Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Temperature from mosquito bites in an adult and a child

Normal body reaction to mosquito bites accompanied by the appearance of itching, swelling and redness. If you do not comb the wound, then such symptoms almost completely disappear on the next day. But the consequences of mosquito bites do not always go according to the classical scenario. Sometimes the situation gets out of control and the health of the bitten person starts to deteriorate sharply. Most often, it is children who are subject to complications. Therefore, parents should know whether there can be a temperature from mosquito bites in a child, and what should be done in this case.

Causes of fever

All the unpleasant consequences of bites are the body's response to the foreign substances that the mosquito uses during a meal. The human defense system perceives them aggressively and then observed symptoms of an allergy to mosquito bites.

The severity of the reaction largely depends on the state of health of the insect victim and the individual characteristics of the body.


If there is a temperature from a mosquito bite, then this indicates the presence of a strong allergic reaction.

In most cases, it is children who are faced with this problem, since they have not yet fully developed the immune system and rapid metabolism. But sometimes the listed symptoms are found in adults.

When answering the question whether the temperature of a child can rise from mosquito bites, specialists give a positive answer. Explaining the lack of form of the young body. The phenomenon does not pose a great danger, but the child requires maximum control and attention.

When emergency care is needed

Temperature from mosquito bites
Temperature from mosquito bites

Sometimes the temperature after mosquito bites can rise sharply above 39 degrees. In this case, you should examine the victim and pay attention to the accompanying symptoms.

An ambulance call is required if, along with an increase in body temperature, are noted:

  1. Heat.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Mucosal edema.
  4. Breath holding.
  5. Chills.
  6. Dyspnea.
  7. Nausea.
  8. Vomiting


If the mosquito bite has a diameter of more than 10 cm and is hotter, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The listed symptoms indicate a violent reaction of the body. To begin with, you should give an antihistamine, apply a cold to the site of the bite and call an ambulance.

Other causes of fever due to bites

Not always the temperature in a child after a mosquito bite can be an allergic reaction. Sometimes it indicates the presence of various viruses in the body. If after taking antihistamines the temperature went down and the signs of bites decreased, then this is an allergy.

But if, along with the temperature, a child or adult has signs of acute respiratory viral infection, then here we can assume the development of a viral infection. Only specialists can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.


After insect attacks, a special one should be applied to the wound. bite remedy for children and monitor the condition of the child.

Open combed wound only exacerbate the situation and may cause an additional infection to enter the body.

Also, mosquitoes themselves sometimes become carriers of dangerous diseases or worm larvae. Therefore, do not neglect the simple ways to handle bitten places and relieving symptoms.

What to treat

Medication for mosquito bites
Medication for mosquito bites

Temperature on mosquito bites in children is a rare phenomenon, but requires a special approach. Therefore, in each first-aid kit must have several drugs that will help alleviate the situation.

The first step is to take any antiallergic drug:

  1. Tsetrin. The drug of the third generation, has high efficiency and high speed of action. The average cost is 200 rubles. Cetrin does not adversely affect the liver and does not cause drowsiness. Allowed for children from 6 months.
  2. Claritin. The price is from 250 rubles. The drug is deeply acting, combats any manifestations of allergies, even asthma attacks. Quickly relieves swelling eliminates itching and burning. It can be used after mosquito bites by adults and children from 2 years.
  3. Fenistil gel. An effective remedy that fights various manifestations of allergies, and also helps relieve symptoms after mosquito bites. Allowed to children from birth. The price is from 300 rubles.

Antihistamines should be used according to the instructions and in no case exceed the dosage.

To bring down the temperature after a mosquito bite, you can choose the following tools:

  1. Paracetamol. Available in the form of tablets and syrups. Safe, allowed even for children from birth.
  2. Ibuklin. A powerful tool based on ibuprofen and paracetamol. Allowed for children from 12 years old.
  3. Nurofen The active substance is ibuprofen. Suitable for children up to a year in accordance with the prescribed dosage.
  4. Teraflu. A drug that has decongestant, antihistamine, antipyretic and analgesic effects. The active ingredient is paracetamol. Available in powder form. Contraindicated in children under 12 years.
  5. Panadol. Paracetamol-based analgesic and antipyretic. There is an adult and children's series. Children's suspension is allowed for children up to a year.

Also, to bring down the temperature after a mosquito bite, they use Coldact, Analgin, Aspirin, Rinzu, Coldrex. Before use, be sure to study the instructions and contraindications.


The medicine at a temperature from mosquito bites
The medicine at a temperature from mosquito bites

In the past, Paracetamol always helped with heat. Cheap and reliable. But recently, a proven tool has stopped working. Tried Ibuklin. Helps in minutes and for a long time. A very powerful tool will help where others cannot.

Margarita, Stavropol

The temperature is always knocked down Teraflu. An excellent tool that with ARVI puts on its feet for 2-3 days. The drug against fever against the background of mosquito bites did not disappoint. Among its loose analogues has an affordable cost.

Irina, Moscow

They were very frightened when, after a trip out of town, they found multiple mosquito bites on their son, and in the evening the temperature also rose. The doctors were called, he said that temperature is the answer to mosquito bites. Prescribed Fenistil and baby syrup paracetamol. It really helped. Relief came within an hour. Now in nature only with insect creams.

Alexandra, Rostov

Thus, mosquito bites were not so harmless, especially for children. People suffering from acute allergic reactions should also be given enough attention to them. But the best option is competent prevention. To do this, use mosquito repellent, choose tight clothes and install on the windows in the house mosquito nets. Then no insects will surely be able to bite anyone close to them.

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