Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Tar and laundry soap for aphids on plants

Aphid soap solution is one of the most effective pest control products. Used household tar tar, dissolved in water. The practice of adding other active ingredients to the solution to increase the effectiveness of a homemade aphid remedy. Helps to get rid of aphids from a variety of plants:

Soap solution

The process of preparing an effective drug is to dissolve the soap in a liquid. Laundry soap for aphids is a safe tool that does not affect the development of horticultural crops, does not worsen human well-being. You can work with it without the use of rubber gloves.

On a note!

Household soap should be grated, if it is in briquettes. It will take 300 g. Pour the chips into a bucket with a capacity of 10 liters, add 2 liters of warm water. Stir the solution well until the soap completely dissolves. Add 8 liters of cold liquid, mix thoroughly. Liquid soap from aphids is also suitable. Then 300 ml of the product is simply diluted in 10 liters of cold water.

Household and tar soap from aphids
Household and tar soap from aphids

Tar soap solution

To prepare a soap solution in a similar way using tar soap is not difficult. The difference is only in concentration. To obtain an effective solution, you will need only 100 g of the active drug per bucket of cold liquid.

Tar soap from aphids helps get rid of pests, restores the structure of plant tissues. The tool promotes tissue regeneration, tightens the "wounds", damage. Tar has a pungent odor that repels pests and prevents them from settling on land and plants.

Ash solution

Good at fighting aphids wood ash. If there is one on the farm, nothing more needs to be sought. The action of ash is based on irritation of the skin of insects.

So that the light ash lasts longer on the leaves, a soap agent is added to the solution. Soap also helps the ash to evenly distribute in the liquid, which ensures complete processing of plants.

Aphid and soda solutions
Aphid and soda solutions

A soapy ash solution from aphids is prepared in several stages:

  • initially it is necessary to sift through a fine sieve 300 g of wood ash;
  • add it to a bucket of water with a capacity of 10 l, put on fire;
  • after boiling, cook for half an hour;
  • cool to a comfortable temperature, add 40 g of grated laundry soap or 20 g tar.

Proceed to the preparation of the drug immediately before use. Doing it in advance is not worth it.

Soda solution

Soap and aphid baking soda works real miracles. The effect is noticeable by the end of the day, if the treatment was carried out early in the morning. Initially determined with the required amount of the drug. A soap solution is prepared (1/4 or 1/2 part of a bar of soap per bucket is sufficient), soda is added at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon per 1 liter of water.A bucket will need 10 spoons. Mix thoroughly.

Soda causes irritation, damages the skin, soap prevents insects from running. Pests waiting for an emergency death within a day.

Tobacco solution

Make a soap solution from aphids with the addition of tobacco very simple:

  • 200 g of dry leaves are ground into powder, added to a bucket of water;
  • chop 3 pods of fresh hot pepper, combine with tobacco solution, insist day;
  • add 100 g of grated laundry soap, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of wood ash or cinnamon, all thoroughly mixed.

On a note!

The soap treatment of plants with the addition of several active components provides a high result, quick action.

Topping solution

To prepare an effective drug, tops of tomato and potatoes are used.

  • Grind 4 kg of raw materials, place in a bucket, pour 10 liters of liquid, cover, leave to infuse for 6 hours;
  • put on the stove, after boiling, cook for half an hour;
  • cool to a comfortable temperature, add 50 g of any soap product - household, tar.

Concentrate is allowed to cook in advance. You can leave to insist for a week. Soap should be added immediately before use.

Instruction manual

Soap Solution Efficiency
Soap Solution Efficiency

Aphids are controlled by spraying. Small bushes of plants watered from a watering can. For spraying use a garden spray bottle with a nozzle.

During processing, you need to try to ensure that the jet falls on the lower part of the plant, since it is there that the pests are concentrated. Otherwise, the solution will drain to the ground without falling on aphids.

On a note!

The frequency of use depends on the degree of damage to the garden plot. The event begins at the first sign of damage to the cultures, repeated every week for prevention. Destruction is carried out in several procedures with a break of 2-3 days.

Efficiency issue

The secret of the action of soap from aphids lies in the bonding of insects to each other, the formation of a protective film on the leaves. Insects are limited in movement, the protective shell does not allow them to fully eat.

Soap in recipes with other active ingredients enhances their effectiveness. If there is no time for spraying, leaves, twigs can simply be soaped.

Reviews on the effectiveness of homemade drugs from gardeners, gardeners

Soap is one of the simplest, most affordable, reliable remedies for aphids. If there is no time to mess with the solution, I just dissolve it in water and spend spraying. It helps quickly aphids not see in a day. For prevention, I use every week the entire warm season.

Anna, Moscow

Soap with ash helps. You can experiment with recipes. Each time I use different components - ash, cinnamon, pepper. All that is available at the time when emergency measures are needed.

Angelica, St. Petersburg

Tar tar helps quickly, and also helps the plant to gather strength. I spray the plants every week. Concentration does not play a special role. Soap is harmless to plants. The pest repels persistent odor. The aroma disappears, protection should be renewed.

Alexander, Voronezh

Any remedy described above is effective against aphids. Which one to use is an individual decision. You can also use other folk remedies and combine them with effective in-store drugs.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Anna

    Soap is an emergency aid from aphids. With a small infection, you can simply dissolve the laundry soap in water, it is not even necessary to grate. If the aphid has divorced, add soda, cinnamon.

  2. Oleg

    The mixture works well - soap, soda, cinnamon, red pepper. Such a “cocktail” does not harm the plant, and increases the chances of defeating the aphid by several times.

    1. Svetlana

      Ash is the most effective remedy. I tried more than once.Soap is used as an auxiliary component.

  3. Igor

    Tar soap is better than household soap. I advise you to use it. A pungent odor drives all insects from the site, not only aphids.

  4. Lyudmila

    Never tried a recipe with tops. Need to try. A lot of positive feedback. Thanks for the described cooking process.

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