Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

Bed bug bug

Almost all types of bugsliving on our planet are parasites. Many species parasitize animals and prefer blood, but some feed on the juice of young plants. The bug bug is not a bloodthirsty species, but it is the worst enemy of a person and causes enormous harm to his activities. Crops are most affected by bedbugs, and if effective measures to protect the crop are not taken in time, then the economic damage will be noticeable.

Species features, habitat

A bug bug is a family of bug turtles. This species got its name for appearance, since the body of the insect looks like a small turtle, and the relief and color of the elytra resembles a shell. The size of an adult varies from 10 to 15 mm in length.

In everyday life, this species is classified as a grain bug. The popular name is due to the gastronomic preferences of the parasite. Photo of the bug below.

Bug bug

The bugs of the bug belong to the order of the half-winged and have two pairs of wings. Pests fly well and move easily between feed bases.


In search of food, turtle shields can cover enormous distances, migrating not only between fields, but also in administrative areas.

The parasites show their activity with the onset of steady heat, when the temperature reaches 15 degrees above zero. The sex of the future insect does not play a role in the intensity of feeding of the larvae. During this period, overwintered individuals begin to actively eat winter varieties of cereal crops. The bug bug in wheat is especially common, he likes young juicy stems.

After the larvae emerging from wintering pupate, a period of intensive mating and laying of eggs begins. Female bugs of turtles lay from 140 to 250 eggs in a short favorable period, which is a little more than a month.


The female bug bug has 14 eggs in the abdomen, which allows it to lay 14 eggs at the same time.

Under favorable climatic conditions, the embryo develops within a week, after which a larva hatches into the light. Its dimensions do not exceed 1.4-1.6 mm. From the moment of its appearance and until the mature form is reached, the larva has to go through 5 stages of development. With each phase, the appearance of the young individual more and more resembles an adult insect.

Bug bug

During the growth period, the larvae actively feed and gain the mass necessary for transformation into the next stage. It does not matter what the bug bug eats, whether it is corn or wheat, but its oral apparatus does not allow you to eat solid food. In the early stages of development, the larvae make punctures in the stems of the plants and suck out its juices. Older individuals parasitize on the seeds of cereal crops and inject a special enzyme to thin out hardened grains.

On a note!

The habitat of the grain bug spread from the steppe zone to the forest-steppes. The insect is moderately heat-loving, therefore, in the hot months, when the temperature rises to 30-35 degrees, it moves from fields to forest edges, to parks and squares.

During this period, pests are frequent guests in household plots and cottages, where the bug damages crops of corn or other succulent plants. By the time harvesting begins, the insects are gaining enough fat mass for a successful wintering and, with the onset of cold weather, go to sleep.

Danger to humans and animals, harm to agriculture

Despite the fact that the mouth apparatus of all bugs has the same structure, not every species parasitizes animals during feeding. A bug bug can not cause physical harm to a person or other representative of warm-blooded, despite its formidable appearance.

Bed bug bug

On a note!

Sometimes pests accidentally fly into a dwelling, but they do not carry any threat. But taking a shield bug with your bare hands is not recommended, since it secretes a special strong-smelling enzyme to repel birds of prey. Therefore, often the insect is called bug stink.

Tortoise bugs harm agricultural plants. Their favorite foods are barley, corn, or other valuable cereal crops. Most often, a bug bug on wheat parasitizes. Sometimes during the period of mass reproduction, pests reduce productivity by 15%, causing severe economic damage not only to agricultural organizations, but also to private gardeners and household plots.

A bug bug is feeding on plant sap; for this, it pierces a stem or spike and ferments the contents internally, and then sucks. Eaten crops are far behind in growth and do not gain the necessary ripeness.

On a note!

A grain damaged by a bug loses its market value and is practically unsuitable for making flour. The product obtained from grains infected with enzymes is not suitable for baking, it has a gray color and strong ductility when kneading dough. To get high-quality wheat bread, flour should not contain damaged grains.

The main signs of damage to crops by a bug harmful bug are:

  • withering of young shoots in the source of infection;
  • white color of ears and shoots;
  • the presence on mature grains of microscopic chips and points in places of bites by a bug.

On a note!

Bug bugs prefers the most valuable and expensive types of crops.

Due to its high mobility, the insect populates large spaces very quickly, increasing its number and without special protective measures it is able to destroy crops over vast areas.

Fighting a bug bug

There are two main ways to deal with parasitic bugs harmful bug:

  1. Chemical, when insects are eliminated with potent insecticides.
  2. Biological, in which parasitic individuals are destroyed by other living things: smaller insects or fungi.

An additional measure of protection against pests are preventive measures and the creation of adverse conditions for the life and reproduction of parasites.

Bedbug Remedies
Bedbug Remedies

The most effective drugs for controlling turtles are:

  • Bassoon - an intestinal insecticide from the group of synthetic pyrethroids causes mass death of adults and larvae, which treats infected areas and allows plants to develop normally.
  • Alpha tsipi - synthetic pyrethroid, affecting the larva at any stage. Effective for processing large areas, can cure several hectares of cereal crops at the same time.
  • Aktara - an insecticide from the group of neonicotinoids, which already an hour after treatment slows down the vital activity of parasites, the bug bug ceases to feed, and most of the population die in a day.

Biological methods of controlling parasites include exposure to them by spores of various fungi, leading to infection and death. This method is environmentally friendly.An effective method is the distribution of other predatory insects to bugs of turtles, using bugs as a food resource.

On a note!

You can get rid of the bug in household plots with the help of some breeds of chickens, each of which is capable of hatching up to 100 larvae per day. As a comprehensive measure, early harvesting is used and special varieties of cereals resistant to parasites are used.

Bugs are harmful turtles - serious pests that can destroy whole fields of wheat of expensive hard varieties. For a successful pest control it is necessary to take a whole range of measures aimed not only at the destruction of insects, but also at creating unfavorable conditions for their development.

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