Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Bed bugs fly or not

The question is whether bugs fly, puzzled by those who once discovered parasites in their house. After all, bloodsuckers, in addition to an unpleasant smell, cause a lot of problems to a person, penetrating his home.


In nature, there are several tens of thousands varieties of bugsMost of which have fully developed wings. However, not everyone is flying. Many species of insect have no wings, but the presence of small elytra does not allow them to soar in flight. Refers to them bug soldier or water strides.

Is no exception and bed bugleading a parasitic lifestyle. A pest can live in upholstered furniture, a bed and even a person’s clothes, often attacking him. Consequence bedbugs are redness, itching of the skin, the possibility of infection is not excluded.

Bed bugs


In the course of evolution, domestic parasites lost their ability to fly, since they did not need to move long distances.

Over time, the body of insects has changed. It became flatter and more durable, making the pest less vulnerable. The bloodsuckers do not need to be able to fly, they can easily enter the apartment on things, human shoes, or simply move around the wall. In 1 minute, an adult can cover a distance of 1 meter. Therefore, the question of whether bed bugs fly can only give a negative answer.

Are dangerous

Do not panic if bugs with wings of the house are found. This is nothing like accidentally flying insects. They do not pose a danger to human health, since they do not feed on his blood. Their protective reaction is the unpleasant odor of the liquid, which pests secrete in case of danger. But winged insects can harm the garden. So green pests spoil fruit and berry plants, red ones - tree bark.

On a note!

Dangerous are the semi-winged representatives living in the tropics. Predatory bloodsuckers can infect even a deadly disease. These include triatom bug. An insect without wings is a bed parasite, delivering a huge discomfort to a person with its presence.

Forest bug

Flying bugs are much larger than the brothers living in bed. Most often, there is a brown bug with wings or individuals of a greenish tint. Below is a photo of a flying creature, where its wings are clearly visible. A massive invasion of pests begins with the advent of cold weather: they attack a person’s housing in search of heat and food. The height of high-rise buildings is not an obstacle for uninvited guests. They easily master the last floors.

Knowing the answer to the question whether bugs can fly, you can easily determine the appearance of annoying tenants in the house. If these are creatures with wings, then they can be easily caught with a matchbox and released on the street. If they suddenly turned out to be bed parasites, you should immediately start bedbug control. Important detect nests with egg laying, not just adults. The sooner you disinfect the room, the faster it will be possible to destroy pests.

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