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How to poison a bear in the garden

Poison from the bear allows you to get rid of a whole army of pests on the land. Acts on adults, larvae of different ages. Retains properties for 14 days. The death of an insect after poison enters the stomach occurs within 3 hours. The preparations, when used correctly, do not threaten human health, do not spoil the properties of the soil, and do not disturb the growth of plants.

Cooking yourself

Everyone asks the question - how to effectively poison a bear without negative consequences for itself, garden crops. Poison for the bear is sold ready-made, but you can cook it yourself.

The simplest, most affordable and no less effective version of a toxic substance is boric acid. A substance without taste, odor can be bought in a pharmacy in the form of a solution or in a specialized store, like powder. Boric acid penetrates through the covers of insects, but a greater effect when it enters the stomach.

Poison for the little bears with his own hands acts on the nervous system of the insect, blocks nerve impulses, causes paralysis, followed by inevitable death. It retains properties for 2 weeks, then it is neutralized under the influence of light, ambient temperature.

Boric acid from the bear
Boric acid from the bear

The effect of the application can be seen 2 weeks after the application of the poison. The toxic substance accumulates in the body of the pest, when a lethal dose is reached, it leads to an irreversible result. Since the poison is eaten by an adult insect, feeds the larvae, a chain reaction and mass death of the bear are observed.

On a note!

To make an insect eat poison, it is necessary to prepare a fragrant bait. Ready porridge is mixed with boric acid powder, seasoned with olive oil.

Ready-made products according to self-created instructions

You can poison a bear with any wide-spectrum insecticide. The poison that acts on the Colorado potato beetle will affect the bear. Just need to make her eat poison.

The insect is not very interested in the green parts of the plant, gnaws stems located near the soil, or eats roots. Simple spraying with toxic substances will not give a result. Was invented its own instructions for the use of such drugs to destroy the bear.

Any means of a wide spectrum of action that is used to combat the Colorado potato beetle is mixed with a bait in the form of porridge. Or they are dissolved in water according to the classical instructions, peas and corn are soaked for a day.

Ready preparations for cabbage
Ready preparations for cabbage

You can poison cabbage in the garden with such drugs as:

Effective poison acts on the basis of a new generation insecticide - fipronil. The poison was discovered in France relatively recently. It is distinguished by its quick action when even a minimal dose is ingested. Retains properties for 14 days. It is non-phytotoxic, safe for humans, animals in small doses. Another active ingredient is boric acid.

Professional preparations from the bear

It is possible to remove pests from the land plot thoroughly using chemicals in combination with prevention methods. To completely destroy the bear, its offspring promise manufacturers of specialized tools.

Available in the form of granules of green, brown. The first resembles the green parts of plants, the second - the roots. Attracts adults, larvae. The basis is grain, groats. To enhance the taste, flavoring additives, sugar are used. Flavors, vegetable oil attract attention of pests.

Professional Tools
Professional Tools

Poison from cabbage is sold in finished form. No preliminary preparatory work is required. Extremely easy to use, effective in action. You can buy poison in any specialized store. They are very popular:

  • Regent;
  • Grizzly;
  • Medvetox;
  • Thunder;
  • Phenaxin plus.

They differ in price, active component. In most cases, fipronil is used.

Rules for the use of poison

It’s not enough just to buy an effective drug, you still need to know how to poison the bear according to the rules.

The first treatment is recommended to be done 10 days before plowing the soil, planting seedlings, sowing seeds. The second time they spread the poison in the season of active reproduction - approximately May-June. The last treatment in autumn will allow thoroughly etching pests from the garden.

  • Prepare the poison according to the instructions, or buy a special drug from the bear.
  • Dig a small depression in the soil at a distance of 15 cm from the seedling stem. Put the bait, cover with a small layer of soil.
  • Make indentations between rows with sown seeds, spread out the poison bait, sprinkle with soil.
  • With severe infection of the garden, make dimples throughout the site at a distance of 50-100 cm. Place the bait, sprinkle with earth.

Pour the prepared poison in the form of granules, 1 teaspoon each or a few grains into the hole. Small balls should be formed from a self-prepared mixture. If the soil is extremely dry, pour water on top. Moisture is an additional attractive maneuver.


In the summer, it is necessary to place the poison at a distance of 5 cm from the surface. It is at this depth that the bear places its nests, makes moves. In spring and late autumn, the depth of her place of residence reaches 20 cm. In loose sandy soil with a small amount of moisture, bears are able to build nests at a distance of 70 cm from the surface. All these features must be considered.

The use of poison
The use of poison

Poison can be laid out in cooked trapslocated on the beds throughout the garden. The easiest option is to tilt plastic bottles or beer cans dug in a slant. The poison attracts insects, the slippery design of the container does not allow to get out. The death of the bear occurs within 3 hours. Checking such traps is recommended every other day. in one bottle it can fit up to 12 adults.

special instructions

When using chemicals, you should observe your own safety measures, think about the health of birds, domestic, and domestic animals.

  • Broad-spectrum drugs destroy all insects living underground. Do not abuse toxic substances. Some underground inhabitants increase soil indicators, destroy bacteria, fungi, small parasites.
  • You should not place the poison at the time of harvest, as well as directly when planting seeds in the soil. The gap must be at least 10 days. During this time, the toxic properties of the drug are neutralized, but if used correctly, they will affect the bear.
  • Under the influence of poison, insects leave holes, creep out to die on the surface. Dead bodies of the bear are found throughout the garden for a month. They should be buried, or collected in bags, and then burned. Poisoned corpses of insects pose a danger to birds and animals.

When using any effective remedy, the number of pests should be taken into account. It is advisable to use poison in case of severe infection of the land. To achieve greater effectiveness, simultaneously take preventive measures, adhering to gardeners tips.

( 1 grade average 5 of 5 )

  1. Svetlana

    Cooked bait from rice porridge, added Regent. Poisoned them and the Colorado potato beetle, and these pests. A week later, the result appeared - the bodies of beetles in the garden.

  2. Marina

    I plant seedlings. Nearby I dig a small dimple, throw 4 capsules of Medvetoks. There are no pests. Plants develop without barriers.

  3. Olga

    Made poison from boric acid. Mix with rice porridge. At first I set traps from bottles, threw poison into them. By mid-summer, wrecking was again evident. I dug poisonous treats in the soil, small holes. Sprinkled well with the ground.

    1. Veronica

      I also tried boric acid. An effective, affordable tool and not so scary. Preparations with such an active component are considered safe for humans and animals. I disturbed with rice, millet. It is advisable to alternate so that the bears do not get used to one smell. After 2 weeks - update.

  4. Natalya

    I don’t understand why bother with the preparation of poison, you can buy a finished one without inventing anything. The cost is almost the same. I bought a grizzly bear. Bears only burst it like that, and then they die en masse.

  5. Maksim

    Raised Parachute in water, soaked peas for a day. I dug up such refreshments throughout the garden. To this poison, the bear can develop immunity. Next month, if it doesn’t help, you need to use something else with another active component. I had enough parachute.

  6. Sergei

    Poisoned with granules. A huge amount of drugs. The active ingredient in most cases is fipronil. Choose any will work. There is no particular difference in name.

    1. Tatyana

      I also fought ready-made granules. I bought Medvetox. I agree that all such drugs act similarly. Even the auxiliary components are identical - sugar, flavorings, dyes, vegetable oil.

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