Maria Lukyanenko/ article author
Identification of pests, work with insect cultures, micrograph of insects, bibliographic studies.

Ants live in a heater

It is difficult and expensive to heat a large house in the winter. Therefore, during construction or repair, people try to additionally insulate the walls. Foam, glass wool or modern materials are used: foam glass, ecowool, foam concrete. Thermal insulation can protect against cold, but it does not always save from pests. Sometimes rats, midges and ants may appear in the insulation.

Where do ants start most often?

Insects are primarily attracted to frame and wooden houses. You can find shelter in them and hide anthill from human eyes. Empty space and natural materials also attract rats, beetles, flies. There pests feel at ease.

On a note!

The most frequent guests in the house are garden black ant, yellow garden and turf.

When building a house, the question may arise in which insulation the ants start. The following materials are not able to protect the house from insects and rodents:

  • fibrolite;
  • polystyrene foam;
  • foamed polyethylene;
  • sotoplast;
  • arbolite;
  • Particleboard and fiberboard.

Ants in a heater
Ants in a heater

Arthropod workers do not eat insulation, but they can make moves there and build nests. A real disaster will be a settlement in a house with wooden floors woodcutter ant.

Methods of struggle

If ants live in a heater, then it is necessary to fight them. Chemistry chemistry handles them best:

  1. Thunder 2. The drug is valid for a month. Pests in contact with him die due to the action of the insecticide.
  2. Muratsid. Effective when the nest is between the wall of the house and the insulation layer. The product has an unpleasant odor. Insects leave the place in a week.
  3. A great warrior. This is a gel that lures ants. The poisonous substance gets on the legs of the insect and is transferred to the anthill. There it continues to act and kills those individuals who never leave the nest.

The use of chemicals is dangerous. Especially if children or pets live in the house. Then you can resort to home recipes:

  1. Fresh minced meat needs to be mixed with boric acid, roll it into small balls and arrange on ant trails.
  2. Mix jam (1 cup) with a spoonful of boric acid and yeast. Put the composition on the lids and place in those parts of the house where insects appear.

Fight with ants
Fight with ants

It is not always possible to destroy the ants in the insulation on their own. Then it is worth using the services of professionals.

Preventive measures

If you know how to protect the insulation from ants, then there will be no need to fight insects. But protection methods should be considered before construction begins:

  1. Organic insulation should be covered with concrete.
  2. Try to leave as few seams in the material as possible when warming the house.
  3. For the floor use bulk materials.

But it is worth remembering that the ants are attracted not by a heater, but by the smell of food. Therefore, you need to do regular cleaning, wipe the floor under the cabinets and behind the beds, do not scatter the crumbs. A clean insect house will be uninteresting.

In what insulation ants do not start

Modern heaters are strong, durable and unattractive for various pests. If you want to live in a safe and warm house, then you should pay attention to the following types of thermal insulation:

  • expanded clay;
  • foam concrete;
  • foam glass;
  • ecowool.

In these materials, ants will not be able to dig out passages and equip an anthill. But between the wall of the house and the insulation there should not be free space. In it, the pest is able to inhabit and find food.

Ants benefit in the forestbut the house view is a pest that spoils food. To secure housing, you need to think about insulation even before the start of construction. Many modern materials make housing an “impregnable fortress” for rodents and insects.

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