Egor Buranov/ article author
Disinfection, pest control, disinfestation, knowledge of drugs, SanPiN. Conducting laboratory and field tests of repellent, insecticidal, rodenticidal agents.

How to save boots from moths in summer


Valenoks - shoes made from dumped wool, which perfectly warms in severe frost. This bright element of Russian clothing is no less fashionable today than in the last century. Modern models of felt boots look much more elegant, can be decorated with various patterns and rhinestones. Therefore, the questions of how to store and how to clean felt boots from moths are no less relevant today and concern every owner of such winter shoes.

In order for the boots to last longer, warming your legs, you need to properly care for and store them.

We use galoshes

Especially galoshes are necessary in damp weather. They will protect pure wool shoes from dirt and moisture. Otherwise, after getting wet, the felt boots will have to be dried, as a result of which the product may shrink. It also contributes to the appearance of moths.

Many modern models of boots for women boots are now equipped with vulcanized rubber soles. And the presence of decorative leather inserts help protect shoes from slush.

Felt boots
Felt boots

Dry correctly

Drying is an equally important nuance of the proper storage of winter shoes. But first the boots need to be cleared of snow. Dry such shoes at room temperature by placing them inside the newspaper. Drying felted boots on a hot surface can result in shrinkage and severe deformation of the woolen material.

How to clean

Do not wash soiled boots in water, such a procedure can reduce their size. It is better to allow the dirt to dry, and then clean it with a brush. You can clean the boots with semolina. It is enough to apply it on the surface of the boots and rub thoroughly, then shake or knock. Particles of dirt come down together with grains of grain.

How to store

It is especially important in spring and summer to keep felt boots from moths, since it is during this period that insects lay their eggs on products made of wool and fur.The main sign of moths is small worms and winding paths on the surface of the product. To not give an opportunity moth larvae spoil the shoes you need:

  1. Keep felted boots separately from fur and wool products. This will help reduce the likelihood of them becoming infected by insects.
  2. Before storing boots, they should be thoroughly dried and cleaned with a brush.
  3. For storage of woolen shoes, use special covers soaked in anti-milking agent.
  4. You also need to know how to process felt boots from moths. For this purpose apply moth insecticides such as Raptor, Antimol, Armol, Raid or Mosquitall. These moth sprays have a lavender aroma, or are odorless at all. The product should be processed in accordance with the instructions. This procedure will help get rid of moths for a long time.

    Remedies for moths in felt boots
    Remedies for moths in felt boots
  5. Fight off the pest and folk remedies for moths. You can put sprigs of wormwood, oregano, lavender or mint in the boots from the moth. An orange or lemon peel is no less effective. However, as it dries, it must be replaced with fresh.
  6. To save valenoks will also help tobacco and bay leaf. Perfectly plant odors repel moles oregano and tansy.
  7. The pair of shoes processed in the manner described above is placed in a bag and placed in a warm and dry place.Throughout the summer period, it should be periodically pulled out, dried and checked for the presence of moths.

On a note!
All folk remedies for moths have only a deterrent effect. To get rid of larvae already settled in the wool, it is necessary to use insecticidal preparations.

Observing the above tips, the question of how to get rid of moths in boots, you will not arise.


Last year, she took her boots out of the closet and was horrified: solid eaten patterns, worms and dust crumble. This year she processed the new boots with a Raid before putting it into storage. Shoes remained intact!

Olga, Lugansk

In the summer I looked into the closet with winter things and saw a moth. Fortunately, the pest did not have time to eat my boots and coat. Destroyed parasites with the help of aerosol Raptor. As a prophylactic, I spread the tablets in the cupboard or hung the antimole sections.

Olga, Lugansk

And I use lavender oil to protect against moths. She spread the tampons soaked in them on the shelves. I also use it to store shoes with natural fur. I have been using this tool for several years, until it happened.

Lily, Arkhangelsk

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