Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Gardex mosquito repellent bracelet

Darken the long-awaited hordes of summer mosquitoeswho prey on the victim, enjoying the taste of blood. After their bites the body is constantly itching, bleeding wounds form on it and even blisters. Insects - carriers of various diseasesthat can be transmitted to humans. Therefore, it is natural that people use various means to protect themselves from these bloodsuckers. One of these is the Gardex mosquito repellent bracelet.

On a note!

The secret of action lies in the impregnation, which is applied to the surface of the product. Mosquitoes do not tolerate this smell, a person has the opportunity to forget about their existence for several hours.

Product Features

When choosing mosquito repellent are guided by certain criteria. They should be:

  • safe;
  • do not cause allergies;
  • Suitable for all family members.

These requirements are met by the Gardex mosquito repellent, unlike some gels and ointments, which can cause an allergic reaction in humans and are absorbed into the bloodstream in minimal amounts. Insects do not sit only in the place where these funds were used. Liquid drugs that distract mosquitoes are stationary.

Mosquito repellent bracelet for children and adults
Mosquito repellent bracelet for children and adults

The Gardex mosquito repellent bracelet for children and adults is a practical way of protection with a number of features:

  • for his work in contact with human skin is not necessary;
  • It is convenient during use;
  • it can be worn on the hand, attached to a bag, backpack, belt, pram.

The insect seeks its prey by smell. Mosquitoes are attracted carbon dioxide, which is released during breathing by mammals, including humans. Gardeks impregnated citronella oil. This is a natural substance that can interfere with the smell of carbon dioxide, so mosquitoes do not sit on a person. The oil is non-toxic and has antiseptic properties. If an adult or child does not have an individual intolerance to this substance, you can safely buy Gardex for children.

Material of manufacture and composition of impregnation

For the production of bracelets, environmentally friendly plastic that does not cause allergies is used. As an impregnation applied mosquito essential oils mint, citronella, lavender and geranium. They all have a fairly persistent pungent odor that mosquitoes do not like. Gardex baby mosquito repellent bracelet, soaked in one of these compounds for children is absolutely harmless and can provide good protection against insects.


Gardex can be worn on children who are already 2 years old. For very small crumbs, attention should be paid to review of mosquito repellents for children up to a year.

How to use

A children's bracelet with replaceable cartridges is on sale. In the package there are 3 pcs. Usually one cartridge lasts for 3 weeks. When all are used, you can buy a new bracelet, given that the price of the kit is quite affordable. The design of the products allows you to put them on your wrist or ankle. Landing in these places is free and the baby does not feel discomfort. A tight mount will not allow him to unfasten, which means - to get lost.

In order for the children's bracelet to start working, you should take one cartridge, insert it into the corresponding hole, after which it can be worn on the leg or arm.It is also necessary to monitor security measures.

Gardex mosquito repellent bracelet
Gardex mosquito repellent bracelet


The Gardex bracelet must not be allowed to come into contact with the oral cavity and any damage to the skin. If the baby takes the cartridge in his mouth, it is necessary to rinse the mouth thoroughly with water. The child will not be able to swallow it, as the manufacturer has provided such an opportunity by treating the cartridge with a bitter food additive.

Mosquito repellent for pregnant women and nursing is not intended. The Gardex bracelet is recommended for use by children. Adults should pay attention to sprays and gels, but only if there is no allergic reaction to them. Manufacturers do not recommend using a bracelet while swimming. When wet, its properties are reduced. It is better to remove it and put it in hermetic packaging.

In case of doubt, before buying this tool, you can read reviews about the bracelet from Gardeks mosquitoes. There are many, they are contradictory. Ultimately, the final decision will have to be made independently. The cost of the bracelet is low - about 300 rubles, so you can be sure of its effectiveness first hand.


Moms and their babies are saddened by the presence of mosquitoes in summer. Recently saw an ad on the Internet mosquito repellent bracelets. I decided to buy Gardeks baby. The smell is sharp, but quite pleasant. I put the product on my ankle to my child. At home, mosquitoes did not approach him, but on the street they still managed to bite.

Galina, Izhevsk

My daughter is 4 years old. In the summer, she spends a long time on the street (we live in a private house). Especially for her, I bought a Gardex bracelet. It is put on easily. Attaching it to the baby’s wrist, sent her to the yard. For the first time in many days, she came without mosquito bites. Works great, so I'm happy with the purchase.

Margarita, Krasnodar

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Helena

    Tell me, please, can I not remove the bracelet at night? Thanks!

    1. Tamara

      It must be removed, it is intended only for daytime use. Moreover, in fresh air, the duration should not exceed 6 hours.

  2. Svetlana

    Please tell us who used this bracelet. Does it make sense to buy it. Reviews are different, I do not know what to do.

    1. Olga

      Personally, I am pleased that I purchased this tool. I can’t say that I am delighted, but my child’s bites became much less, he began to sleep calmer. Given the low cost, I recommend buying it.

  3. Dasha

    I am also basically happy. I go out for a walk with the child, I feel that mosquitoes stick less.

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