Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

How many midges live

Cats are a fairly common phenomenon that almost every housewife encounters. They appear in the room suddenly, so you need to know how many midges live and what measures to take to prevent their spread.

In appearance, the midge is similar to an ordinary humpback mosquito. In length, it reaches six millimeters, has short legs and a proboscis. At rest, the wings of the insect are folded one on top of the other. The segmented antennae consist of eleven sections.


Life features of midges

Close relationship with mosquito determines the similarity of the conditions in which pests live. For an ordinary midge, the presence of an aquatic environment is important, because it is there that they lay eggs, from which its larvae develop. Insects descend under water and equip large colonies there, numbering up to two hundred larvae per square centimeter. Cats have an amazing ability - they reproduce all their lives.

Interesting! Of particular importance to them is food. Preferred food for female midges is the blood of warm-blooded creatures. Their proboscis has a structure that allows you to bite through the skin without much difficulty. Males feed mainly on the nectar of flowering plants.

Midge bites to some extent pose a danger to humans and animals. The liquid injected into the wound is toxic and can cause severe itching and an allergic reaction. Life expectancy of midges, according to scientific studies, is about 96 hours. During this short period of time, the individual must find food for itself, find a partner, lay eggs in a secluded place and then die. There is evidence that the male immediately dies after fertilization.

Domestic Drosophila midges

A seemingly harmless insect that does not bring him much harm lives next to a person. The presence of midges in the kitchen is an unpleasant event. They lay their eggs in rotten foods, which are a breeding ground for the development of larvae. If you do not start to get rid of pests in time, a great many of them will be divorced. Moving around the apartment, they get into drinks and prepared meals that are intended for people. For this reason, it is necessary to destroy midges at the first signs of their appearance in the kitchen.

Fruit midges or fruit flies lay eggs on the surface of fruits, berries or vegetables even at the time of their ripening. Once in warm rooms, the fruits begin to deteriorate and become a favorable environment for the development of larvae, which reach sizes up to 3.5 mm. The viability of Drosophila depends on the degree of comfort of the living conditions of the larvae. Onion fruit midges live not only on spoiled vegetables and fruits, they can eat houseplants. To do this, they need only a well-moistened kidney.

Drosophila Pups
Drosophila Pups

Insect life span

In the microclimate of urban apartments and houses, midges live all year round. Depending on the season and the temperature on the street, there may be more or less of them. The better the conditions, the fruit flies Drosophila live longer. Most favorable habitat for indoor flower pests and food are well-heated city apartments in which they can live for one to two months.

  • If the ambient temperature reaches 18 degrees and above, then they live about 20 days.
  • With a higher thermometer, this period is reduced to 10 days.

Scientists have established at what temperature the midges die. Cold frosty weather with temperatures below 0 can kill a large number of flies of this species. Even with short-term contact with snow and ice, the Drosophila dies.

Many people care about how many midges live without food. If pests have nothing to eat, and they are indoors, they will last several days. Lack of food will lead to the death of adults and larvae.

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