Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Scarecrows bear

The scarecrow bear is actively advertised on sites on the Internet, promising to quickly rid a large area of ​​harmful insects. A small device operates on the basis of high-frequency ultrasound, runs on solar panels, electricity or conventional batteries.

Instrument Features

Manufacturers offer a wide range of products with a deterrent effect:

  • Solar powered repeller bear. It provides continuous operation with a service life of about 4 years. The battery charges on its own. It is possible to insert ordinary batteries. The device emits high-frequency waves that can cover an area of ​​up to 750 m, a depth of more than 2 m.

    On a note!

    The brightest representative of this product category is the mole and bear repeller STAGE B44 REPELER from Canadian manufacturers. To get started, you must install the device from the little bears on the land. It works in any light, at different temperatures. Efficiency is not affected by obstacles in the form of buildings, walls, stones in the soil. The weight of the device is about 400 g.

  • Electronic scarers bear. Less popular, since use in an open area is problematic. It is necessary to provide additional conditions for safe operation. The principle of operation is no different. There are several modes to prevent pests from adapting to vibrations.
Tornado Repellers
Tornado Repellers

A striking representative of this product category is a domestic device - Tornado. Powerful ultrasound bypasses obstacles, penetrates the ground. Positive feedback about this device was left by users regarding the fight against rodents. A universal remedy that acts with the same frequency on animals, insects.

The ultrasonic scarecrow of the bear should act on the organs of touch. Insects feel uncomfortable, leave holes, move to more favorable territories.

Features of the bear

What insects hear is beyond doubt. In the evening, you can hear the melodic trills of the male that sings songs for females. Adults crawl out fly to meet fatefollowing the sound. However, an important role is played by how insects hear. Bears do not perceive sound, but they pick up a mustache with vibrations of a certain frequency.

On a note!

Scientists failed to repeat the exact frequency of sound vibrations, which publishes male. If this were possible, the problem of fighting the bears would be solved without much effort.

Scarecrows bear
Scarecrows bear

It is theoretically possible to deal with the bear with ultrasound. Practically - the device is absolutely useless. The frequency he publishes is designed for animals and insects. While every living creature publishes and catches a particular range. Ultrasonic repeller loses its force of action, bumping into obstacles. Does not penetrate deep into the ground. Manufacturer's converse is a marketing gimmick. Therefore, with higher efficiency, it is recommended to use other funds from the bear in the garden.


I relied on advertising, an easy version of the fight. I bought a solar-powered repeller. The result is zero. But the cats stayed away.

Marina, Moscow

Repellers showed themselves well with mosquitoes. So went promotion of manufacturers, hope from buyers. Not valid at all.Manufacturers either do not know the laws of physics and the passage of sound through soil layers, or rely on the lack of education of the population.

Maxim, St. Petersburg

With greater efficiency, the bear can be affected by low frequencies. Insects feel uncomfortable, leave holes. There are no such devices yet.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

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