Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How to get rid of aphids on trees

With the advent of spring, all gardeners begin the “battle for the harvest”, because many bushes and fruit trees attack various pests, among which the smallest and nastiest are aphid, settling on leaves and young shoots. Experienced gardeners know how to deal with aphids on fruit trees, what are the ways to destroy pests, and which one is the best remedy.

What is dangerous aphids for trees

Aphids attacking a tree are hard to miss: as soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow and curl, you can lift them up and see an accumulation of small green, brown-brown or black insects on the back side. Aphid also appears on a tree trunk, on fresh shoots, buds to eat plant juice. Aphids can settle on a birch, poplar and other trees in the forest.

If you do not immediately begin to fight insects with various means, then the consequences for fruit trees can be deplorable (see photo aphids on trees):

  • settling on fresh shoots, the aphid eats their tops, preventing the tree from growing correctly, which then will affect its fruiting;
  • attacking young plants, the aphid is able to completely suck out the juices from them and even completely destroy;
  • small pests are carriers of viral infections, resulting in gall formations on fruit trees, which can cause their death;
  • if you do not destroy the aphid immediately, then the insects will spread to the entire garden, including flowers, berry and ornamental shrubs and other trees.

Harm caused by aphids
Harm caused by aphids

In the second phase of development, these small insects acquire wings, with the help of which they can fly over long distances, moving between trees and garden plots - this is where aphids from trees come from. Also, ants often carry it on themselves for the purpose of resettlement and reproduction.


On trees and bushes, where there is aphids, most often settle and black ants. They are very fond of the sweet pad secreted by insects, and therefore even breed and guard their settlements. To destroy such a symbiosis, it is necessary to simultaneously fight with ants in the garden.

Aphid control methods

Fighting aphids on fruit trees should be carried out in various ways and means, which must be alternated throughout the season. There are several basic methods:

  • Mechanical - allowing you to reduce the number of aphids when it is a little: pests are removed from young shoots manually or dumped with a strong stream of water, it is better to just pinch off and burn the heavily affected tops.
  • Biological - planting plants (nettles, spicy herbs with a pungent odor) around trees that attract insects that feed on aphids: ladybugs, lacewings, female flies, wasps. Some species of birds like to feast on insects: sparrows, linnet, tits and chicks, for which feeders, drinking bowls and birdhouses are installed in the garden. So that there are fewer pests on trees and shrubs, plants are planted nearby whose smell they cannot tolerate: onions and garlic, chamomile, marigolds, mint, fennel, coriander.
  • Folk methods of controlling small insects include the use of various substances and fluids, which need to be treated with trees from aphids to destroy it.
  • Chemical aphid control agents containing pesticides are highly effective and harmful to insects, it is better to use them in the spring so as not to harm the ovaries and fruits.
Insect Control Methods
Insect Control Methods


Treatment chemicals carried out in several stages:

  • for prophylactic purposes, after snow melting, the first spraying is carried out from pests that winter in the bark, such means are used: copper sulfate from aphids, Bordeaux liquid, urea;
  • the following treatments are done during the buds and before flowering;
  • Before planting, seedlings should be treated for prevention.


During the ripening period of the crop, treatment from aphids with chemical preparations is not recommended, because insecticides will fall into the fruit, which can be dangerous to human health.

Chemical aphids on fruit trees are divided into 4 groups according to the method of exposure:

  • Systemic drugs - are able to penetrate into the tissues of a tree, the juice of which becomes fatal for pests, are not washed off by the rain and remain in the tissues for a long time. They make them spraying branches or watered around the trunk, insects die in 1-2 weeks.
  • Means of contact exposure - getting on pests during processing, they kill them, these include chemicals: Arrivo, Karbofos, Fufan, Fury.
  • Means of intestinal action - cause poisoning in the insect, getting into the intestine, the duration of action is several hours: Confidor, Bi-58, etc.
  • Biological - the least environmentally hazardous, but lose their effectiveness due to improper storage.

