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Tsifoks from mosquitoes: instructions for use and reviews

Tsifoks from mosquitoes combines high efficiency, reasonable price. Destroys blood-sucking insects indoors, outdoors. When working with the drug, it is necessary to observe safety measures, dilute the concentrate according to the instructions.

The secret to success

The active component of Tsifoks 25 is a broad-spectrum insecticide cypermethrin. The total proportion of poison is 25%. Additionally, perfumes, emulsifiers are included. The analogue of the tool is Cypermethrin.

The concentrate is sold in containers of different sizes - 50, 500, 1000 ml. Immediately before use, it is necessary to prepare a solution - add the specified amount of concentrate to cold water, mix. Pour into a spray bottle, atomizer.

Cypermethrin penetrates the body mosquito by contact, through the respiratory system. The death of the insect occurs within 20 minutes after contact with the poison. Insecticide disrupts the nervous system, causes muscle paralysis, death. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is 400 rubles.

On a note!

Cypermethrin is part of many mosquito repellent domestic, foreign production. The preparations differ among themselves by the concentration of the active component, by perfumes, which mask the pungent smell of an insecticide.

Solution preparation

Tsifoks from mosquitoes
Tsifoks from mosquitoes

Instructions for use Tsifoksa painted as a universal tool for the destruction of harmful insects - bloodsucking, flying, crawling.

From mosquitoes prepare a weak solution with a concentration of the active component of 0.01%. One cap of 5 ml is dissolved in 500 ml of water. If necessary, you can dilute a more concentrated solution. Consumption of 100 ml of finished product per 1 square. m

The solution is thoroughly mixed, poured into a bottle with a sprayer, if you need to process clothes, a room around the perimeter, a spray bottle - for spraying ponds, lawns, places for tents, outdoor areas.


The remedy for mosquitoes Tsifoks in finished form must be used within 3 days. The concentrate after opening the protective membrane is stored for about 5 years. During operation, the use of rubber gloves is mandatory.


Application Tsifoks
Application Tsifoks

How to breed Tsifoks from mosquitoes - there are no big difficulties. Another important question is how to use Tsifoks. If you violate the instructions, fish, pets, birds, people suffer.

  • Spraying clothes, tents, backpacks, and other fabric accessories is carried out outdoors. Sprayed mosquito and midge remedy from a distance of 20 cm from the surface to the wet state of the fabric. It can be used as intended after the insecticide has dried. Protection lasts about 10 hours. Twice use is allowed per day.
  • Places for setting up tents, arranging summer camps, lawns in the country from mosquitoes processed using a garden spray. It must be remembered that Tsifoks does not have a selective effect, destroys absolutely all insects after contact with the drug. Processing of a site from mosquitoes and ticks carried out in case of urgent need. Protection is valid for almost 2 months.It is advisable to treat places near garbage cans with Tsifox Plus with a high content of cypermethrin.
  • Indoors Tsifoks used with a large number of blood-sucking insects. Conduct a full disinsection in basements, cellars. Application in the house is allowed. To get rid of mosquitoes in the house, provide tightness of the room, process walls, ceilings, floor. Leave closed for at least 2 hours. In a residential building, an apartment after disinfection should be thoroughly ventilated, carry out wet cleaning.

If the room has aquariums, terrariums, insectariums, they need to be removed or tightly closed. It is necessary to carry out processing of the room in a respirator, or a cotton-gauze mask, a suit with a long sleeve, trousers, rubber gloves.


Processing Tsifoks open areas of the body is not recommended. If it gets on the skin, the insecticide causes an allergic reaction in the form of rashes, redness, itching, swelling.

Security measures

Efficacy Tsifoks
Efficacy Tsifoks

Cypermethrin is a broad-spectrum insecticidal-acaricidal drug. Destroys all insects after contact. On soil, grass, cultivated plants retains properties for about 60 days. Before using poison from mosquitoes, you must weigh all the pros and cons.

In the room, cypermethrin quickly settles on the treated surface. It remains to act for about a week. The maximum concentration is observed during the first 2 hours after pest control. In people with respiratory tract disease, the drug can provoke a deterioration in well-being, attacks of suffocation. If it enters the lungs, the insecticide causes poisoning with dizziness, weakness, headache, nausea, and vomiting. At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to provide access to fresh air, drink activated carbon, rinse your mouth with soda solution.

Reviews about Tsifoks regularly leave buyers on the forums. The tool is especially popular in the warm season.


Poison mosquitoes in the country. The whole swarm was on the veranda, from mosquito bites there is no more living space left on the body. The solution is prepared quickly, there are no difficulties. An unpleasant odor is present, but eventually disappears. She covered her nose with a towel. It took me 5 minutes to process. She closed the room, went to the garden. Then she aired well, but did not soap. A month of mosquitoes was not there.

Inna, Moscow

We took Tsifoks with us on nature. At first, clothes, a tent, and backpacks were handled at home. Then they sprayed the very place where the camp was located. In the evening I heard squeak mosquitoesbut they didn’t fly into our camp. I recommend that all outdoor enthusiasts use this mosquito repellent in nature.

Olga, St. Petersburg

I love fishing, but insects spoil all the fun. Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in nature helped poorly. I bought Tsifoks. I spray clothes directly on myself when I get to the appointed place. It’s more efficient. I sit quietly for two hours, then they begin to pester. I repeat again. For fishing, a great thing, I advise.

Roman, Voronezh

Among the shortcomings are an unpleasant smell, the need to prepare a solution, look for containers. There are many analogues based on cypermethrin in the form of aerosols that are sold ready-made, the smell is masked by perfumes.

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