Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

When ticks appear and when the season of their greatest activity ends

Tick ​​season begins in early spring and ends in autumn. Favorable conditions for their existence are air temperature within +20 degrees Celsius, humidity - 80%. Parasites are most active in the spring, when they only wake up from hibernation. The tick season in 2018 begins in April, due to the prolonged winter, last year the first bite was recorded on March 7.

When ticks appear

Parasites wake up in early spring during the flowering period of snowdrops, swelling of the kidneys. As soon as the snow melted, the air warmed up, the pests crawled out of their shelters. Ticks wake up at a temperature of +1 - +3 degrees Celsius, but become active at +10.

On a note!

The most favorable temperature indicator for life, the development of parasites - +20 degrees Celsius, humidity within 80%.

The period of tick activity in each year can begin in different ways. It all depends on climatic conditions. Ticks appear in the spring after snow melts, warming the air, and this can be both the end of March and April. If the winter was severe, with a decrease in temperature to a critical level, the number of parasites will be insignificant.

Life cycle features

Nymphs, fertilized females overwinter. The former continue the development cycle, the latter complete it - lay their eggs, giving life to a new generation. In the spring, the number of laid eggs is estimated in thousands. Tick ​​Life Cycle lasts 2 years, during which time the parasite replaces 3 hosts.

After their birth, the larvae begin to search for the first host. They become wild animals, rodents, birds. They drink blood, after a few days they disappear. In a well-warmed land they molt, turn into a nymph. This happens either at the end of summer or autumn. In the first case, the pest is again looking for the owner, in the second - winters.

The second owner for nymphs are wild animals, domestic animals, artiodactyls, rodents, and parasites attack humans. After drinking blood, the nymph falls to the ground again, turns into an imago. Further development continues in the spring of next year. Young females, males find a victim, drink blood, achieve sexual activity. Start to lay eggs.

Tick ​​Life Cycle
Tick ​​Life Cycle

When ticks are dangerous for people

The period of activity of ticks directly depends on the life cycle. Awaken after hibernation in late March, April. But pests become especially dangerous a little later. The peak of activity is observed in May, lasts in June of the first or second decade. It all depends on climatic conditions.

On a note!

What kind of weather ticks like - warm, moderately rainy. Mass breeding observed at 20-25 degrees Celsius with frequent short-term rains. In such conditions, it is impossible to be in the forest due to the huge number of blood-sucking parasites. Whether ticks are active in rain - it all depends on the amount of rainfall. If this is a small spray, the pests are in no hurry to hide, remain alert.

In July, tick activity decreases, which is facilitated by several factors.

  1. Arachnids eat natural enemies - birds, animals, reducing their numbers.
  2. Females that have already exhausted their energy potential are dying, the young generation of pests is at the development stage.
  3. Air temperature rises, humidity decreases.

The tick season ends with the onset of persistent cold. When this happens, predicting ahead is problematic. If the first frosts begin in September, pests will rush to take refuge, no longer get out of their shelters until spring, will not be active. With steady warm weather, ticks disappear in late October, completely disappear in November.

On a note!

The second generation of young ticks may appear by the end of August, but the parasites are not as active as they are in the spring. Both adult females and nymphs have one goal - to drink blood, to continue the development cycle. Danger to humans and those and others.

If you paint tick activity by months, the picture looks like this:

  • March-April - low;
  • May-mid-June - high;
  • July, August - average;
  • September-October is low.

An acceptable time of day is day, but if you stay in the wild at night, the likelihood of tick infection increases. The reason is prolonged contact with grass, thickets, shrubs.

Danger to humans

Tick ​​Disease
Tick ​​Disease

Pests feed on blood are carriers of dangerous diseases. After tick bite there is a blister, a red spot, itching, irritation, an allergic reaction appears. In the absence of the virus, the effects of activity disappear on their own without special treatment within a week. When the virus enters the bloodstream, the development of a terrible disease begins, the incubation period lasts from several days to 2 months.


Most dangerous ixodid ticks. The virus is stored in the blood, transmitted to the younger generation. Mites themselves do not get sick, transmit the virus to humans, become infected when they bite an infected wild animal. They wake up early in spring, are active throughout the warm season, and may disappear in November. Adverse weather conditions can reduce the activity of this type of parasite.

Feasibility of vaccination

In Siberia, the issue of protection against dangerous pests is an acute issue. Resist Mass Disease the vaccine. People who plan to visit Siberia in the next six months are subject to compulsory vaccination. In this way, you can protect yourself from encephalitis. There are 3 vaccinations with an interval of 1 month. Vaccinations are done in Moscow and other cities state, private clinics.

There is no vaccine against borreliosis and some other diseases, they are protected repellents to repel parasites, tight clothing. In the forest should be worn so that there are no exposed skin. Upon returning home, you should throw everything in the wash.

On a note!

The tick, being on the human body, does not show activity immediately. Absorbed into the skin after about 2-3 hours. In a simple way, you can protect yourself from a dangerous disease.

Methods of struggle

Tick ​​treatment products
Tick ​​treatment products

You can scare away cologne with a pungent odor, essential oils citronella, lavender, cloves. Use spraysaerosols - Gardex, Reftamid Antiklesh, Raptor, Raid, Taiga, Off, Moskitol. Thoroughly spray clothes; some products are allowed to be applied directly to the skin.

On a note!

Ticks are active during the day, like a sunny meadow, calm weather, humid air. Dwell in most cases in tall grass, thickets at a distance of 50 cm from the surface of the earth.

To rid your land of parasites, to ensure a safe outdoor recreation, use smoke bombs - Quiet evening, Whirlwind, Fomor. Use solutions for spraying grass, trees based on insectoacaricides. You can poison the drug Tsifoks, Sinusan, the executioner, Medilis Ziper, Foresight.

Mass mites do not poison, as this increases the chances of the death of natural enemies - birds, animals, insects. This explains the fact why there have been many ticks. Initially, after using chemistry, pests disappear, but along with them natural enemies. Over time, the population of pests increases, but there are no “pests” of them. There is a situation when people say that before there were no ticks, now there are a lot of them.

Pests can activate at the end of March, finish their activities in November. Therefore, safety should always be remembered, but panic should not be feared. Not all ticks are infectious, with timely contact with specialists, the risk of the disease decreases or the disease proceeds without complications. In advance, you should protect yourself with clothing, tick remedies, get vaccinated when visiting dangerous territories, areas.

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