubious effectiveness. Continuous advertising.

Tatyana, Moscow

Many experts have confirmed that ultrasonic repellers act on mosquitoes, since they actively use ultrasound in their life. Small insects hear sounds. Ticks do not see, do not hear. Their main organ is the sense of smell. Then why buy the device for such a lot of money, just to further scare off the parasite by vibrations. At the same time, care should be taken, and it is even recommended to use repellents. Either buy those who have nowhere to put money, or stupid.

Irina, St. Petersburg

If ultrasonic repellers were at an affordable price, they would be bought for the experiment. Prices are overstated many, many times. The bauble does not scare anyone away, except mosquitoes, and then at 1 m, no more. Children are better protected essential oils, vanilla - proven!

Marina, Tver

Whether or not to use an ultrasonic repeller is an individual decision. Manufacturers claim high efficiency, buyers refute this fact.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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