Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Fitoverm from aphids

Fitoverm from aphids is used on flower, berry, fruit, vegetable crops. It is a biological insecticide made on the basis of vital products of soil microorganisms. A broad-spectrum drug does not harm plants. It is allowed to process indoor crops indoors.

Solution preparation

Before using the drug, it is necessary to prepare a solution. The concentration for each case is separate, presented in the instructions. The concentrate is diluted in cool water, stirred for a minute. Pour into a spray bottle or a spray bottle.

Work should be carried out with rubber gloves, not necessarily outdoors, but the window should be opened. Use the finished product should be within 2 hours. When exposed to light, it gradually loses its properties.

  • Fitover from aphids on currants is bred immediately before use. 2 ml of the drug are diluted in 1 liter of water.
  • From aphids on an apple tree the drug is diluted in a ratio of 4 ml per 2 liters of water.
  • From aphids on rosesthat grow on the open ground, you need to dilute 8 ml of the drug in 1000 ml of liquid. For indoor plants, the concentration is similar, but the period between treatments is extended to 14 days.
Fitoverm from aphids
Fitoverm from aphids

To protect vegetables from aphids, 10 ml of Fitoverm are dissolved in 1 liter of water.

On a note!

The tool is not toxic to humans, plants. A slight excess of the concentration of the solution will not disrupt the development of green spaces.

The tool is used for the following plants:

Instruction manual

How to use Fitoverm from aphids is described in the instructions, which you must familiarize yourself with before starting work.

Processing plants must be carried out in the evening, early in the morning in dry, calm weather. If it rains, the procedure will have to be repeated the next day.

On a note!

A stream of solution is sent from the bottom up to the bottom of the plant. It is in this area that aphids focus. Otherwise, droplets of the solution will drain to the ground without getting on the insect.

The frequency of use depends on the degree of infection of plants, weather conditions. During the season they process about 4 times with an interval of 7 to 20 days. You should not carry out the procedure immediately before picking berries, fruits, vegetables. The break should be at least 1 week.

Drug action

Fitoverm helps against many varieties of pests, has a wide spectrum of action. From gall aphid Saves crops in a few days.

Using Aphid Chemical
Using Aphid Chemical

Active components penetrate the body of pests during nutrition. Poisonous substances block nerve impulses, cause muscle paralysis, death. To kill aphids, a minimal amount of poison is enough. Preserves the properties of Fitoverm for about 7 days.

Gardeners and gardeners tell about the effectiveness of the product, leaving numerous reviews on the forums. It can be combined with folk remedieswho have proven their effectiveness or acquire other store insecticides.


In the past year aphids attacked cherry. I do not use harsh chemistry, I decided to try the biologically active drug Fitoverm. It costs a penny, you can harvest in 3 days. Absolutely not harmful to human health. Bred on a bucket of water. It took me 20 sachets of 4 ml each. I sprayed the trees, the next day I was already enjoying the result. It took me only one treatment.

Irina, Moscow

Aphids occupied roses. My chagrin knew no bounds. I use chemistry in emergency cases, the aphid seemed to me not so much a dangerous and poison resistant pest. I bought a safe remedy Fitoverm. Sprayed roses according to the instructions. I noticed the result after 3 days. No new twisted leaves appeared, the flowers began to come to life.

Larisa, Kiev

Used Fitoverm from aphids on currants. Had to process several times over the entire season. The drug helps, but does not protect against reinfestation. In parallel with it, you need to use folk remedies to scare off parasites, then the effect intensifies.

Zhanna, Moscow

At the same time should destroy ants on the land, because it is they who carry pests throughout the garden, the garden.

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