Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Description and photos of dust mites

In the scientific literature about 150 species of mites living in dust are described. They are called dermatophagoid, pyroglyphid. Dust mites or Dermatophagoides are ubiquitous. Cause in people allergic reaction varying degrees of severity, deterioration of health, bronchial asthma. The mite derm pteronyssinus, the mite derm farinae (Mite Farina), Euroglyphus maynei are involved in the occurrence of household allergies.


Dust mite - arachnid of extremely small sizes. It is impossible to notice it with the naked eye. Under the microscope, the legs, torso, and head are clearly visible. Size ranges from 0.1 to 0.5 mm. The body is convex in shape, 8 pairs of limbs, head tilted down. A photo of dust mites is presented below.

The normal life cycle is 80 days. The female is extremely prolific, laying about 60 eggs at a time. The optimal conditions for life is humidity more than 50%, air temperature from +18 to +30 degrees Celsius.

On a note!

A dust mite is a synanthropic creature, lives in a person’s dwelling, feeds on dead organics.

Dust mites
Dust mites


If you carefully examine your own housing, dust can be detected almost everywhere. It is in these places that the household tick lives. The most common:

  • Carpets
  • pillows;
  • bed dress;
  • books
  • cushioned furniture;
  • clothes;
  • Toys
  • curtains;
  • interior items.

The tick of the Derminophagus perinus in one year inhabits the pillow with numerous colonies of parasites. Studies have shown that over 10 years of use of the mattress, a large proportion of its mass consists of dust mites.

On a note!

There is no separate substance “dust”. The gray coating, which can be found in any room on window sills, furniture, carpets, is nothing but the waste products of microorganisms, particles of human skin, small living microorganisms. The house dust mite lives everywhere, the less often the house is cleaned, the more there are.

On a note!

1 g of dust can contain several thousand ticks.

Do dust mites bite

On the Internet pages you can often find photos of dust mite bites on the body. It looks like a numerous rash over the entire surface of the body or its individual sections. Farin dust mite, pteronissinus mite are the main provocateurs of household, contact allergies, but such a reaction of the human immune system in this way does not react to parasite bites. It is not possible to bite a dangerous pest anatomically.

On a note!

Household dust mites do not pierce human skin, so we can confidently say that these creatures do not bite. They feed exclusively on dead organics - particles of human skin, animals. Excrement, getting on the skin, contributes to the exfoliation of the stratum corneum, which provides an abundance of food.

Feces contain digestive enzymes - proteins Der f1, Der p1, antigen P1. These components provoke the development of a local allergic reaction to the skin and general. Excrement is so small that when you inhale it gets on the nasal mucosa. Penetrate into the respiratory tract.This is followed by an instantaneous reaction of the immune system, which is manifested by rhinitis, sneezing, coughing and other symptoms.

Signs of the presence of the parasite

Dust mites are present in every home, but not all people have a persistent reaction to their presence. It is all about the strength of immunity, which restrains or allows the development of a response.

Dust mite reaction
Dust mite reaction


Studies by American scientists have shown that children who are in contact with pets live in rural areas, are much less likely to suffer from atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma. These diseases are more characteristic of the urban population, which lives in more sterile conditions.

The most basic symptom is allergy. It manifests itself in the form of rashes on the skin or a deterioration in overall health. The reaction is temporary and permanent, often goes into chronic diseases.

  • Symptoms on the skin - redness, itching, rash. Amplified after contact with allergens. In most cases, after sleep.
  • A dusty book tick lives in large numbers in libraries, in houses where books have been idle for years on shelves. For several years, a thick layer of dust accumulates, which indicates the intensive activity of parasites. A paper tick is present in offices, especially in pantries. In this case, the reaction of the body often manifests itself in the form of sneezing, coughing, rhinitis, headache, weakness. Unpleasant symptoms disappear after a person leaves this room.
  • Carpet mites, as well as inhabitants of soft toys, curtains, and interior items often provoke common signs of allergies - rhinitis, lacrimation, conjunctivitis, sneezing, coughing, and breathing difficulties. Parasites contribute to the development of bronchial asthma, provoke its frequent attacks.
  • Bed, mattress, feather ticks can cause a local skin reaction, systemic.

