Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

What to do if a mosquito bit

Starting in May and ending in September, blood-sucking insects attack all people, which can turn any outdoor recreation, summer cottage or fishing into a real nightmare, pestering with their buzzing and thirst for blood. Single Mosquito bite usually not a problem for adults, but a flock of "bloodsuckers" can cause considerable damage to health, especially in children or those who are prone to allergic reactions. There are many ways to treat the effects of mosquito bites, including folk and pharmacy products.

Description of the insect and species

Mosquito refers to insects of the family of dipterans, which has about 3 thousand species. In Russia you can meet more than 90 varieties of mosquitoesamong which are widespread: malarialspring bells and a squeak mosquito. In ordinary adults, the body reaches a size of 4-14 mm and is painted in gray-brown tones, however, black, green and yellow insects are also found.

The diet of males and females different. Males feed on plant sap and are harmless to humans, but females need a lot of protein from the blood of mammals during the breeding season. Moreover, after drinking human blood, the "mosquito" almost immediately lays eggs, and then dies. It is noteworthy that on mosquito life span In addition to environmental conditions, the sex of the insect also affects.

Consider how a mosquito bite occurs. The female’s oral apparatus is a piercing-sucking type: in the lower lip are jaws that easily make a hole in the skin, releasing saliva for wetting. Its components are able to anesthetize nearby tissues and slow down blood clotting in blood vessels. Then the mosquito proboscis absorbs blood through the hole. In males, the mouth organs are less developed, as a result of which they are not able to bite through human skin.


Scientists have long noticed that mosquitoes do not bite all people, choosing victims for a specific smell (sweat, perfume, etc.), as well blood type and health status. They prefer to bite children because of their delicate skin and fast metabolism, and they choose adults with high cholesterol concentration near the surface of the skin or with a high content of certain types of acids in the body, with high sweating or with high body temperature.

Danger and harm from mosquito bites

Mosquito bite
Mosquito bite

Blood-sucking insects often bite not only people, but also wild animals, which is why scientists have come to the conclusion that some of their species may be carriers of infections: malaria, fever, encephalitis, hepatitis C, can cause an allergic reaction and infect humans with worms. However, most species that carry infections live only in the tropical climate of Africa, Asia, and do not live in Russia due to colder air temperatures.

According to studies, among cases of influenza in the summer, 70% can be caused by the mosquito (Japanese) encephalitis virus.It is transmitted through the saliva of an insect that previously drank blood from birds or animals. Due to the specific structure of the proboscis, which has a closing valve, an infection does not pass through the blood when a mosquito bites. One "bloodsucker" is able to attack people 8-10 times overnight.

On a note!

Many are afraid large mosquitoes with long legs and consider them malarial, but this is not entirely true. Such insects are called centipedes for long legs (up to 6 cm), but for humans they are completely harmless, because eat only plant nectar. But they are pests of agriculture, which is why a large-scale war is being waged against them.

The effects of mosquito bites on humans vary depending on their state of health or age. Many do not notice them at all, and the wounds heal themselves within 2 days. But there are more susceptible people who have negative symptoms:

  • redness occurs in the bite area, and then a blister appears up to 10 mm in size;
  • swelling is accompanied by itching, burning and lasts up to 2 days;
  • occasionally an increase in body temperature within 2-3 days is possible;
  • soft tissues swell around the bitten place;
  • pain when touching the blisters;
  • dermatitis or an allergic rash on the body is possible.

The help of a doctor may be needed in case of severe consequences of bites:

  • the temperature rises to + 38º and more, at the same time there is a strong redness of the skin, itching and fever;
  • headache, chills and dizziness;
  • there is an attack of suffocation, nausea or vomiting;
  • blood pressure decreases, cramps and loss of consciousness are possible.


The above symptoms are a sign of severe allergic reaction to mosquito bites and can be fatal.

Detailed instructions on what to do if a mosquito has bitten

Actions for an insect bite
Actions for an insect bite

First aid after a person has been bitten by mosquitoes consists in the following actions:

  1. Do not touch the bite or comb it, which can cause infection.
  2. Rinse the wound thoroughly with clean water, preferably with soap.
  3. Apply ice or a cold compress.
  4. If there is a suspicion of a possible allergy, then it is necessary to take an antihistamine medicine: Loratadin, Diazolin, Cetrin, etc., to relieve itching, drink Diphenhydramine.
  5. Treat the wound and surrounding tissues with a special cream or spray, which are sold in a pharmacy.

What exactly means to apply when a mosquito bit, also depends on the affected area and the place of bite. Most often, mosquitoes are attacked by human limbs and upper body.

Head and eye bite treatment

The consequences can be especially unpleasant if the mosquito bites in the area of ​​the face, near the eye or eyelid: due to swelling of the surrounding tissues, the eyes can be almost completely closed and itch intolerably.

In such a situation, the use of strong ointments is contraindicated due to possible irritation of the mucosa, and it is necessary to be treated only with home remedies, as well as ointments and preparations intended only for the eyes.

