Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Moshka bit in the eye - how to relieve swelling and soothe itching

With the advent of warm days, many people go to nature to take a break from everyday household problems, relax and gain strength. Any departure of the countryside can be overshadowed by a bite of annoying insects, which at this time of the year become the most active. Mosquitoes, bees, wasps or midges try to attack exposed areas of the body. Such attacks cause a person great discomfort, and even danger. Going to nature, you need to know what to do when a midge has bitten into your eye.

What you need to know


The peculiarity of midges is not only the small size of the insect, but also poisonous saliva. Her gnats lubricate the bite site, anesthetizing it for a while. In nature, there are about 1800 species of midges.

Larvae of midges are transparent and quite small, so they are almost invisible in water. They live on aquatic vegetation, feed on microscopic representatives of the animal world. A time after the larvae pupate, an adult individual emerges from them. Midges life span about 30 days. Females midges eat blood of birds and mammals, and males - nectar of plants.

When planning an active vacation in natural or field conditions, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • More often midges attack in sultry weather;
  • Their favorite places are forests and banks of running water bodies;
  • Insects are active during the day, at night they sleep;
  • Moshkara often lives on the stems of tall grasses, where he awaits the victim;
  • Insects settle in packs and attack the victim en masse.

Bite symptoms

The midges attack suddenly. Due to the extreme aggressiveness of insects, a person does not even have time to understand what happened to him. Touching the surface of the skin, midges instantly gnaw out its upper layer. They apply their saliva to the wound, which acts as an anesthetic. It is because of this that the parasites remain unnoticed on the body of their victim for some time.

A midge bite can be dangerous to humans. There is a high probability of contracting diseases such as bird leukocytosis, onchocerciasis of cattle and humans, and even anthrax.

Midge bite in the eye
Midge bite in the eye

Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, each one differently tolerates a midge bite. In children, the reaction is stronger, since the immune system is weaker. Equally important is the type of bitten midge.

After midge bite The following symptoms may occur:

  1. If the midge has bitten into the eye, a point wound is visible on the eyelid.
  2. A midge bite in the eyelid can cause a severe allergic reaction in the form of rashes and even blisters.
  3. Swelling and swelling from the bite, as well as profuse tearing can occur for several days.
  4. After a bite, the eyelid experiences severe burning and itching, the result of which may even be a decrease in vision.
  5. If you are allergic to the components of the poison, a midge bite in the eye can provoke chest pain, dizziness, weakness, nausea, and shortness of breath.
  6. Perhaps an increase in body temperature and a drop in blood pressure.

The wound can itch and swell badly, and as a result of friction, the skin is damaged.This in turn threatens infection and purulent inflammation. Therefore, after a bite of a midge, it is important to provide timely assistance to the victim.

What to do

Everyone should know what to do if a midge is bitten in the eye. This is especially true for parents of young children, since proper and timely help will help to avoid big problems. If the eyelid turned out to be the epicenter of the bite, then you should resort to the following method.

  1. It is important to reassure the affected child and to prevent friction of the itchy eye in order to avoid damage to the mucosa and the formation of edema.
  2. Rinse the wound and treat it with an antiseptic solution (Furacilin or Chlorhexidine). In this process, special care should be taken so as not to fall on the cornea of ​​the eye.

    Remedies for midge bites
    Remedies for midge bites
  3. In the area around the eye, a special cream should be applied that has an anti-inflammatory effect (Cinovit, Advantan or Fenistil gel). Such a tool is also able to soothe itching and prevent swelling from a midge bite.
  4. Taking antihistamines (Claritin, Suprastin and the like according to the instructions) is the next step when the midge has bitten into the eye.
  5. It is also necessary to take a large amount of liquid in order to remove toxins from the body as soon as possible.

The use of antihistamine ointments and tablets is mandatory for allergies.

How to remove swelling and swelling from a midge bite

With untimely assistance, the eyelid will begin to swell and swell. Therefore, you should know how to remove swelling from a midge bite. In this situation, folk methods will come to the rescue.


Soda will help relieve pain after an insect attack. Its solution is able to reduce eye swelling (1 tsp. In a glass of water).


So that the eyelid does not itch, you can use parsley juice. A piece of gauze soaked in it is applied to the eyes for several minutes. Such lotions relieve itching, swelling and swelling, and also improve vision due to the high content of vitamin A.

Plantain, Peppermint, Parsley and Soda
Plantain, Peppermint, Parsley and Soda

Plantain and mint

Effectively relieves eye inflammation and relieves psyllium edema. To do this, the leaves of the plant are washed with cool water, slightly wrinkled and applied to the affected area. Mint has similar properties. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, it removes edema and protects the eyes from infection.


You can relieve swelling, itching and soothe irritated skin of the eye with a decoction of chamomile.

You need to know! It is dangerous to treat the eyes with edema with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or acetic solutions. Such procedures can result in a burn of the cornea. Alcohol and vinegar lotions are effective when bitten by midges on the arms, legs or back.


Treatment of edema often begins with the use of cold compresses. Applying ice wrapped in fabric to the eye, you can quickly get rid of discomfort.


The effects of a bite can also be alleviated with raw potatoes. It is enough to cut it lengthwise and attach to the bitten eyelid. For several of these procedures, eye swelling will significantly decrease.

Chamomile, raw potatoes and ice
Chamomile, raw potatoes and ice

Knowing how to relieve swelling of the eyelid with a bite of a midge, it is possible to provide timely assistance to the victim. Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if your health worsens. This is especially important for babies, as their immune defense is much weaker than that of adults. If a midge falls into the eye of a child, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

What can not be done

Providing assistance with a bite of a midge, you should never:

  • Use hygiene products related to household chemicals to treat wounds or swelling;
  • To scratch the affected area;
  • Use ointments of hormonal composition directly for the wound. This can cause severe burning and slow down the healing process of the affected area. Such funds should be applied only around the bite;
  • Refuse the use of antibiotics and antihistamines if indicated. Only a doctor should prescribe them;
  • If condition worsens, neglect medical attention.

In case of infection and the occurrence of an inflammatory process, an increase in edema and an increase in painful sensations are possible. A swollen eyelid in such a situation can completely close the eye. To avoid serious problems, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist who will prescribe eye drops to restore the mucous membrane and reduce pain.


Repellents are insect repellents. It is enough to use them outdoors, so that midges could not bite you. In addition, you should not wear white clothing and avoid high thickets of grass near ponds. You should always have a first-aid kit with the necessary medicines with you at such events. Homemade midges bite no less painful than those that can be found in the forest. To get rid of midges in the apartment, you can use fumigators.


Alla, Omsk: I don’t know where the midges could bite a child, but the result on the face: severe itching and burning. The soda solution and the dark laundry soap helped.

Elena, Sevastopol: And I always put gruel from raw cabbage leaf. Such a tool quickly helps to remove swelling. I use it for the eyes.

Valentina, Moscow: We were in the forest, there I was bitten not only by mosquitoes, but also by midges. The reaction was terrible: a red eye, swelling and the whole body in blisters. Saw Claritin and alternated cold compresses with lotions of raw grated potatoes. By evening it became easier.

Oleg, Vologda: My wife always uses a cream or spray that repels insects at a picnic in order not to fall into such a situation. And not a single insect can bite it with such protection. Now I also use this method.

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