If you are allergic to house dust, better health can occur when a person leaves the room or sleeps in another place. This situation is characterized by frequent manifestations of an allergic reaction, the development of atopic dermatitis.

The main symptoms are:

  • skin rashes;
  • itching
  • rhinitis;
  • cough without other signs of a cold;
  • lacrimation
  • conjunctivitis;
  • headache;
  • weakness;
  • low immunity;
  • frequent colds;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • sneezing.

A dust mite on the face contributes to the development of allergies, as well as acne, inflamed acne.

Methods of struggle

Ways to deal with dust mites
Ways to deal with dust mites

It is impossible to completely get rid of all parasites, methods for combating the dust mite are aimed at reducing its number.

  • Regular wet cleaning. Dust particles can appear on the surface of the furniture 2 hours after the general cleaning. To reduce the risk of harmful effects of parasites on the human body, wet cleaning should be done at least twice a week.
  • Ventilation. Parasites do not like lowering temperatures, fresh air. Frequent airing helps to reduce the number of pests, and also eliminates their waste products. You need to air the apartment daily for at least 20 minutes.
  • Regular wash. Dust mites die at a temperature of 60 degrees Celsius. Bedding, clothes should be washed every 14 days. If the house has allergies, even more often. It is recommended to hang up the wash in fresh air, iron it with steam.
  • Dry cleaning. Once a season should be given mattresses, blankets, pillows to dry cleaning. If possible, replace pen accessories with silicone ones. This filler is safe for humans, convenient, parasites do not start in it.
  • Destruction by a vacuum cleaner. We are talking about new modern household appliances, where dust is not collected in a bag, but special filters. Old vacuum cleaners disperse dust all over the house even more, increase the risk of developing unwanted symptoms.

Dust mites also do not like low temperatures.At -18 degrees Celsius they die almost instantly. Soft toys should be sent regularly to the freezer. Pillows, mattresses, upholstered furniture should be taken outside in winter for at least half an hour.

Special tools

Special tools for dust mites
Special tools for dust mites

Professional preparations for combating domestic dust parasites are available in a wide range. Their action is aimed at the destruction of ticks, the prevention of re-infection. To increase efficiency, you should maintain order, cleanliness in the house, wash clothes regularly.

  • ORECK ALLERGEN CONTROL CARPET CLEANER. Carpet Cleaner comes in the form of a concentrated emulsion. US manufacturer. The active ingredient is the substance trichloromethaphos-3. Immediately before use, the concentrate is added to warm water, applied to carpets, left to dry. The tool does not need to rinse, vacuum. The price is around 50 dollars.
  • Polish-made acaricidal aerosol. Convenient spray can with a dispenser of 400 ml. There are several active components - benzyl benzoate, transpermetrin, pyriproxyphene. Destroys ticks at any stage of development. Sprayed on the surface, exposure time - 7 months. The average price of the drug is 1700 rubles.
  • EASY AIR. Another Polish preparation in the form of a spray. The volume of the bottle is 1 liter. Acaricidal concentrate is sold ready-made, poured into a can with a dispenser. Shake well before use, spray to surface. Does not lose properties for about 6 months. The price of the drug is about 1700 rubles.
  • ACARIL ALLERSEARCH. A special concentrate that is added to the water when washing clothes, bedding. US manufacturer. The volume of the bottle is 250 ml, enough for 12 washes. The product is safe for health, does not allow molting, does not cause an allergic reaction. The active ingredients are tea tree oil, alcohols, methyl salicylate. The price of a professional drug is 2700 rubles.
  • MILBIOL. It is produced in the form of a spray in Switzerland. Convenient bottle with dispenser. Volume 250 ml. The drug is moderate toxicity. After use, the room should be carefully ventilated. Designed for processing carpets, furniture in places where the largest accumulation of parasites. The price of the spray is about 170 rubles.

When washing, it is recommended to add a small amount of a chlorine-containing product. The most affordable remedy is White. During wet cleaning in the house, you must first prepare a solution. Laundry soap and baking soda are added to the water.

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