Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to deal with a spider mite on raspberries

A spider mite on raspberries parasitizes the entire warm season; it is especially active during flowering and ripening of berries. It is impossible to notice the microscopic arachnid with the naked eye; the presence of parasites is already recognized during mass infection of the plant. The raspberry spider mite is extremely fertile, the adult female lives about 2 months.

Parasite description

Raspberry tick - small arachnid with a body length of not more than 0.6 mm. The color can be different - white, green, yellow, brown, orange. It is impossible to discern the structural features of the body without a magnifying glass. It consists of the cephalothorax, abdomen, 8 legs. Females are slightly larger than males, evenly colored. Male individuals have black spots on the abdomen on both sides.

Ticks settle on the bottom of the leaves of the plant, begin to parasitize in early spring. Initially, their vital activity is hidden from the eyes of the gardener. Small ticks live on the bottom of the leaf, laying eggs in the same place. The larvae penetrate the leaf plate and make numerous moves. A photo of a raspberry tick is presented below.

Symptoms of plant infection

Spider mite harms raspberries at any stage of development. Larvae, nymphs, adults feed on plant juices. With a small amount, their vital activity is not dangerous for raspberries. The affected leaf gradually dries up, falls off along with the parasites. With mass reproduction, wrecking becomes significant, clearly visible.

Spider mite on raspberries
Spider mite on raspberries

On a note!

Spots, tubercles appear on the leaves, inflorescences fall off, the berries cease to form. The leaves fall, the stem withers, the plant dies. Pests are especially dangerous for young twigs. A clear sign of parasitization of the tick is the presence of a web, with which it envelops the leaves.

Raspberry spider mite control measures

The greatest activity of parasites is observed in dry weather. Favorable conditions for the development, reproduction of spider mites are dry weather, the temperature is in the range of 22-30 degrees Celsius. In the absence of proper attention on the part of a person, raspberry yield is reduced by 70%.

Females overwinter on fallen leaves. In early spring, intensify their activities. To prevent infection, it is recommended to dig the soil around the bush, to process the plant, the ground with a solution of urea.

On a note!

Thin out the bushes, remove the old ones, the extra ones need to be in the autumn. The tick multiplies in mass in the thickets.

If there are clear symptoms of raspberry infection, action is required. To destroy parasites, insecticides, biological products, folk remedies are used. The choice depends on the stage of the raspberry growing season, personal preferences, the degree of infection of the bush.

Insecticaricidal drugs

Are the most effective. Fighting with a spider mite on raspberry poison is allowed in early spring before leafing, after harvesting. Protective properties last up to 60 days. Insecticidal substance destroys adults, larvae, nymphs.At the stage of the egg, the spider mite stays for a day, so only 1 treatment is required to destroy the entire colony of parasites.

Pest control is carried out in dry, calm weather in the morning or in the evening. The solution is prepared immediately before use. To protect hands, respiratory tract, rubber gloves, a respirator are used. Ready acaricidal drug pour into a household spray bottle or a spray bottle. Carefully process the twigs, leaves.

Insecticaricidal drugs
Insecticaricidal drugs

The best remedies for raspberry spider mite:

Dilute the concentrate in cold water according to the instructions. You can buy the drug in a specialized store, business departments, in the market. It is possible to order online. The volume of the emulsion depends on the number of raspberry bushes. The price of drugs is from 50 rubles.


It is forbidden to use insecticidal substances during the flowering of raspberries, the formation, ripening of fruits. It is advisable to carry out pest control in early spring and autumn.


Last year, I encountered such a problem as a spider mite on raspberries. I grow a plant for only 2 years, I didn’t know anything about this pest. While the berries were being sung, I plucked the damaged leaves, sprayed with salt water. After harvesting, she immediately processed Fufanon. Raspberries came to life in a week. In the spring I did the treatment again, I didn’t see any more parasites on raspberries.

Irina, Tver

Biological products

The action of biologically active drugs is aimed at the destruction of adults, larvae, adults. Active substances enter the body of the spider mite through contact, nutrition. The effect is noticeable a week after pest control.

Spider Mite Drugs
Spider Mite Drugs

On a note!

By effectiveness, biological products are inferior to insecticides. Processing raspberries should be done every week until the signs of defeat disappear completely. It is allowed to use during flowering, ripening berries. Before use, ripe raspberries should be washed well under running water.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. Raspberries are sprayed with rubber gloves. Effective drugs:

In dry weather, the protective properties last for 14 days. Biological products are sold in specialized, hardware stores. Price from 30 rub.


I noticed the presence of raspberry tick, when the berries were sung. It was impossible to use poison, I do not trust folk remedies. I bought Fitoverm. Sprayed plants every week for a month. Managed to save the crop, young shoots. At the end of autumn, I dug up the soil and cultivated it with Aktara.

Anna, Voronezh

Folk remedies for ticks on raspberries

With a small number of parasites, according to personal beliefs, they process the bushes with their own prepared means.

Folk recipes for spider mites
Folk recipes for spider mites
  • Infusion of onions. Used husk. Pour water, boil for 5 minutes, let it brew. Filter, use for spraying.
  • Dandelion. To prepare an effective folk remedy, you need a dandelion root. For 1 liter of boiling water 20 g of raw materials. The root is ground, poured with water, allowed to stand for 7 hours.
  • Garlic infusion. For 1 liter of warm water you will need 150 g of chopped garlic. Leave to insist under a closed lid in a dark place for 5 days. The finished concentrated product is again diluted with water. For 1 liter of 5 ml of tincture.
  • Tops. Use the green part of potatoes, tomatoes. The tops are crushed, poured with cold water. Leave to infuse for a day.

Spraying raspberries from the spider mite with folk remedies should be carried out after 1-2 days until the parasites are completely destroyed. Additionally, it is necessary to carry out mechanical removal of the affected leaves.


It’s scary to use poison on raspberries, there’s no sense from biological products. Saved the plant folk remedies. Prepared a combined solution.Threw everything in a row. Baking soda, kitchen salt, laundry soap, ground red pepper, grated garlic. Insisted this mixture for about 8 hours, processed raspberries in the evening. I saw the result of my efforts within a week. I do not know what helped, but a homemade product is effective for sure.

Svetlana, Perm

To prevent raspberry infection, you need to dig the soil in the fall, in the spring, remove the fallen leaves, remove old twigs, and water the ground with urea. Cold weather, rainy summers can save a plant from a parasite.

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