Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
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What to do if a bee has bitten

With the advent of the first sun rays, representatives of the kingdom of insects also wake up. Together with flies and mosquitoes, wasps fly out of their shelters, wasp, bumblebees and bees. They are also attracted by humans as flowering plants. In this connection, many people suffer from attacks of stinging insects. And it is dangerous as a bite of a wild bee, and living in a hive in an apiary. The body can respond to a bee sting in different ways, starting from a slight swelling and ending with a loss of consciousness when anaphylactic shock occurs. What to do in such situations and how to help the victim to prevent complications, this article will tell.

Who bit

Before talking about helping, you should find out the person a bee or wasp stung, since a number of manipulations necessary in such cases may vary. Wasps are more aggressive. This behavior of insects is explained by the ability to sting their prey repeatedly, without causing harm to themselves in such cases. In addition, wasp venom acts much faster than bee venom.

On a note!

Bees, on the other hand, are less aggressive than wasps, and attack a person only if they protect their nests. And you need to work hard to anger the insect. Cause a bite female diesleaving a harpoon-shaped sting in the victim’s body. As a result, a swelling and redness appears after a bee or wasp sting. The reason for this is the poison contained in a special tank located at the end of the sting. When a toxic compound enters, the human body begins to actively fight it. As a result, an inflammatory process occurs, accompanied by negative consequences.

What does a bee sting look like?

Bee sting
Bee sting

The following symptoms indicate that a person has been bitten by a bee:

  • The presence of a sting. The notches located at the end of the peak contribute to the fact that the “poisoned spear” can be in the victim’s body for a long time. During this period, toxic components enter the blood stream and spread throughout the body.
  • The bite site may turn red and swell, and blanching of the skin is also observed in the area of ​​damage. Such changes in the epidermis are observed even in people who are not prone to allergies. Moreover, how long the tumor holds after a bee sting will largely depend on how long the sting was in the victim's body.
  • The appearance of swelling in the affected area. This reaction is especially active in people with allergies. In this connection, they have a high probability of developing Quincke's edema, the consequence of which becomes shortness of breath and heart palpitations. In the absence of timely medical care in such situations, the result can be fatal.
  • Pain and burning in the lesion is another sign that a bee has bitten a person. The longer the poison spreads throughout the victim's body, the more unpleasant symptoms will be felt. Reduce them only by extracting sting.

In the photo of a bee sting, presented below, you can more clearly see how the damaged area looks.

On a note!

It is especially necessary to know how a bee sting looks to parents of young children, since not every baby is able to explain the true reason for its crying. Indeed, many children perceive a bright color bee for a harmless bug.

About the consequences

Many people who have encountered such a problem often wonder whether the temperature can rise from a bee sting. The consequences after a bee sting are individual for each person, they can be expressed not only in the form of fever, but also weakness, as well as in the form of headache, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Anaphylactic shock is the most severe and unpredictable condition, which is why a sting of a stinging insect is dangerous. All these manifestations allergic reaction, It is she who is the answer to the question why the bite itches.

We provide assistance or what to do with a bee sting

Often affected by stinging insect attacks, people are faced with the question of what to do if a bee has bitten. After all, the affected limb can not only turn red, but also swell, but the opportunity to contact a medical institution is not always there. But it should be remembered that the well-being of the victim depends on the correctness and literacy of the actions.

Having discovered the above symptoms in a person, it is important not to panic, but to act decisively and competently. First aid for a bee sting includes the following activities.

Sting removal

The first step in this situation is to remove the sting. After all, the longer the toxic substance will be present in the human body, the more its body will be affected. To get a "poisonous peak", you need to use tweezers, which must first be disinfected with alcohol.


Do not try to remove the stinger with your fingers. It is also contraindicated to rub or scratch the lesion, since such actions will only aggravate the situation and create the possibility of infection.

Damaged Site Processing

The next step is to disinfect the damaged area. In order to process it, use alcohol, a weak solution of manganese or hydrogen peroxide. This will help relieve swelling and pain from a bee sting. After applying the disinfectant, a cold is applied to the affected area, which will help reduce pain.

On a note!

You can not make a compress or rub a fresh wound with 95 degrees alcohol, the result of this can be a burn of the skin. Mass fraction of alcohol should be no more than 70%.

Heavy drink

An important nuance is drinking. Receiving a sufficient amount of fluid in any form will help the rapid removal of toxic components from the body.

Taking an antiallergic drug

Bite allergy treatment
Bite allergy treatment

Antihistamines will help relieve itching from a bee sting, as well as prevent the development of serious complications. Pills from a bee sting are mandatory for people suffering from allergies. In the event of an acute reaction in the victim, medical assistance is mandatory, because allergy sufferers have a good chance of dying from a bee sting.

