Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Smoke bomb Quiet evening from mosquitoes

Get rid of mosquitoes in the house not only with creams, fumigators, ultrasonic repellers and aerosol products. Smoke bomb is no less effective in the fight against bloodsuckers. Quiet evening from mosquitoes, created on the basis of the most modern and effective insecticides. About this unique tool that destroys not only mosquitoes, but also other blood-sucking insects and will be discussed in this article.

Operating principle

Means Quiet evening mosquitoes are made in Russia. It does not contain toxic substances that pose a danger to human health. Smoke bomb Quiet evening is a product in the form of a cylinder, the main components of which are wax and paraffin. It also includes a special smoke mixture, the active ingredient in which is permethrin - a plant-based insecticide contained in chamomile.

Smoke bomb Quiet evening from mosquitoes
Smoke bomb Quiet evening from mosquitoes

Exposure to high temperature contributes to the formation of a smoke cloud, which penetrates into the most inaccessible places. The settled insecticidal particles of the agent Silent evening form a thin film on the surface, which provides reliable protection against mosquitoes. By contact, the insecticidal component penetrates through the upper integument into the bloodsucker’s body and acts on its nervous system, which leads to paralysis and then death of the pest.

On a note!

Smoke Bomb Quiet evening is used to mosquito repellent and in living quarters. So that bloodsuckers do not disturb at night, it is enough to carry out a smoke bomb treatment in the evening, Quiet evening.

You can purchase such goods in a specialized store or order via the Internet. Its price varies depending on the region within 450-500 rubles.

Features of use in the open area

Using a smoke bomb Quiet evening on the street is not difficult:

  1. The product must be installed on a refractory material in a horizontal position. Then, with the help of matches, set fire to the wick, which begins to smolder for 5 minutes.
  2. For such a short time, a cloud of smoke forms, which even with a small gust of wind covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters. m
  3. The insecticide settling on the surface will be effective for 3 days.


Applying a smoke bomb A quiet evening from mosquitoes in the country, do not forget to wash vegetables and fruits after treatment. After all, the smoke screen settles on all surfaces.

Smoke bomb to protect against flying insects
Smoke bomb to protect against flying insects

Indoor use

To achieve maximum effect, compliance with the following rules will help:

  1. Before using smoke bombs Quiet evening from mosquitoes in the room it is necessary to do wet cleaning. If possible, furniture should be moved away from the walls, allowing smoke to penetrate into all inaccessible places.
  2. Dishes, food, clothing, and bedding should be taken out to another room.
  3. The room to be treated must not contain people, pets, aquarium fish and birds.
  4. To obtain a guaranteed result so that the through wind cannot disperse insecticidal smoke, all windows and doors in the room must be closed.The ventilation opening must also be hermetically sealed.
  5. The product is installed in the center of the room on a metal sheet in a horizontal position, after which the wick is set on fire.
  6. After 2 hours, the treated room is thoroughly ventilated. The residual effect of the drug persists for 15 days.
  7. During the ignition of the wick, as well as upon returning to the room to open the windows, you must have a respirator.

The effectiveness of the drug is evidenced by numerous reviews of the checker Quiet evening.


One application of the checkers was enough. Quiet evening and for the whole week we’ve been sleeping without annoying buzzing and itching. mosquito bites. Fast and reliable. Now I recommend it to all my friends effective mosquito repellent.

Roman, Vitebsk

Engaged in the sale of seedlings. Due to the increased humidity in the market pavilion, whole populations of mosquitoes and midges live, which greatly interferes with the work. I tried folk remediesbut it’s too laborious. Recently tried the effectiveness of checkers Quiet evening. I was pleasantly surprised by the result - for three days no blood-sucking insects.

Ruslan, Kharkov

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