Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to protect a dog from ticks with folk remedies

It is difficult to protect a pet from small parasites without special treatment of its coat. Pharmacies will offer a large selection of diverse tick remedieswhich do not always have a good effect on the body of a four-legged friend. Often used substance has a negative effect on health. In contrast, folk remedies for ticks for dogs received only positive reviews from both breeders and veterinarians.

Tool selection

Dogs are more vulnerable to parasites, among which are ticks. There are several ways to simplify this - to conduct periodic treatment for prevention. For this, you can use ready-made purchased drugs, which the veterinarian will recommend. But it is worthwhile to understand that chemical preparations will have a negative effect on the pet's body.

That is why most dog breeders try to protect the dog from ticks by folk remedies. Dogs can be treated with different substances of their own production, it is important to strictly maintain proportions and apply the products strictly according to the recommended schedule.


Folk remedies against ticks are less concentrated, so in order to protect the pet, treatment will need to be carried out before each walk.

You can prevent the appearance of parasites by several types of agents:

  • essential oils;
  • infusions;
  • tar soap.

Each of them can be used both individually and comprehensively before and after a four-legged pet walk in the fresh air.

Oils for fleas and ticks

Funds on this basis are not a panacea for already acquired parasites. Due to the saturated smell, they will scare away bloodsucking individuals, thereby preventing the entry of pests on the coat and skin of pets. Among the breeders and veterinarians, the most effective are the essential oils from ticks for dogs of such plants:

  • tea tree;
  • cloves;
  • juniper;
  • peppermint;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme
  • eucalyptus;
  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • cedar;
  • citronella;
  • geraniums.
Oils for fleas and ticks
Oils for fleas and ticks

Swamp mint is not used to treat puppies and expectant mothers. Treat the dog from ticks carefully, as some options can cause allergies in the pet. Immediately after the first treatment, you must observe the dog for an hour, if it became irritable or, on the contrary, too calm and lethargic, then this drug should not be used anymore.

It’s easy to apply oil from ticks, just drop a few drops of the chosen product on your hands, rub it a little and treat the pet's hair against growth. Such movements can be done several times, just do not add funds.


In animals, the sense of smell is much more sensitive than the human, therefore, the concentration of the agent is chosen as minimal.


Protection of dogs from parasites is carried out and infusions. These do-it-yourself tick remedies are no less effective than oils.

You can protect the dog from bloodsuckers by such infusions:

  • Wormwood is the main enemy of all parasites, only 20 g of fresh grass per liter of water can scare away ticks and fleas from a four-legged pet.The ingredients are combined, brought to a boil, cooled. Filter and apply with a spray bottle before each exit to the street.
  • At home, you can cook another infusion, it includes vanillin and vodka. For every 2 g of dry matter, take 100 g of alcohol, mix well and incubate for 10 days in a cool dark place. Next, the mixture is poured into a container with a spray, processing is carried out every day before going out.
  • You can also fight with parasites with garlic water, for its preparation you will need half a liter of liquid and three cloves of garlic. Peeled and minced garlic is sent to the water and left for 8 hours, then applied to the back and withers of the animal before each walk. It is not recommended to process other parts of the body, the dog will be able to lick itself.
Folk remedies for dogs from ticks
Folk remedies for dogs from ticks

It is possible to treat the dog from ticks by combined means, often essential oils are added to infusions. Before conducting such experiments, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, he will be able to give effective advice on combining substances.

Washing with special equipment

If none of the proposed options came up, you can try washing the pet after each walk with special means of natural origin. This method will allow protect the dog from ticks and fleas 100%.

Washing is carried out by several means to choose from:

  • To remove ticks in a dog that has not yet dug into the skin, tar soap will help. Disinfection takes place due to the main ingredient - birch tar, which will not allow ticks or fleas to settle on the animal. The use of this tool is allowed even on small puppies, and for the person himself, the soap is absolutely harmless. You can lather just with your hands, without the use of protective gloves.
  • To protect the animal from parasites, after walking it is washed with ordinary shampoo, to which essential oils are added depending on capacity. In a standard bottle of 250-300 ml, only 3-5 drops are enough. The agent must be shaken well before application, then the effectiveness will be at the proper level.

On a note!

To protect the dog from parasites, it is important to regularly carry out prophylactic procedures, it is advisable to treat with essential oils and infusions before walking, and wash after walking.

Alternative methods of treatment

When it was not possible to save the pet, signs were found subcutaneous tickneed to be treated. Many pets react negatively to medical treatment options, and for some breeds they are generally contraindicated. It is in such cases that folk remedies are used. Apply them depending on what type of tick the dog has.

Ixodid tick protection

Ixodid ticks appear on the body of the pet after a walk, you can remove them by bathing with tar soap or shampoo with the addition of essential oils.

If the tick is strongly ingrained in the skin of the dog, then essential oil in its pure form will help extract parasite. The problem area is liberally lubricated with one of the above oils and the parasite is removed with tweezers in a circular motion.

Dog wash
Dog wash

Subcutaneous ticks

You can eliminate such parasites without the use of medications. There are several options:

  • An infusion of celandine roots will be irreplaceable, washed and refined raw materials are poured with sunflower oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Withstand at a temperature of 50 degrees for at least 4 hours. The strained infusion is applied to problem areas daily.
  • Juniper berries and sour apples are crushed in mashed potatoes, mixed well and applied to the lesions.
  • Sour cream or kefir with black sulfur also have healing properties, the ingredients are well mixed in a 3: 1 ratio.
  • Birch tar will perfectly cope with the problem, the agent is applied directly to the affected areas daily.

According to reviews, all of the above methods are effective, but before using them, you should consult a veterinarian.This will allow you to choose the most suitable treatment option and not harm the dog.


I have had dogs in the house since childhood, even then the dog was the favorite of the family. It is from there that I know several methods for preparing natural infusions that will not allow any mites to cling to the animal. I consider wormwood to be the most effective, only it, as my practice has shown, most effectively scares away these pests.

Victoria, Yalta

I always wanted to have a dog, but I had never thought about what responsibility it was. In my care, getting rid of parasites turned out to be the most difficult for me, I tried a lot of pharmaceuticals, the effect was temporary. From the vet I learned about the essential oils from ticks, since then these are the best friends of my dachshund.

Igor, Surgut

Regular tar soap helped rid my pet of fleas and protect me from ticks. Previously, with each walk we brought such “tenants”, getting rid of them became a real problem. Now, upon arrival home, it is enough to wash the pet in the bathroom with soap, the problem goes away by itself. Recommend.

Alevtina, Samara

There are many folk remedies for preventing the appearance of ticks in dogs and their elimination. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the proportions and consult with your veterinarian first.

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