Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How and how to treat viburnum from aphids

How to deal with aphids on viburnum, many gardeners and gardeners are wondering. The plant attracts pests, creates a favorable environment for the development of their larvae, contributes to the spread of insects throughout the land. Protecting viburnum, preventing the spread of aphids is the responsibility of every gardener.

Pests of viburnum

The most common pest of viburnum is black aphid. The insect spends on a bush all his life. Adults in late August and early September lay eggs on the cortex near the kidneys. In this state, they will have to winter.

With the onset of heat - in early spring, larvae emerge from the eggs, which make their way to young leaves, suck out juices from them. As a result, the leaves curl, deform, and dark spots appear on them. As they grow older, parasitism is gaining momentum. Aphid damages young shoots, contributes to their drying.

In May, winged individuals appear. These are sexually mature females and males, ready for fertilization. After the breeding process, the aphid spreads to other trees, lays eggs, which are destined to winter. In the spring, the cycle repeats.

Aphids on viburnum
Aphids on viburnum

Black aphid on viburnum is a real disaster for planting, surrounding plants. The fight must begin early in the spring, even before the first leaves bloom.

On a note!

The pest has the ability to migrate to other plants, but lives exclusively on viburnum. During the entire growing season of the bush, insects develop several generations.

Professional Tools

If the aphid has attacked viburnum, you can fight it with professional chemicals based on insecticides. The active components of the drug block nerve impulses, cause paralysis, quick death. A minimal dose of poison is enough to cause death.

The advantages of this control method are high efficiency, quick results, preservation of properties up to 20 days. An insecticidal agent destroys adults, larvae of all ages.

Pest Insecticides
Pest Insecticides

The drug is sold in the form of a concentrate. Before starting use, you should prepare a solution, diluting it in a certain amount of water. Usually 10 liters. During operation, it is necessary to wear rubber gloves, carry out the procedure in the morning, in the evening in dry, calm weather.

The most effective means:

Which drug to apply, individual decision. All of them act immediately, the mass death of aphids is observed within a week, retain their properties up to 20 days.

On a note!

Before budding, it is recommended to treat all shoots with Nitrafen paste. To treat viburnum from aphids during flowering, any insecticidal agent can be sprayed.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies for aphids
Folk remedies for aphids

The fight against aphids on viburnum is carried out by all known methods. Folk remedies very diverse and unique, make it possible to do without chemistry.

  • To save viburnum, to overcome thoroughly black aphids, it is necessary to cut the shoots that are located at the roots in late autumn.It is in this place that the aphid lays eggs, leaves to winter. In the spring, when the bush begins to bloom, pour hot water on the ground at the root.
  • Natural aphids can destroy aphids - ladybugs, laceworm larvae, female flies.
  • Spray viburnum with a solution of onion peel. Pests do not tolerate this smell, try to hide from it faster. 200 g of husk combined with 500 g of wood ash, 200 g tobacco powder. Pour 10 liters of water. Leave to infuse for 5 days. Before use, add laundry soapfilter the finished drug. Sprinkle viburnum in May is necessary before the moment of opening of the first leaves, or during flowering. Repeat the procedure every week until the pests disappear.
  • Add to water wood ash, spices - cinnamon, red, black pepper, soap solution. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle or a spray bottle. The first time you need to spray the viburnum in the spring, then you should do this every month with a break of 7-14 days.
  • You can get rid of aphids with a strong tincture of garlic, tobacco, needles. Their combined use is allowed separately. 200 g of raw material is poured into 1 liter of water, boiled for half an hour. Cover, insist 5 days. Filter the finished drug, add soap. Spraying.
  • Grind potato tops, tomato or marigolds. Pour 10 liters of water, boil for half an hour. Insist at least a day. Viburnum is sprayed every 3 days during an active struggle. For prevention 1 time in 2 weeks. Cooking is allowed in reserve. The longer it costs, the greater the concentration of active components.

On a note!

Aphids on viburnum buldenezh exterminated by the same means. This is a decorative bush 3 m high with beautiful buds of white flowers that adorn the shrub in May.

Used from aphids also:

The list of folk remedies for aphids can be continued indefinitely. Gardeners share their methods of struggle.


Fighting aphids
Fighting aphids

Pour wood ash under a bush in a thick layer, dig up the ground. This must be done in late autumn or early spring, as soon as the earth allows it to be done. Ash poisons the juice of the plant. Leaves become tasteless and life-threatening for aphids. Kalina such a tool does not hurt. In addition, spray every week during the growing season with a soapy solution with soda.

Oleg, Moscow

We have several effective recipes for processing viburnum. Sprinkle the dairy whey shrub. The aphid does not tolerate an acidic taste, gradually disappears. Also sprayed Coca-Cola. Why it works, I did not understand, but it helps for sure. The most effective tool that helps with severe infection of the aphid tree is a mixture of ash, black pepper, twisted garlic, onion, soap. The ratio of ingredients does not play a special role. Two treatments with an interval of 3 days are enough for the complete destruction of aphids.

Maxim, St. Petersburg

We process viburnum with tincture of tobacco, wormwood, add ash, soap. In early spring, water the bush at the very roots with hot water. Aphids do not bother, the crop is good.

Anna, Voronezh

Before choosing an effective remedy, it is necessary to assess the degree of damage to viburnum, the time of the growing season, and safety for oneself and the plant. Parallel destroy ants, since it is they who are the main distributors of black aphids on the land plot of the garden.

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