Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Garlic vs Aphids

Garlic from aphids is the simplest, effective, affordable remedy for everyone. Garlic beds planted in different parts of the garden are a reliable protection against many pests. The use of folk remedies allows you to quickly, safely get rid of aphids on any garden plant. Garlic helps treat a variety of plants from aphids. For instance:

Cooking Tools

Garlic against aphids is used in several variations - tincture, whole cloves, arrows, solution. You can ensure the safety of crops in advance if you plant nearby beds of garlic.


Infusion of garlic from aphids is prepared in several ways. The rule always applies - the longer the stand, the higher the concentration.

  • The teeth are poured with cold water, insist under the lid for at least 3 days. Before use, add the required amount of water.
  • A glass of mashed garlic is poured into 10 liters of water, insisted day.

On a note!

Cooking tinctures from garlic does not require strict proportions. The main thing is that there is a strong garlic smell. It is he who expels aphids from the garden, garden plot.

Garlic vs Aphids
Garlic vs Aphids

Garlic arrows

Arrows of garlic from aphids - the easiest option to fight. They are scattered throughout the land, laid out under the bushes of the affected plants, tied to twigs, rubbed tree trunks. Garlic shooters will become reliable protection for several weeks, expel pests with their persistent aroma.


They are laid out whole under the bushes of plants, rub branches, tree trunks. Grind, add to water, insist day, use the mixture for spraying.

Soap solution

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, any soap product is added to the water. Natural product recommended - laundry soap. The liquid product is added directly to the bucket of water. Whetstones should initially be grated, diluted in liquid. The soap solution sticks the aphids together, does not allow it to escape from the site, leads to death.

Any of the recipes begins to act immediately after application, the effect can be noticed the very next day. Aphids simply cannot stand the harsh aroma of this spice.

Application methods

Vinegar versus Aphids
Vinegar versus Aphids

Garlic solution should be poured into a spray bottle with a tube, which ensures the processing of plants from the bottom up. Aphids are placed on the back of plants. If the product is sprayed from above, it does not fall under the sheet, it drains to the ground.

On a note!

When using a bottle with a spray, it is necessary to turn each leaf, carefully spray. This option is more suitable with a small number of plants that need to be saved from aphids.

The old way of watering is a watering can. When using it, the flow rate of the solution is much higher, but the concentration is higher. It is necessary to water each branch, leaflet well.

Frequency of use

How many times to treat the plants with garlic depends on several factors - the degree of infection, the chosen method of protection.

Garlic shooters protect for about 2 weeks. The cloves retain the same properties. Planted in the immediate vicinity of the beds, they protect the aphids constantly. The garlic solution is valid for about 3 days, provided that it has not rained heavily. Liquid treatment should be carried out 2-4 times with a frequency of 3 days.

Features of the fight

Aphids spread over the land black ants. If she is flooded with crops, it is necessary to examine the garden, the garden for the presence of anthills. Since pest control is carried out in tandem. Insects are interconnected. To avoid the spread of aphids, you need destroy the anthillexpel insects from the site. So that ants do not take root in the garden, aphids should be exterminated.

If desired, there is always the opportunity to take advantage ready-made drugscombining them with garlic. You can also try other folk recipes.

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