Effective pesticides from aphids
Effective pesticides from aphids

Popular effective aphids:

  • Insecticide Fitoverm - a biological product in ampoules of 5 ml, which must be diluted in 600 ml of water, spraying is done on garden trees no later than 5 days before picking the fruit, i.e. this remedy can be treated after flowering, and the fruits will not suffer.
  • Actofit is a biological agent against insect pests; treatment from tree aphids is done 2 times with a solution of 8 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water, an interval of 2 weeks.
  • Aktar Remedy for Aphids - insecticide in the form of a powder, the bag contains 4 g, the solution is prepared in the open air at the rate of: 2 g of powder in a bucket of water; It is recommended to spray before flowering in dry and calm weather.
  • Kinmix aphid insecticide - used during the growing season 1-2 times at the rate of 1 ampoule per 10 liters of water, protects trees for 2-3 weeks.
  • Confidor is an effective tool for killing pests and stimulating leaf growth. For processing, 2 g of powder is diluted in water, then the volume must be brought to 10 liters. To increase the adherence to the leaves, add liquid soap or Liposam.

Widespread also Spark and Tanrek.

On a note!

The preparation of various chemical solutions is best done outdoors. When spraying, it is necessary to observe all safety measures for working with chemicals: wear a protective suit, mask and glasses.

Folk methods

Fighting aphids with folk methods
Fighting aphids with folk methods

In the summer, when ovaries have already appeared on the trees and the fruits have formed, it is better to spray from aphids using folk recipesthat are easily prepared at home, using various substances and liquids:

  • Use ammonia from aphids Many experienced gardeners recommend it, for which they make a solution with ammonia (50 ml) and 2 tbsp. Liquid soap, it is better to take tar, are added to 10 liters of water - with this solution trees should be sprayed several times during the summer. In addition, using ammonia against aphids, at the same time, the tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizer.
  • Baking soda helps to overcome pests on plants, for which a solution of 1 tbsp. is prepared lsoda per liter of water: a means of spraying trees every 5 days.
  • Soda ash from aphids is also used in this composition: 2 tbsp. per 1 liter of water with the addition of 1 tbsp. any soap, treatment is done even if there are fruits on the trees, and helps with powdery mildew.
  • You can get rid of small pests with iodine and serum: 10 liters of water need 1 liter of serum and 1 tsp. iodine.
  • Celandine from aphids it is used as an infusion, in which potato and tomato tops are added, after insisting for 3 days and straining, grated laundry soap is added to it - a solution must be used to spray the trees in the summer.
  • One of their effective herbal remedies is garlic from aphids prepared as follows: chop several cloves of garlic and add a liter of water, then insist for a day. In the finished infusion is added 2 tsp. vegetable oil and 1 tsp soap, after which the plant is treated.
  • Many gardeners recommend using an infusion of onions or its husks to spray trees and shrubs from aphids, and an infusion of pine young tops, which is prepared within a week, has a similar effect.
  • It is recommended to etch aphids with powder or solution with mustard: in the dry form, it is sprinkled with nearby anthills, and with the help of the infusion you can protect the trees from pests, for which 100 g of powder is added to a bucket of water.
  • Many gardeners recommend applying vinegar against aphids, after 2-3 treatments with which it is possible to completely remove aphids. The solution is made at the rate of 1 tbsp. vinegar in 10 liters of water.
  • Helps kill aphids and ordinary moonshine or vodka, for which they do not need to be diluted with water, but only add a little liquid soap. Vodka from aphids can be used in combination with other means of control.
  • Peroxide from aphids should be used with caution so as not to burn the leaves: by spraying with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, protection against plant aphids is carried out for preventive purposes.

Many recipes based soap, Coca-Cola, ash, Green soap, birch tar, tobacco, boric acid.


Folk remedies for aphids to obtain a positive result must be applied at least 5 times with an interval of several days. In the summer, the fight against pests is carried out almost constantly; in June, plants can be treated using any of the listed means.

There are many recommendations on how to get rid of aphids on trees. The main rule in this fight is regularity, because after the first spraying only part of the pests will be destroyed. Summer is a time when it is necessary to constantly process trees to protect them from pests, because insects have wings, so they can easily move between garden areas.

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