To prevent the development of complications of the victim, it is necessary to lay and cover with a blanket or use warm heating pads. To prevent the development of shock in the absence of the necessary medications will help taking Diphenhydramine.


You should not try to squeeze out the poison or rub the site of the bite. In this way, it will not be possible to solve the problem, but the chance is great that the wound can fester.

You can not treat a bee sting by taking alcoholic beverages. They will only contribute to the spread of toxic components and fluid retention, which will result in dehydration.

You should also consider the place where the bee made a bite. Less dangerous if an insect stings on a leg, arm, or finger.Much more serious if the bite is applied to the head, ear or forehead. Particularly dangerous attacks of flower pollinators in lipneck or tongue. The ingestion of poison in such places contributes to difficulty breathing and the development of powerful edema. Therefore, you can not hesitate in such situations, you should urgently give the victim an antihistamine and call an ambulance. No less dangerous if the bee bit my eye. You need to know what action to take.

It is especially important to take the necessary actions in a timely manner if Bee stings injured child. Since in the warm period the likelihood of such situations is quite high when eating ice cream or drinking carbonated drinks. Pets can become a victim of a bee. It is advisable to always have disinfectants in the house if the bee bit the dog or cat.

Bee sting treatment at home

Allergy Medicines
Allergy Medicines

To relieve the bite, or rather to reduce the sensation of pain that accompanies it, will help taking local painkillers. Such a medicine for a bee sting should contain hydrocortisone, pramoxin or lidocaine.

  1. In order to reduce swelling, it is necessary to take an anti-allergic remedy for a bee sting. An example of this can be the Zodiac or Cetrin, Suprastin is also effective for a bee sting. Repeated intake of drugs is carried out before bedtime. If swelling does not subside within 3 days, it is necessary to take Diphenhydramine or Pipolfenol in combination with Analgin.
  2. Activated carbon gives a good effect when a bee stings, it helps to eliminate allergens from the body. The drug is drunk at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight.
  3. The wound will not itch if you use Gistan or Fenistil with a bee sting. Gel preparations have an antiallergic effect: they reduce swelling and relieve itching. An ointment from bee stings is applied directly to the damaged area twice a day.
  4. A compress from aspirin and activated carbon helps a lot from bee stings. It is especially good if puffiness does not subside for a long time. To remove the swelling after a bee sting in a day, it is necessary to dissolve one tablet of each drug in 100 g of water. Soak the cotton pad with the resulting composition and attach it to the lesion for several minutes.
  5. If it is not possible to remove the edema on the second day, or the neoplasm becomes purulent, then a doctor should be consulted without fail.

Alternative treatment

Folk recipes from a bee sting
Folk recipes from a bee sting

You can also use folk remedies for a bee sting, which are distinguished by their availability and low cost:

  • Parsley. Quickly remove the tumor from a bee sting capable of sprigs of parsley. 2 tbsp. l 200 g of water should be poured into the crushed raw materials, the mixture was brought to a boil, the cooled resulting infusion was used for compresses.
  • Soda. When a bee stings, it is necessary to apply gruel from soda. The relief will be noticeable after 10-20 minutes.
  • Bow. To remove swelling, inflammation and stretch the poison will help onion juice. Such compresses are also effective in the case when a bee stings fester.
  • Potatoes. If the leg is swollen from contact with a stinging insect, you must use raw potatoes. The washed potato is cut lengthwise and is applied with the cut portion to the affected area. To remove the tumor from a bite on the face, you need to chop the potatoes, and apply the resulting mass in the form of lotions.
  • Aloe. If the hand is swollen in contact with the pollinator of flowers, removing the swelling and speeding up the healing process will help everyone in the known aloe. It is enough to attach the healing flesh of the plant to the wound or anoint it with juice. The procedure must be repeated every 10 minutes to get rid of pain.
  • Soap. If the tumor does not subside for a long time, it is possible to weaken the effect of the toxic composition with the help of gruel from laundry soap.
  • Garlic.The question of how to remove swelling from a bee sting does not arise if garlic is used immediately after removing the sting and treating the wound. It contributes to the disinfection of the damaged area and prevents the development of puffiness.
  • Sugar. Refined sugar is able to remove the tumor the next day. The attached piece of sweetness will not only stretch the poison, but will also contribute to the faster healing of the wound.
  • Vinegar is another good antidote to bee stings. Any sour berry available at hand will help cure the wound.

When attacking a stinging insect, it is important to remain calm. No need to try to drive away the offender, much less strive to kill him. It is necessary to leave the habitat of pollinators of flowers and treat the wound, according to the above recommendations.

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