The following help should be provided with bites on the eyelids or eyes:

  1. Wash eyes with soap or water first.
  2. Make a lotion with soda: 3 tsp. To 1 tbsp. l of water in the form of slurry, which must be put on the eyelid before drying, then rinse with water.
  3. You can put cold compresses for 15 minutes every hour.
  4. Plants will also help: a leaf of cabbage, plantain, dandelion, from which juice should be squeezed, moisten a cotton pad with it and put on the eyelid.
  5. Take any antihistamine.
  6. Drop eye drops of Albucid.
  7. Creams and lotions can be applied, but very carefully, trying not to get on the mucous membrane of the eyes.


You should be especially careful when choosing funds if swollen eyes in a child after a mosquito bite. Since not all drugs are suitable for treating children.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies for mosquito bites
Folk remedies for mosquito bites

In order to reduce itching and swelling in the area of ​​mosquito bites, you can use folk methods tested more than once:

  • anointing the skin with toothpaste, preferably with a menthol content, is the easiest and most effective way;
  • apply gruel to the bitten place soda and warm water;
  • after a mosquito bite, smear the wound with any alcohol tincture (Corvalol, Calendula, cologne) or ammonia;
  • apply vinegar solution;
  • For the treatment of a mosquito bite, essential oils are suitable: lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree;
  • onion, tomato juice or a cut half of such vegetables;
  • medicinal plants, ground into gruel: plantain, mint, parsley, etc.

How to treat mosquito bites with pharmacy

For those who want to get rid of mosquito and midge bites with more effective medical means, it is recommended to choose a cream or balm. Such preparations contain herbal or medicinal components that help relieve negative symptoms and quickly cure blisters and wounds left by insects.

Most popular remedies:

  • based on medicinal plants and oils: Star, Vitaon, Psilo-balm, etc.
  • antihistamine ointment Fenistil-gel;
  • anti-inflammatory creams: Sinaflan, Advantan, etc .;
  • antihistamines in tablets: Tavegil, Zirtec, Claritin, etc., which will help relieve a small allergic reaction of the body.


If after mosquito bites there is a strong swelling of nearby tissues, the appearance of red spots throughout the body, difficulty breathing, then you should definitely seek medical help because of a possible threat to human life.

Remedies for treating mosquito bites
Remedies for treating mosquito bites

Creams and balms - funds that help treat mosquito bites:

  • Nezulin is an anti-allergenic cream gel designed to treat insect bites. Its active ingredients: extracts of chamomile, licorice, celandine and plantain, essential oils (lavender, mint, basil), D-panthenol. It has anti-inflammatory and reparative effects on the skin, cools, relieves itching and irritation, redness. Price 115 rub.
  • Psilo-balm is a gel that after treatment relieves swelling after mosquito bites, itching, has a calming and cooling effect. Contraindicated in children under 1 year old. Price 180 rub.
  • Fenistil-gel - has antigolinergic and anti-allergenic properties, due to the content of dimetindene maleate, children can smear it only after the age of 1 year. The price is about 350-400 rubles.
  • Lifeguard, Boro Plus - contains thermal water and minerals that are essential for wound healing.
  • Sinaflan is a glucocorticosteroid cream, contains fluocinolone acetonide, it is recommended to use for allergic dermatitis, skin itching, inflammatory and allergic skin diseases. The price is 20-80 rubles.
  • Advantan cream - a corticosteroid ointment or emulsion made in Germany, contains methylprednisolone aceponate, the action of which has an anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effect, relieves swelling, itching and irritation of the skin. Price 500-1200 rub. depending on the package.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies for a negative reaction to mosquito bites
Homeopathic remedies for a negative reaction to mosquito bites

To avoid a negative reaction to mosquito bites and midges, many recommend the use of homeopathy treatment, which in recent years has become increasingly popular.

You can take such funds in several grains, which helps to alleviate the unpleasant consequences even after strong insect bites:

  • Ledum palustre - contains marsh rosemary, which in small doses helps to cure the effects of wounds, injuries, bites or stings by insects (fleas, hornets, scorpions, etc.);
  • Caladium seguinum - used to treat mosquito and midge bites, relieves severe itching and burning;
  • Apis Mellifika - is prescribed for severe pain, burning, swelling, which are often symptoms of bites or stings of wasps, bees, mosquitoes, jellyfish;
  • Belladonna is a highly effective drug that will quickly relieve burning pain, fever, redness, caused by multiple mosquito bites;
  • Hypericum - contains St. John's wort extract, which helps to heal tissue damage, neutralize the effects of bruises, bites or pinches;
  • Briorus (EDAS-402) - contains belladonna, brionium and ice, which will help heal the wound and reduce the effects of insect bites.

Such a wide range of tools that can help treat mosquito bites allows you to choose the best option, alleviate unpleasant symptoms and cure them quickly and effectively.

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